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The MinConns property is used to further specify a role definition in UniCon. It defines the minimum number of connections in which a role must be involved. To illustrate, a role with a MinConns value of 2 must be associated with at least two players in a connection in a system. This number represents a minimum, a requirement that the role be connected at least that number of times.

Property Lists

The MinConns property can legally be specified in the property list in the following
UniCon language element:

Value Syntax

The syntax of the value of the MinConns property is a simple <integer>.

Required Rule


Each role type has its own default:

Role Type    Default  
Caller       1        
Definer      1        
Load         1        
Participant  2        
Readee       1        
Reader       1        
Sink         1        
Source       1        
User         1        
Writee       1        
Writer       1        

Merge Rule


Subsequent specifications of the MinConns property in a single property list replace earlier specifications (i.e., the last specification is the one that the UniCon compiler uses).

Semantic Checks

The following are the semantic checks performed on the value of the MinConns property:

  1. The value of the MinConns property may not be negative.

  2. The value of the MinConns property cannot be less than its default value as specified in the table above.

  3. The value of the MinConns property must not exceed the value of a role's
    MaxConns value.


The following is an example of a specification of a MinConns property. It is embedded in a role definition of type Participant:

  ROLE C-Bundler-Participant IS Participant
    MINCONNS (4)
  END C-Bundler-Participant
The above example requires the C-Bundler-Particpant Participant role to be associated with at least four players per instantiation of the connector in which it is defined.

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Author: Gregory Zelesnik

Last Modified: May 12, 1996