ICCP 2011 was held in Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh USA, from April 8-10, 2011. ICCP 2011 is the third conference after ICCP 2009 in San Francisco and ICCP 2010 in Boston (MIT). The goal of this relatively new conference is to bring together academic and industry researchers across many different areas related to imaging. While the conference is titled "computational photography", it is understood to subsume any form of imaging (and video) and any form of optical and software computations closely related to the imaging.
The program chairs were chosen from three different areas - computer vision, computer graphics and optics. The chairs invited a set of about 30 program committee members (reviewers) from these three areas. The committee included past ICCP chairs and also potential future chairs.
Our goal as a community is to make ICCP a high quality conference and a strong reviewing process is crucial for this to happen. Novel and significant technical contributions were invited in the call for papers. Most of the submitted papers received four detailed reviews from experts. A few papers were desk rejected because of their poor quality. A few others on topics less related to ICCP (optical flow, object recognition, etc), received three reviews.
Once the reviews were received, they were discussed by the chairs. Then, the authors were allowed to read and respond to the reviews. The chairs and all the reviewers then discussed the paper, reviews and author response. In many cases, this discussion raised more questions and the chairs went back and forth between the authors and the reviewers. Finally, when the chairs were satisfied that enough information from both sides (authors and reviewers) was collected, decisions on acceptance and rejection were made. Some of the papers were accepted conditionally, ie., they either required significant changes to the writing, or additional experiments or evaluation. The entire review process was double blind: authors did not know the identities of the reviewers and vice versa. The top rated papers were forwarded to a small committee of senior researchers who deliberated on a best paper award.
We envision ICCP to be a one-stop shop for computational photography. Thus, in addition to reviewed papers, the chairs assembled a program that consisted of a posters and demo session that included exciting recent works presented in other venues, and a strong list of keynote and invited talks from many different areas such as optics manufacturing, photoacoustics, photography for societal impact, femto-optics, computer vision and graphics. Such a program raises the energy level of the conference and we hope can lead to progressively higher quality meetings.
Over the past three years, ICCP has developed a unique personal touch. The conference has had about 150-200 attendees, is hosted and nurtured in the vibrant atmospheres of universities or research institutions, and is helped by good donations from the industry. Next year, ICCP travels from Pittsburgh (Carnegie Mellon) to Seattle (Microsoft Research). We wish ICCP all the best!