Episodes: Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane
(98–99 Season)

Last Updated: 24 August 1999

# R? DOFB Date Episode Notes

Season 1

17 January 1999 to 10 July 1999: 9:00pm Sundays

1 17 Jan 99 17 Jan 99 Pilot
2 24 Jan 99 24 Jan 99 “Everything You Wanted to Know About Zoe”
1 R 17 Jan 99 31 Jan 99 Pilot
3 7 Feb 99 7 Feb 99 “When Zoe Met Johnny”
4 14 Feb 99 14 Feb 99 “To Jack, From Zoe”
5 21 Feb 99 21 Feb 99 “Sympathy for Jack”
6 28 Feb 99 28 Feb 99 “Hard Cheese on Zoe”
7 7 Mar 99 7 Mar 99 “The Trouble With Jane”
8 10 Mar 99 10 Mar 99 “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” 9:00pm Wednesday
2 R 24 Jan 99 10 Mar 99 “Everything You Wanted to Know About Zoe” 9:30pm Wednesday
9 14 Mar 99 14 Mar 99 “The Advice”
3 R 7 Feb 99 21 Mar 99 “When Zoe Met Johnny”
5 R 21 Feb 99 28 Mar 99 “Sympathy for Jack”
4 R 14 Feb 99 4 Apr 99 “To Jack, From Zoe”
10 11 Apr 99 11 Apr 99 “Under Mom’s Thumb”
7 R 7 Mar 99 18 Apr 99 “The Trouble With Jane”
8 R 10 Mar 99 25 Apr 99 “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”
11 2 May 99 2 May 99 “Down and Out at Bleecker and Houston”
12 9 May 99 9 May 99 “Zoe Under the Influence”
13 16 May 99 16 May 99 “Run, Man Ray, Run” Season finale
23 May 99 Pre-empted by Unhappily Ever After
6 R 28 Feb 99 30 May 99 “Hard Cheese on Zoe”
9 R 14 Mar 99 6 Jun 99 “The Advice”
10 R 11 Apr 99 13 Jun 99 “Under Mom’s Thumb”
3 R 7 Feb 99 20 Jun 99 “When Zoe Met Johnny”
12 R 9 May 99 27 Jun 99 “Zoe Under the Influence”
13 R 16 May 99 4 Jul 99 “Run, Man Ray, Run”

11 July 1999 to 18 August 1999: 8:30pm Sundays

1 R 17 Jan 99 11 Jul 99 Pilot
7 R 7 Mar 99 18 Jul 99 “The Trouble With Jane”
8 R 10 Mar 99 25 Jul 99 “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” Scheduled, but didn’t air.

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