Agma Juci Machado Traina

Visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (1998-1999)

School of Computer Science

Wean Hall - Room 3702

5000 Forbes Ave

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891

Phone: (412) 268-7326

Associate Professor at Computer Science and Statistics Department

University of São Paulo at São Carlos - USP

Av. Dr. Carlos Botelho, 1465

13560-950 - São Carlos, SP - BRAZIL

Office Phone: +55-16-274-9136

Fax: +55-16-274-9150

(1998-1999) on leave at Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interests:

Formal Education:

  1. B.Sc. (Computer Science), ICMSC, University of São Paulo, BRAZIL, 1983.

  2. M.Sc. (Computer Science and Computational Mathematics), ICMSC, University of São Paulo, BRAZIL, 1987. "Software Development to Manage a Distributed Multi-user System", awarded with honor. Advisor: Prof. Jan Frans Willem Slaets.

  3. Ph.D. (Computational Physics), IFSC, University of São Paulo, BRAZIL, "Software Development to Image Visualization", awarded with honor. Advisor: Prof. Jan Frans Willem Slaets



Brazilian Information

consular services and links to many Brazilian WEB sites.

Last Updated on 14 October 1998 by Agma Juci Machado Traina