Schedule Fall 08
Wed 29-10-09 |
![]() Vice President-Intel Research Parallelism for the Masses: Opportunities and Challenges. PDF Presentation Abstract Parallel programming is a difficult challenge which has been the subject of research for decades. The evolution of hardware technology dictates that parallelism must be a critical element of nearly every computer program if applications are to scale up in performance with hardware improvements driven by Moore's law. Quad-core and 6-core systems are already available in mainstream volume client and server platforms, and higher core counts, increasing with Moore's law cadence (2x every 2 years,) are planned. It is critical that we make parallelism dramatically easier for all applications - on all platforms from server to laptop to handheld mobile.
Bio Andrew Chien is vice president of the Corporate Technology Group and director of Research for Intel Corporation. Chien previously served as the Science Applications International Corporation Endowed Chair Professor in the department of computer science and engineering, and the founding director of the Center for Networked Systems at the University of California at San Diego. CNS is a university-industry alliance focused on developing technologies for robust, secure, and open networked systems.
Thurs 11-6-08 in 3:00-4:00 PM, |
Abstract With the proliferation of multi-core processors, there is an increasingly urgent need to simplify the creation of parallel programs. Many recent hopes have been pinned on the promise of transactional memory (TM). In a TM-capable language, the programmer labels sections of code that need to execute atomically, and the underlying implementation attempts to run the transactions of different threads in parallel whenever possible, presumably by means of speculation and rollback. Bio Michael L. Scott is a Professor and past Chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1985. His research interests span operating systems, languages, architecture, and tools, with a particular emphasis on parallel and distributed systems. He is best known for work in synchronization algorithms and concurrent data structures, in recognition of which he shared the 2006 SIGACT/SIGOPS Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize. Other widely cited work has addressed parallel operating systems and file systems, software distributed shared memory, and energy-conscious operating systems and microarchitecture. |
Wed 11-19-08 in |
Abstract Parallelism is here, now, and in our faces. It used to be just the supercomputers and servers, but now multicore chips are in desktops and laptops, and general practitioners, not just specialists, need to get used to parallel programming. The sequential algorithms and programming tricks that have served us so well for 50 years are the wrong way to think going forward. In this talk we illustrate the divide-and-conquer strategy with some small, cute programs that represent the necessary future approach to program structure. Bio Guy L. Steele Jr. (Ph.D., MIT, 1980) is a Sun Fellow and heads the Programming Language Research group within Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Burlington, MA. Before coming to Sun in 1994, he held positions at Carnegie-Mellon University, Tartan Laboratories, and Thinking Machines Corporation. He is the author or co-author of several books on programming languages (Common Lisp, C, High Performance Fortran, the Java Language Specification). He has served on accredited standards committees for the programming languages Common Lisp, C, Fortran, Scheme, and ECMAScript. He designed the original EMACS command set and was the first person to port TeX. He is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (1994) and has received the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award (1988), a Gordon Bell Prize (1990), and the ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Achievement Award (1996). He has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering of the United States of America (2001) and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2002). |
Phil Gibbons (Intel), Uzi Vishkin (University of Maryland), Charles Leiserson (MIT)
Archive: Spring 2008 Seminar Series