15-410 Simics Command Guide
15-410 Basic Simics Commands
Here is a brief listing of useful Simics commands. A more detailed
reference is the Simics User Guide, available in the 410
simics/doc directory. To get more help on any of these
commands within Simics, type help COMMANDNAME. Simics
supports tab-key command completion and command history.
Below, anything in [] is an optional argument, while anything
in () means you must choose one and only one option.
Running Simics
Starts the simulation. Once a simulation has been started, it may
not be restarted. To give up on a simulation and start anew, quit
the simulation and restart Simics.
Continues the simulation after a breakpoint or error has occurred.
Note that you may not be able to continue reliably after some types
of errors.
Exits Simics.
ctrl-c (control + c)
Interrupts the currently running simulation so that commands may
be entered (debugging commands, quit, etc).
stepi [NUM]
Steps through the next NUM instructions. NUM defaults to 1. If
a breakpoint occurs while stepping, it still causes a break in
Step to next source line and stop.
Note that there are multiple possible meanings
of this;
if you find the results of this command surprising,
think carefully about how its semantics might differ
from your expectation and why.
This command
is a local Python-based debugger extension written by 410 TA Michael Berman.
Accessing Registers
Prints the contents of all the general purpose registers (eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esi, edi, ebp, esp), the value of the program counter (eip), the contents of EFLAGS, and various other registers.
Prints the contents of register REGNAME. For example, %eax prints the contents of the eax register. This output will be in decimal. To print it in hex, try print -x %REGNAME (see below for more information on the print command).
read-reg REGNAME
Same as %REGNAME.
Sets the value stored in register REGNAME to NEWVALUE. For example, write-reg eax 0 would put 0 into register eax.
Accessing Memory
Prints the contents of memory starting at ADDRESS and continuing for SIZE bytes. First lists the starting address, then the bytes in memory, and last an attempt to translate the bytes into ASCII (the ASCII will be nonsensical unless actual words are stored in the location). l indicates the ADDRESS is a virtual/logical memory address, while p indicates the ADDRESS is a physical memory address. If SIZE is not given, the default is 16 bytes. Remember, you are dealing with a little endian machine.
logical-to-physical ADDRESS
Displays the physical address that the logical/virtual address ADDRESS maps to. The output is in decimal, but you can combine it with print to get hex output.
The command may be abbreviated as l2p.
See also cpu0_tlb.info and cpu0_tlb.status.
Gets SIZE bytes starting from physical address ADDRESS. SIZE defaults to 4 and can be no larger than 8.
Sets SIZE bytes starting from physical address to VALUE. SIZE defaults to 4 and can be no larger than 8.
stack-trace [MAXDEPTH]
Displays a stack trace up to at most MAXDEPTH (default is 64).
cpu0_tlb.status and cpu0_tlb.info
Print some information about the contents of the translation
lookaside buffer (not needed for Projects Zero through Two).
There are additional cpu0_tlb commands as well.
What Time Is It?
Prints the number of executed instructions and,
more usefully for this class, the amount of
"wall clock time" which has elapsed inside the
virtual world. This may be useful for verifying
some of your driver code.
break ADDRESS [LENGTH] [-r] [-w] [-x]
Sets a breakpoint of the specified modes for access in the LENGTH bytes starting at ADDRESS. Any combination of modes can be set, with r specifying memory read, w specifying memory write, and x specifying execute.
Specifies an expression which simics will evaluate when
it is about to print a prompt. This can save you from
frequently re-typing a psym command.
Lists all breakpoints. Information includes whether the breakpoint is a virtual or physical address, the modes to break on (read, write, execute), whether it is enabled or disabled, the start and stop address, and the number of times the breakpoint has been reached.
enable (-all | ID)
Enables all breakpoints or just breakpoint with id ID.
disable (-all | ID)
Disables all breakpoints or just breakpoint with id ID.
delete (-all | ID)
Deletes all breakpoints or just breakpoint with id ID.
break-exception ("NAME" | NUMBER | -all | -list)
Asks simics to stop when a particular exception is raised. Since
the built-in documentation is very coy about the supported names
and numbers for the x86 target, here is a table.
