
We present a simple but powerful self-supervised domain adaptation of person appearance descriptor framework using monocular motion tracking, mutual exclusive constraints, and multi-view geometry without manual annotations. Our discriminative appearance descriptor allows a reliable association via simple clustering. This advantage enables a first-of-a-kind accurate and consistent markerless motion tracking of multiple people participating in a complex group activity from mobile cameras in the wild, with further application to multi-angle video for intuitive tracking visualization.
We present Occlusion-Net a framework to predict 2D and 3D locations of occluded keypoints for objects, in a largely self-supervised manner. A graph encoder network then explicitly classifies invisible edges and a graph decoder network corrects the occluded keypoint locations from the initial detector. The 2D keypoints are then passed into a 3D graph network that estimates the 3D shape and camera pose using the selfsupervised reprojection loss.
We present the first comprehensive dataset and approach for powder recognition using multi-spectral imaging. By using Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) multi-spectral imaging together with visible light (RGB) and Near Infrared (NIR) and incorporating band selection and image synthesis, we conduct fine-grained recognition of 100 powders on complex backgrounds and achieve reasonable accuracy.
Unstructured local feature can be reliably tracked within each view but is hard to match across multiple views. Structured semantic feature can be easily matched across views but is still not precise enough for triangulation based reconstruction. We develop a framework to fuse both the single-view unstructured feature tracks and multiview structured part locations to significantly improve the detection, localization and reconstruction of moving vehicles. We demonstrate our method at a busy traffic intersection by reconstructing over 40 vehicles passing within a 3-minute window.
We propose an image formation model that explicitly describes the spatially varying optical blur and mutual occlusions for structures located at different depths. Based on the model, we derive an efficient MCMC inference algorithm that enables direct and analytical computations of the iterative update for the model/images without re-rendering images in the sampling process. Then, the depths of the thin structures are recovered using gradient descent with the differential terms computed using the image formation model. We apply the proposed method to scenes at both macro and micro scales.
We develop a method to estimate 3D trajectory of dynamic objects from multiple spatially uncalibrated and temporally unsynchronized cameras. Our estimated trajectories are not only more accurate and but also have much longer and higher temporal resolution than previous arts.
In this project we develop a light efficient method of performing transport probing operations like epipolar imaging. Our method enables structured light imaging to be performed effectively under bright ambient light conditions with a low power projector source.
micro circulation
In this project, we develop real time tools to capture and analyze blood circulation in micro vessels that is important for critical care applications. The tools provide highly detailed blood flow statistics for bedside and surgical care.
This project explores an inexpensive method to directly estimate Turblence Strength field by using only passive multiview observations of a background.
The project aims to model the optical turbulence through hot air and exploits the model to remove turbulence effects from images as well as recover depth cues in the scene.
Document Rectification
The image of a deformed document is rectified by tracing the text and recovering the 3D deformation.
Theoretical guarantees for undistortion
The deformation field between a distorted image and the corresponding template is estimated. Global optimality criteria for the estimation are derived.
Flexible Voxels for Motion-Aware Videography
We wish to build video cameras whose spatial and temporal resolutions can be adjusted post-capture depending on the motion in the scene.
Optimal Coded Sampling for Temporal Super-Resolution
Multiple coded exposure cameras are used to obtain temporal super-resolution.
Coplanar Shadowgram Imaging
We present a practical approach to SFS using a novel technique called coplanar shadowgram imaging, that allows us to use dozens to even hundreds of views for visual hull reconstruction.
Shadow Cameras
We generalize dual photography for all types of light-sources using opaque, occluding masks.
Illustrating Motion through DLP Photography
We process photographs taken under DLP lighting to either summarize a dynamic scene or illustrate its motion.
Undistorting images captured through water fluctuations.
We estimate the shape of the water surface and recover the underwater scene without using any calibration patterns, multiple viewpoints or active illumination.
Endoscopic Imaging
We present a complete calibration of oblique endoscopes.
Assorted Pixels: Multidimensional Imaging
This page describes a new technology developed at Columbia's Computer Vision Laboratory that can be used to enhance the dynamic range (range of measurable brightness values) of virtually any imaging system.