Homework8 (due Sat 15-Mar at 8pm)
- For all exercises, to receive credit you need to obtain
a green check in CS Academy. There is no partial credit on individual exercises.
- For guided exercises, watching the guided video is
required -- it will show you how to solve the exercise
elegantly, will save you lots of time, and will best
prepare you for later exercises.
Thus, first read the writeup and then
carefully watch the guided video. Then and only then
should you solve the guided exercise.
Required problems
- 5.2.4 Guided Exercises
- 5.2.5 Section Exercises
- Reshape the Polygon (1)
- Click To Delete (2)
- 5.3.4 Tic-Tac-Toe and Connect4 Case Studies
- 5.3.6. Tetris Case Study
- Step 1 - Creating and Drawing the Board (1)
- Step 2 - Creating and Drawing the Piece (1)
- Step 3 - Moving the Piece (1)
- Step 4 - Writing rotate2dListClockwise (1)
- Step 5 - Rotating the Piece (1)
- Step 6 - Stepping and Placing the Piece (1)
- Step 7 - Removing Full Rows (1)
- 5.3.7. Honors Creative Task (Tetris)
- Creative Task (5)
- Note: You may add bonus features as described in the problem if you wish, but we do not plan to award bonus points for these.
- These problems are bonus and optional (you can skip them).
- They are worth up to 4 bonus points. This is very few, so please do not do the bonus
just for the points. Instead, do it for the learning!
- 5.2.6. Honors Exercises
- Treblecross (3 in CS Academy, worth 2 bonus points)
- 5.2.7. Additional Practice Exercises
- Expanding Carpe Diems (1 in CS Academy, worth 1 bonus point)
- Dots in Corners (2 in CS Academy, worth 1 bonus point)
Week 9 Required Prereading (due Mon 17-Mar at 8pm)
Read the notes and complete all the checkpoints in CS Academy through (and including)
section 6.4.6 More Examples
(Note: Checkpoints include anything labeled as a Checkpoint in the notes. Unless otherwise specified,
pre-reading does
not include anything labeled as an Exercise on the table of contents.)