15-418/15-618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Spring 2025: Assignments
Programming Assignments
The programming assignments are the heart of this course. Much of what you
learn in this course will be through completing these assignments.
- All programming assignments are due 11:59pm on the due date shown.
- The late penalty is 10% per day.
- Each student has 5 late-day points for use during the semester.
Use them wisely.
- A one-person team can extend a programming assignment by one day using one point.
- A two-person team can extend a programming assignment by one day using two point (either one from each student, or two from a single student).
- You can submit assignments at most 3 days late.
- All assignments are handed out via GitHub
and turned in
using Autolab
and Gradescope.
Programming Assignment Schedule
Lab |
Out |
Name |
Due |
Assignment 1 |
Fri. Jan 17 |
Exploring parallel computing |
Wed. Jan 29 |
Assignment 2 |
Wed Jan 29 |
GPU programing in CUDA |
Wed Feb 12 |
Assignment 3 |
Wed Feb 12 |
Parallel VLSI Wire Routing via OpenMP |
Wed Feb 26 |
Written Assignments
The purpose of the written assignments is to help you prepare for the exams.
- Written assignments will be distributed and handed in via Canvas.
- Written assignments are to be completed individually (not in groups).
- Because peer grading is done anonymously, please do not put your name on your assignment writeup.
- There are no late days for written assignments (they must be submitted on time).
- There are two deadlines for each written assignment:
- the deadline for submitting your answers; and
- the deadline for completing your peer grading of other written assignments.
- To be eligible to participate in peer grading, you must submit your answers on time.
- By 9am on the morning after you submit your answers, Canvas will assign
you three randomly-chosen peers for whom you will provide grading feedback.
- Before you begin peer grading, study the solutions to the assignments very carefully: a significant part of the learning experience
for these written assignments is learning the solutions well enough to be able to grade other people's assignments effectively.
- Use the rubric (provided in Canvas) to assign points; in addition, provide constructive written feedback.
- To receive any credit on this assignment, you must do a reasonable job of providing this peer feedback (including both scores and written feedback).
- Assuming that you do submit your assignment and provide your peer reviews on time, your score will be calculated as follows:
- 1/3: submitting a reasonable set of solutions on time
- 1/3: doing a reasonable job of peer grading others
- 1/3: average score assigned to you by your peers
Written Assignment Schedule