Reliable Autonomous Systems Lab

We are developing reliable, highly autonomous systems (especially mobile robots) that operate in rich, uncertain environments. The goal is to create intelligent systems that can operate autonomously for long periods of time in unstructured, natural environments. This necessitates robots that can plan, effectively reason about uncertainty, diagnose and recover from unanticipated errors, and reason about their limitations. In particular, we are interested in architectures for autonomy that combine deliberative and reactive behavior, reliable execution monitoring and error recovery, multi-robot coordination, probabilistic and symbolic planning, formal verification of autonomous systems, and human-robot social interaction.


(click on the picture to see a larger image)

Top row: Nicholas Melchior, David Apfelbaum, Brennan Sellner, Fred Heger, Dong Jin Seo
Middle Row: Reid Simmons, Maayan Roth, Nak Yong Ko
Bottom Row: Alan Schultz, Rachel Gockley, Laura Hiatt, Stuart Anderson, Greg Armstrong

Reid Simmons
Lab Director

Faculty and Visitors
Alan Schultz, Adjunct Faculty
Nak Yong Ko, Visiting Scientist
Dong Jin Seo, Visiting Student Scholar
Dídac Busquets, Visiting Scholar

Kristen Schrauder, Administrative Coordinator
David Apfelbaum, Senior Research Programmer
Greg Armstrong, Senior Research Technician

Hakan Younes
Trey Smith
Allison Bruce
Brennan Sellner
Maayan Roth
Rachel Gockley
Marek Michalowski
Laura Hiatt
Nicholas Melchior


Architectures for Autonomy, including TCA, TDL, and IPC
DiRA, which has become TRESTLE
Social Robot Project

User Modelling for Principled Sliding Autonomy in Human-Robot Teams, by Brennan Sellner, Reid Simmons, and Sanjiv Singh. Accepted to the 3rd International Multi-Robot Systems Workshop.

Friday Gatherings: during the semesters, lab members gather in the lab for treats and good conversation.
Retreat information TBA.

This page maintained by Greg Armstrong
Last modified: Tue Mar 8 14:01:58 EST 2005