NavPal Floorplan Creator

Help the visually impaired navigate your building


Line Extraction

We start by extracting all straight edges in the floor plan image. Afterwards, we merge lines that are close proximity to one another. The result is what a human looking at the floor plan would concider to be walls.

Door Identification

After line identification, we identify potential square areas that a door might be located. Then, using feature detection, we isolate the image of door and use feature detection to identify the rest of the doors in the image.

Text Recognition

The current text detection algorithm's performance is effective when texts are the only observable object in the image. We first isolate the text by identifying conjoined lines. We then use Tessearct to perform OCR on the isolated text.

User Input

Upload a Floorplan

Upload floor plans of public spaces that you have the rights to

Define Boundaries

Close off all rooms, hallways, staircases and other features

Mark Entranceways

Select the portions of walls that are doorways, entrances or exits

Label Spaces

Label closed off areas as either room, hallway, staircase or elevator.

Pin Landmarks

Pin points of interest such as bathrooms, drinking fountains, etc.

Connect Floors

Connect the floors of your building with staircases and elevators

Data Harvesting

The graph consists of three levels: at the top is floor connections, next is the floor graph and at the lowest level is the grid view. The first level represents how floors connect to each other. The second level consists of the floor graph which represents how rooms, passageways, hallways, stairs, and elevators connect to each other. The first two levels are used for high level path planning, which calculates the path of nodes between the source and destination. The third level is key in low level planning, which constructs a detailed path to aid the visually impaired avoid obstacles and find passageways.


The Team

  • Daniel Muller

    Cognitive Science + HCI major: UI/UX design

    Vansi Vallabhaneni

    CS Major: Back-end and Graph Creation

    Zhiyu Wang

    Math + CS major: Floorplan Preprocessor

    Paul Davis

    CS Major: Authoring Tool Functionality

  • Justin Greet

    CS Major: Authoring Tool Architecture