A New Look at Basic Classifiers
Sam Roweis
Department of Computer Science
University of Toronto
the published literature, Naive Bayes, Logistic
Regression and K-Nearest Neighbours are often used as
the "punching bags" of classification algorithms, playing the roles
of straw-men against which our latest and greatest innovations are favourably compared. However, in practical applications,
these classifiers are extremely simple and robust to implement, can be quite fast
to train/test and often perform surprisingly well. Rather than be distressed that such stupid
algorithms are so frustratingly competitive, we can instead embrace these approaches,
take them seriously, and ask how we can make them work even better. In this talk,
I'll discuss three simple ideas, one for improving the performance of Naive Bayes by removing redundant features, one for extending
logistic regression to include a model of the input density and one for
learning, from data, a distance metric for use in KNN classifiers.
Speaker Bio:
Sam Roweis is an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto.
His research interests are in machine learning, data mining, and statistical
signal processing. Roweis did his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto
in the Engineering Science program and earned his doctoral degree in 1999 from
the California Institute of Technology working with John Hopfield. He did a postdoc with Geoff Hinton and Zoubin
Ghahramani at the Gatsby Unit in London, and was a visiting faculty member at
MIT in 2005. He has also worked at several industrial research labs including
Bell Labs, Whizbang! Labs and
Microsoft. He is the holder of a Canada Research Chair in Statistical
Machine Learning, a Sloan Research Fellowship and the winner of a Premier's
Research Excellence Award.