The Natural Programming Project has been funded in part by the National Science Foundation, under NSF grants IIS-1814472, CCF-1814826, CNS-1423054, IIS-1314356, IIS-0329090, IIS-0757511, CCF-0811610,
and IIS-1116724 (and REU supplements to those grants), and as part of the EUSES consortium (End Users Shaping Effective Software) under NSF grant ITR CCR-0324770.
[Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.] |
Thanks to Google for two Faculty Research Awards: "Studying and Improving the Usability of Google's APIs," 2017-2018; and "Studies and Tools for Improving the Usability of Google’s APIs," 2018-2019. | ||
Supported as part of the InMind project by Yahoo! / Oath / Verizon, 2016-2018. | ||
Thanks to Adobe, Inc. for grants in 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2007 in support of our research on Interactive Behaviors. | ||
Thanks to SAP, Inc. for generous grants in 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2007 to support our research on
the usability of APIs. [The SAP logo is a trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and several other countries and is reproduced with the permission of SAP AG. "SAP" is a trademark of SAP AG.] |
Thanks to Microsoft Research for a Software Engineering Innovation Foundation (SEIF) Award in 2011, for "Better Tools for Authoring Interactive Behaviors", (Microsoft's announcement) | ||
Thanks to IBM for a 2006 Eclipse Innovation Award for "Program Understanding and Debugging in Eclipse". | ||
We also welcome other industry contributions, direction, and feedback. Please contact Brad Myers. |