Pen Computing in Education Research at Carnegie Mellon

We are serious about pen-based computing. A natural input modality such as pen brings an unparralel advantage in education. With pen, one enters 2D mathematical equations at ease. They can write a formula, sketch a diagram and ask the computer to recognize and provide immediate feedback. We express ideas well when we have no interface constraints, like "smart paper" where user skecthes are recognized and feedback given. Really cool. We have done number of project at CMU since 2002. Some things are listed here. Only a subset. More details to come.

Tablet Flash Cards

What CMU faculty says about pen-computing. See how they use them in their classes

CMU-Qatar Students Created this cool application to learn how to write Arabic

Here is a collections of Tablet PC based projects from CMU

Tablet Flash Cards
Adaptive Book Project
Tablet Math Whiz
Graph Animator
Cursive Handwriting Trainer
Doodle - a video annotation system
Lemon Sketch - A Small Group collaboration using ink
Mobile Patient Information System
Classroom Salon
Lemon Tower Defense
Adaptive Book demo

Benefits of Pen Computers

1. Cost Benefit of Pen Based Computer Systems
2. The power of the Pen


1. Microsoft Imagine Cup, 2008, Lemon Sketch, A collaborative learning Framework, Jason Meistrich CMu/Microsoft
2. Google Anita Borg Award, 2008, Tablet Flash Cards, YoungJoo Jeong, CMU CS/HCI
3. Creative Inquiry Award, 2009, Tablet Flash Cards, YoungJoo Jeong, CMU CS/HCI
4. Meeting of the Minds, Sigma Xi Award, 2008, Tablet Flash Cards, YoungJoo Jeong


-- South Fayette Students take Tablet Flash Cards to next level. This summer Three south fayette school district students enhanced the pen-based flashcard application developed at CMU since 2008. Read the article here Click here
-- Ananda Gunawardena delivers the keynote speech at WIPTE - The largest pen computing in education group in USA, October 2009
-- Ellis School Replaces Textbooks with Tablet PC's, 2005
--Glendale Elementary School adopts Tablet Math Whiz, 2006-
--CMU to work with Cinncinnati Country Day School with Tablet PC application Deployment, 2009
--Fujitsu provides the latest Windows 7 Touch Tablets for CMU researchers to develop pen-touch based educational applications, November 2009
--MICSD School in St Louis adopts CMU's Tablet Math Whiz program
-- Dorseyville Middle School in Pittsburgh uses CMU's Tablet Flash Cards program

Join pen-computing applications group at Facebook

Help us build applications that are relevant to the society. Contribute ideas and CMU students will build these applications and share them with the world. Join Facebook Group

Read Tablet Tutor Blog

This blog is maintained by CMU Alum Ann Williams Read the Tablet tutor blog. Subscribe..


Many have contributed to these projects over the years. Here is a list of people.
Faculty: Ananda Gunawardena (lead), Victor Adamchik
Pilot Study Contributers: Jim Roberts, Bob Monroe, John Barr, Don Slater
Students: YoungJoo Jeong, Manoj Dayaram, Dave Hacker, Manoj Kintali, Jay Heo, Dan Horbett,Dan Petty, David Stern, Henry Shin, Amanda Bradford, E.Ho.Kim, Yerlan Burkitbayev, Charmaine Chen, Amer Obeidah, Anthony, Vaishali Jain, Ana Menezes,Amer Obeidah,Anna Ostberg,Marco Silva,Allison White,Christine Wu, Fang Qiao, Brian Weinstein, Irina Calciu, Chuan He, Jason Meistrich, Aaron Tao, Amith Agarwal, Neema Moraveji, Rafael Toledo, Danny Tan Yang, Steve Benders, Ryan Hendahan, Raymond Fung (list under construction...)


We thank our sponsors Hewlett Packard, Microsoft Research, National Science Foundation, Qatar Foundation for believing in us. Our goal is to improve the educational outcomes using novel pen-based educational technology. We are building smart and usable products that help all us.

This page is maintained by Ananda Gunawardena a.k.a "guna" and his students. Please contact guna if you want to know more about what we do. guna at cs dot cmu dot edu

Copyright Carnegie Mellon University Pen-Computing in Education Group 2003-2012