COLT 2006
The 19th Annual Conference on Learning Theory,
June 22-25, 2006.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wednesday June 21: Welcome reception
7-9pm at the Holiday Inn hotel.
Thursday June 22: Regular sessions.
Evening: social event / banquet at the Andy Warhol museum.
Friday June 23: Regular sessions.
Evening: business mtg and open-problems session.
Saturday June 24: Regular sessions.
Evening: impromptu session.
Sunday June 25: Overlap day with ICML.
Here is the full schedule.
Note for speakers:
- Talks should be at most 20 min long, leaving 5 min
for questions and transition to the next speaker.
- We will have two impromptu sessions. These are for short
(5-10 min) presentations of new results. Summaries
of results that have appeared this year in other conferences
not attended by many in the COLT audience (like FOCS/STOC) are
also welcome.