Students who want the experience of 15-211 or the pleasure of our company without the full stress of the normal 15-211 workload may audit the course or take it pass/fail under some circumstances. Please see the appropriate section below.
Auditing 15-211
To start auditing 15-211 you must meet the following requirements:
- You must already be registered for the course.
- You must get permission from your academic or program advisor.
- You must print, fill out, and have a 15-211 instructor sign a University audit form before the audit deadline, and meet all other University requirements for auditing a course.
As someone who is auditing the course you will complete most of the work in the course, except for the later homeworks and the exams. Specifically, you must:
- Attend and participate in lectures and recitation.
- Complete Homeworks 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 to our satisfaction. We will be satisfied if you complete all the major functionality of the assignment and your submission would have received an A, B, or C grade.
- Take the in-recitation quizzes as a normal member of the course.
If you meet these requirements you do not need further permission from us except to obtain our signature on your audit form. To get our signature you should find us after lecture or during our scheduled office hours.
Taking 15-211 pass/fail
To take 15-211 pass/fail you must meet the following requirements:
- You must already be registered for the course.
- You must get permission from your academic or program advisor.
- You must meet all other University requirements and deadlines to take our course pass/fail.
If taking 15-211 pass/fail, you must complete all the work as someone usually taking the course, including in-class participation, all the homeworks, the quizzes, and the exams. To pass you must obtain an A, B, or C in the course; D and R/F will be recorded as a "Fail" grade.