12-759 Computational Optimization of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations
Course Info
Description :
This course provides an introduction to the numerical solution of
nonlinear optimization problems that are governed by systems of partial
differential equations (PDEs), i.e. "simulation-based
optimization." The
focus of the course is on regularization, variational formulations,
finite element approximation, and large-scale solvers for
PDE-constrained optimization. Settings covered include inverse problems
and parameter estimation, optimal design (including shape optimization),
and optimal control. Students will develop numerical implementations and
solutions of model problems in each of the classes using a high-level
finite element toolkit. Prerequisites include a first course in
numerical optimization and a course in finite element methods
(equivalent to 12-755), or consent of instructor.
Units : 12
Meetings : Mondays and Wednesdays, from 04:30pm to 6:20pm
Room : Porter Hall 07F
Instructor :
Omar Ghattas, Porter Hall 123J, x8-2949