TP2 (Working Demo)
Due Mon 2-Dec, 5pm

This is part of the Term Project Assignment. See that document for more details.
  1. TP2 Progress Update
  2. TP2 Submission

  1. TP2 Progress Update
  2. Meet with your TP Mentor for 10 minutes to check on your progress, discuss your plan to reach tp3 with adequate progress. This meeting will be around the tp2 deadline. It may occur just before that deadline at the discretion of your TP Mentor.

  3. TP2 Submission
  4. By the tp2 deadline, submit a single zip file to Autolab with the following:

    1. Updated Project Proposal (proposal.docx, proposal.pdf, or
      This file should be named proposal.docx, proposal.pdf, or (that is, Word, PDF, or Markdown, and no other formats), and it should include this sections:
      • Updated TP1 Deliverables
        These are the same deliverables as in tp1, only updated (if necessary) to reflect the current state of your project:
        • Project Title and Description
        • Similar Projects
        • Version Control / Backup Plan
        • Tech List
        • Storyboard

    2. Project Source Code (Working Demo)
      In the top level of your submission zip file, include a folder named "src" that contains all the Python source code you have written so far.

      By tp2, you should have a working demo of your project. This generally requires that the core features of the project should almost all be implemented such that they more or less work. The code may be missing features, it may have a less-than-polished user interface, it may have bugs, it may even crash more often than desired, but it has to basically work for some reasonable definition of "work".

      Once your TP Mentor and/or course instructors confirm (in email, not verbally) that your project has reached adequate progress ("green" zone) on TP2 (that is, has a working demo, as defined above), you are free to start using any modules or other tech as you please.