Number | Name |
0 | Divide_Error_Exception |
1 | Debug_Exception |
2 | NMI_Interrupt |
3 | Breakpoint_Exception |
4 | Overflow_Exception |
5 | BOUND_Range_Exceeded_Exception |
6 | Invalid_Opcode_Exception |
7 | Device_Not_Available_Exception |
8 | Double_Fault_Exception |
9 | Coprocessor_Segment_Overrun |
10 | Invalid_TSS_Exception |
11 | Segment_Not_Present |
12 | Stack_Fault_Exception |
13 | General_Protection_Exception |
14 | Page_Fault_Exception |
16 | Floating_Point_Error_Exception |
17 | Alignment_Check_Exception |
18 | Machine_Check_Exception |
Printing variables, the results of expressions, and print formatting
Prints the value of variable VARNAME or function FUNCTIONNAME and
possibly associated type information. You can perform more complex
operations such as casting and dereferencing if you use the quote
version. Note that the symbols must have been loaded for this
command to work properly (we have taken care of this for you).
Observe that psym "&(thr_cb->exitstatus)"
lets you determine the address of a particular
item in a data structure.
Similar to psym, except can be used in combination with other commands. For example, any command calling for an ADDRESS can use (sym FUNCTIONNAME) instead. If you had a function called test, you could do break -w (sym test) rather than having to determine the memory location of test.
print [(-x | -o | -b | -s)] VALUE [SIZE]
Allows for printing in different formats and can print any value that can be expressed as an integer. Arithmetic operations are allowed to create VALUE and the results of other commands can be used. Outputs types are -x for hex, -o for octal, -b for binary, and -s for signed integer.
HindSight Reverse Execution Support
This works only sometimes! It is not to be considered a replacement
for other debugging techniques and thought. In particular, we have
seen simulation state corruption, usually resulting in very strange kernel
panics, but not always. If you see the world getting stranger and stranger,
and are using HindSight, consider repeating your tests without reversing.
Use of HindSight is, as said in class, new this semester; as such, the course
staff may not be able to provide insight into its behavior. If it breaks, you
get to keep the pieces.
OK, OK, I get it...
HindSight is not enabled by default, and will subject your simulation to
something like a 2x slowdown as well as eat gobs of memory at times, so you
should only enable it for certain parts of your testing.
To enable HindSight, we must set a "bookmark" at the first time we are
interested in, which we might name "first".
set-bookmark first
If any bookmarks are set, HindSight is running.
Note that Simics can't back up earlier than the first
At any point you can list bookmarks by saying
Bookmarks may be deleted via
delete-bookmark name
There are several reversing functions, corresponding to their forward-going
symmetric partners.
rstepi count |
Steps backwards count instructions, or 1 if count is omitted. |
rnext |
Steps backwards one source line, not entering subroutine calls ("unreturns" ?). |
uncall |
Runs backwards until just before the current function was called.
Note that this has been observed to frequently bail out early for
somewhat mysterious reasons, so your mileage may vary.
reverse-to bookmark |
Jumps the simulation state backward to the bookmark named bookmark. |
skip-to bookmark |
Jumps the simulation state forward to the bookmark named bookmark. |
Special Reference-Kernel Support for Thread Debugging
This works only sometimes! It is not to be considered a replacement
for other debugging techniques and thought. In particular, we have
only lightly tested these codepaths. If it breaks for you, please tell
us and we'll do our best.
tidinfo tid |
Dumps the user-mode state of thread tid |
The output of tidinfo is approximately:
CS = 0x00000043, EFLAGS = 0x00010246, SS = 0x0000004b
EIP = 0x0100004a, ESP = 0xffffffa0, EBP = 0xffffffcc
EDI = 0x00000000, ESI = 0x00000000, EAX = 0x31337000
EBX = 0x00000000, ECX = 0x00000000, EDX = 0x01000c0a
The output describes the state of the thread the last time
it executed an instruction in user mode. Producing this
output involves some cooperation between Simics and the reference
kernel, so it is possible for you to observe side effects after
using it. However, you can generally assume that the same thread
is running in the same mode after tidinfo as before.
Getting More Help
Prints a list of different categories of commands.
Prints a list of commands within the CATEGORY.
Prints help information about the COMMAND
Displays a list of all objects (parts of the simulation
environment). If you don't know where some piece of
simulation state is stored, this may help you find it.
To learn more about a namespace of interest, type its
name and hit the Tab key one or more times.
For example, you may inspect the real-time clock
(calendar chip) object by typing rtc0
and hitting Tab twice. Then you can use
the help command to learn more about the
indicated methods of the rtc0 object.