On the plus side, thanks to the painkillers I didn't notice the bee sting at all. I wrote down "bee" as "party at fault" on the insurance form, but my HMO hasn't yet contacted me about suing it for damages.
I unfortunately don't have access to the very first ER x-rays, which
showed the inner end of the bone poking up alarmingly, and the outer end
poking down. Perhaps it's just as well. The xray below is from three weeks
after the injury, after things had settled down somewhat. You can see the
inner part of the bone to the right, below it a floating bone fragment,
and to the left the outer part of the bone. XRays don't scan very well,
because they're so dark; in this case you can't see the rest of the outer
part of the bone, but rest assured it's there and joins up to the shoulder.
The next xray, from 6 weeks out, didn't scan at all, but looks pretty much exactly the same as the one above. At this point I was pretty worried the thing wasn't going to heal, and I'd need surgery to bolt the bones together, in spite of the reassurances from my doctor. Throughout this time I had my arm in a sling, and couldn't write or type, which lead to a pretty frustrating lack of progress on my thesis work and other things.
Things began to feel quite a bit better around the two month mark. The
most recent xray, taken just under two and a half months after the accident,
shows bone forming in the cracks around the break.
At this stage the bone feels pretty solid, and I have most of the mobility in my shoulder back. I can still feel the end of the top bone through my skin, which is kind of strange, but I'm told that will round off eventually. I have another appointment in six weeks to verify the healing's finished okay, and that I can go back to playing contact sports. At the moment I'm concentrating on getting the strength back in my shoulder through physiotherapy.