The 1999 Mobile Robot Exhibition: List of Participants
AAAI-99 Robot Exhibition Home Page
- Web-based robot simulator
Dan Stormont
- Road Runner and Coyote
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence
- Babycakes
Ercan Acar, Michael Rosenblat, Morgan Simmons
- Learning Tasks from Demonstration
Darrin Bentivegna
- Robot Improv
(students; sponsor: Illah Nourbakhsh)
- Subot
Jennifer Herron, John Spofford
- Cye
Henry Thorne, Raymond Russell, Stephan Roth
- Minnow
Tucker Balch, Jim Bruce, Anna Rillo, Sorin Achim, Manuela Veloso
- Silver Bullet and Bujold
University of South Florida
- Butler and Leguin
University of South Florida
- ATRV, Urban Robot ("Urbie")
Grinnell More, Laura Woodbury, Todd Pack