The Andrew Consortium at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science is pleased to invite your contributions to
Theme: "Andrew and the Web"
The 1995 Andrew Technical Conference will showcase the Andrew User Interface System (AUIS or just "Andrew") and the WorldWideWeb, both as exclusive entities and as mutually-evolving vehicles, which improve your ability to process information.
This segment of the conference will focus on new Web-based enhancements to Andrew. As so many have learned, Andrew's compound document architecture and user-friendly interface provide the perfect tools for users who more and more frequently access the Internet and the Web. Andrew has served as the basis for creating applications to improve Web access and usage. Add your invention to the list by submitting a paper on the topic. Some of the invited talks will include:
A Guided Tour of Andrew on the Web
The Andrew Web Browser
Creating HTML Editors Using Andrew
Carnegie Mellon University and the Andrew Consortium are at the forefront of developments on the Web so we have broadened the submission specifications somewhat. Web articles need not directly utilize Andrew. Besides your paper presentations, we are soliciting speakers on these topics:
Searching the Web
Paying Electronically for Services on the Web
Planning Web Sites for Commercial, Governmental and Educational Use
Electronic submission and conference presentation in Andrew format is encouraged, but not required. An IBM RS-6000 running Andrew and an overhead projector will be made available to speakers during the presentations.
The full proceedings of the event will be made available to all conference attendees.
A prize will be awarded to the outstanding paper submission.
For more information, contact: