Episodes: Enterprise
(01–02 Season)

Last Updated: 17 January 2002

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 1

23 September 2001 to Present: 8:00pm Wednesdays

101/102 26 Sep 01 26 Sep 01 “Broken Bow” 2 Hours
103 3 Oct 01 3 Oct 01 “Fight or Flight”
104 10 Oct 01 10 Oct 01 “Strange New World”
105 17 Oct 01 17 Oct 01 “Unexpected”
106 24 Oct 01 24 Oct 01 “Terra Nova”
107 31 Oct 01 31 Oct 01 “The Andorian Incident”
108 7 Nov 01 7 Nov 01 “Breaking the Ice”
109 14 Nov 01 14 Nov 01 “Civilization”
110 21 Nov 01 21 Nov 01 “The Fortunate Son”
111 28 Nov 01 28 Nov 01 “Cold Front”
103 R 3 Oct 01 5 Dec 01 “Fight or Flight”
104 R 10 Oct 01 12 Dec 01 “Strange New World”
105 R 17 Oct 01 19 Dec 01 “Unexpected”
106 R 24 Oct 01 26 Dec 01 “Terra Nova”
107 R 31 Oct 01 2 Jan 02 “The Andorian Incident”
101/102 R 26 Sep 01 9 Jan 02 “Broken Bow” 2 Hours
112 16 Jan 02 16 Jan 02 “Silent Enemy”
113 23 Jan 02 23 Jan 02 “Dear Doctor”
114 30 Jan 02 30 Jan 02 “Sleeping Dogs”
115 6 Feb 02 6 Feb 02 “Shadows of P’Jem”
116 13 Feb 02 13 Feb 02 “Shuttlepod One”
108 R 7 Nov 01 20 Feb 02 “Breaking the Ice”
110 R 21 Nov 01 20 Feb 02 “The Fortunate Son” 9:00pm
117 27 Feb 02 27 Feb 02 “Equilibrium”
111 R 28 Nov 01 27 Feb 02 “Cold Front” 9:00pm
109 R 14 Nov 01 6 Mar 02 “Civilization”
112 R 16 Jan 02 13 Mar 02 “Silent Enemy”
118 20 Mar 02 20 Mar 02
105 R 17 Oct 01 20 Mar 02 “Unexpected” 9:00pm
119 27 Mar 02 27 Mar 02 “Acquisition”
120 3 Apr 02 3 Apr 02 “Oasis”
113 R 23 Jan 02 10 Apr 02 “Dear Doctor”
114 R 30 Jan 02 17 Apr 02 “Sleeping Dogs”
121 24 May 02 24 May 02 “Detained”
122 1 May 02 1 May 02 “Vox Solis”
123 8 May 02 8 May 02 “Fallen Hero”
124 8 May 02 8 May 02 “Desert Crossing” 9:00pm
125 15 May 02 15 May 02 “Two Days and Two Nights”
115 R 6 Feb 02 15 May 02 “Shadows of P’Jem” 9:00pm
R ? 15 May 02 ? 9:00pm
126 22 May 02 22 May 02 “Shockwave”
R ? 22 May 02 ? 9:00pm
103 R 3 Oct 01 29 May 02 “Fight or Flight”

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