Adam M. Fass

School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA

(412) 268-5939


I seek a full-time position as a senior software developer or project manager focusing on the development of innovative and marketable solutions to problems in the domain of interactive software. I look forward to working in an energetic and collaborative environment with experts in software engineering, design and usability.


Ph.D., Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, expected May 2005

Thesis Committee: Randy Pausch (advisor), Jodi Forlizzi, Jessica Hodgins, Terry Winograd

Thesis Summary: Designed, implemented, deployed and evaluated MessyBoard, a networked digital corkboard that runs in a web browser and supports group collaboration. System is online at

B.S. (summa cum laude), Computer Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1998

Relevant Skills

Expertise in Java and object-oriented programming techniques

Expertise in graphical user interface programming

Experience with sockets and network programming

Experience with multi-threaded programming

Experience with C++ and Python

Experience with Win32, GDI and MFC APIs

Experience with HTML, XML, CGI, Apache and other web-related technologies

Experience with user testing

Familiarity with machine learning algorithms

Familiarity with UNIX and X Windows programming

Familiarity with OpenGL

Familiarity with real-time 2D and 3D video game programming techniques

Leadership including setting goals, delegating tasks and building consensus

Technical Writing including publishing papers, writing proposals and reviewing submissions

Public Speaking including conference presentations and live software demonstrations

Teaching and Mentoring including lectures, tutoring and project guidance

Professional Experience

Spring 2004

Acting Manager of the Stage3 Research Group, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

·    Managed day-to-day operation of a 9-person research group while advisor was on sabbatical

·    Ran weekly group meetings

Spring 2001

Developer and Interface Designer, Right Hemisphere, Auckland, New Zealand

·    Wrote a design document for a 3D texture painting tool

·    Prototyped user interface features for a 3D texture painting tool

·    Implemented an algorithm for automatically assigning texture coordinates to 3D objects


User Testing Consultant, Walt Disney Imagineering, Los Angeles, CA

·    Prepared and conducted user tests for interactive and virtual reality rides under development

Summer 1999

Research Programmer, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA

Mentor: Eric Bier

·    Built PicturePiper, an experimental tool for finding images on the World Wide Web

·    Built a prototype reconfigurable document service bus architecture


Research Assistant, Hauptman-Woodward Institute, Buffalo, NY

·    Implemented a 3D visualization program for the Shake-and-Bake (SnB) crystal structure solver

Summer 1998 and 1997

Software Engineer, Intel, Hillsboro, OR

·    Wrote sample security-related code and test code for BIS (Boot Integrity Services)

·    Found and fixed bugs in Intel’s Video Phone Software

Summer 1996

Research Assistant, Supercomputing Program for Undergraduate Research at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

·    Visualized data from the Field Reversed Ion Ring Experiment (FIREX)

·    Produced a video tape that was presented at 49th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (Division of Plasma Physics) and several Cornell seminars

Teaching Experience

Research Mentor, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002-2003

·    Guided student in writing a multi-threaded networking API

·    Assisted student in writing an undergraduate research grant proposal

Teaching Assistant

·    Rapid Prototyping Project Course, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2002

·    Computer Graphics, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2000

·    Great Ideas in Computer Science, SUNY Buffalo, Fall 1997

Selected Publications

Banton, T., Stefanucci, J., Durgin, F., Fass, A., Proffitt, D. (In Press). Perception of Walking Speed in Virtual Environments. Presence, August 2005.

Fass, A., Pausch, R. (2004). MessyBoard: Lowering the Cost of Communication and Making it More Enjoyable. Presented at doctoral symposium at UIST 2004 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

Fass, A., Forlizzi, J., Pausch, R. (2002). MessyDesk and MessyBoard: Two Designs Inspired By the Goal of Improving Human Memory. Proceedings of DIS 2002 Designing Interactive Systems, 303-311.

Fass, A. (2002). Analog Control For Martial Arts Video Games. Presented at “Look Mama, With Hands!” Workshop, DIS 2002 Designing Interactive Systems.

Fass, A., Bier, E., Adar, E. (2000). PicturePiper: Using a Re-configurable Pipeline to Find Images on the Web. Proceedings of UIST 2000 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 51-62.

Selected Awards and Professional Membership

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 1999

Outstanding Senior, SUNY Buffalo Computer Science Department (Awarded to one senior each year), 1998

Phi Beta Kappa, 1998

National Collegiate Computer Science Award, 1997

Phi Eta Sigma, 1995

SUNY Buffalo University Honors Scholar, 1994-1998

Professional Service

Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Presence

Paper Reviewer: CHI 2005, ICMI 2002, SIGGRAPH 2002, UIST 2002, I3D 2001

Social event planner for graduate students in the CMU School of Computer Science


For a complete listing of projects and publications, please visit