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Computer Science Department

15-410 Project 0 Hand-in

  1. Your files should be placed in your p0 directory, not somewhere else, such as hw1. If you haven't stored files in your AFS volume yet, please refer to About your 15-410 AFS Space for help if you run into trouble. We are not responsible if you wait until 23:50 to try out your AFS volume and run into trouble.

  2. Please do not add levels of indirection when turning in your files. For example, do not place your traceback.c in p0/project_zero/traceback/traceback.c or turn in p0/my_project_zero.tar.gz.bz2. Please use the most straightforward arrangement, i.e., your p0 directory should contain, traceback/traceback.c, etc.

  3. When the deadline arrives, we will write-lock your hand-in directory. You will continue to be able to view the contents.

  4. Your deliverables are:

    • Various .c and .s files.
    • .h files
    • README.dox (if you wrote one for P0)
    • Makefile
    • Any *.mk files -- since you needed to configure them for your project to build/print/etc., if you don't turn them in, your project won't build/print/etc....

    Please do not include:

    • .o files
    • executable files such as test
    • .a files

    Things not mentioned on either list above are at your discretion. You can assume that if we gave them to you once we won't mind giving them to you again.

    You can roughly simulate how we will build your code as follows:

    1. % cd /afs/$USER/p0
    2. % make clean
    3. % make update
    4. % du -sk .
    5. % make
    6. % make verify
    7. % make veryclean

    The "du" step reports the disk space usage of the directory you're in, in kilobytes. Anything over 1024 kilobytes for Project 0 probably means you're turning in something unnecessary. The final "make veryclean" should leave things in a nice hand-in state.

  5. If you need to take a late day for Project 0 (you shouldn't!), use the Late Day Registration Page, by roughly 00:30. Assuming your message is received, the next morning somebody will unlock your hand-in directory so you can again save your work. Of course, your request must be in accordance with the policy published in the syllabus.

[Last modified Wednesday January 16, 2013]