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00001 /*
00002     File:       ArgParse.h
00004     Function:   Argument parsing package
00006     Author:     Paul Heckbert
00008     Copyright:  
00009 */
00011 #ifndef __ArgParse__
00012 #define __ArgParse__
00014 #include <stdio.h>
00016 struct ArgForm
00017 {
00018     /* a "form" contains the format, doc string, and miscellaneous internal */
00019     /* info about an argument.  It's an argument descriptor, basically */
00021     ArgForm *next;      /* next in linked list */
00022     char *format;       /* scanf-style format: "-size %d %F" */
00023     char *flag;         /* flag portion of format:"-size" */
00024     char *code;         /* just the format codes: "dF" */
00025     char *doc;          /* documentation string: "set widget size" */
00026     short type;         /* REGULAR | SIMPFLAG | PARAMFLAG |
00027                                            SUBRFLAG | SUBLISTFLAG | NOP */
00028     short nparam;       /* number of parameters to flag */
00029     int parammask;      /* bit i says ok to stop before param i, i=0..*/
00030     int **param;        /* parameter pointer list */
00031     int (*subr)(int argc, char *argv[]);    /* subroutine to call for action (if any) */
00032     ArgForm *sublist;   /* subordinate list (if any) */
00033     short rep;          /* # times this flag repeated in arglist */
00034 };
00036 typedef ArgForm Arg_form;
00038 /* form type values */
00039 enum ArgTypes
00040 {
00041     ARG_REGULAR =        1, /* a regular argument */
00042     ARG_SIMPFLAG =       2, /* a simple flag (no parameters) */
00043     ARG_PARAMFLAG =      3, /* a flag with parameters */
00044     ARG_SUBRFLAG =       4, /* a flag with subroutine action */
00045     ARG_SUBLISTFLAG =    5, /* a sub-formlist */
00046     ARG_NOP =            6, /* no arg or flag, just a doc string */
00047 };
00049 /* the following must be impossible pointer values (note: machine-dependent) */
00050 enum ArgNextTypes
00051 {
00052     ARG_MASKNEXT =  0x80000000, /* mask for these NEXT flags */
00053     ARG_FLAGNEXT =  0x80000001,
00054     ARG_SUBRNEXT =  0x80000002,
00055     ARG_LISTNEXT =  0x80000003,
00056 };
00058 /* varargs tricks */
00059 #define ARG_FLAG(ptr)       ARG_FLAGNEXT, (ptr) /* for SIMPFLAG */
00060 #define ARG_SUBR(ptr)       ARG_SUBRNEXT, (ptr) /* for SUBRFLAG */
00061 #define ARG_SUBLIST(ptr)    ARG_LISTNEXT, (ptr) /* for SUBLISTFLAG */
00063 /* error codes: BADCALL is a programmer error, the others are user errors */
00064 enum ArgError
00065 {
00066     ARG_BADCALL =   -1, /* arg_parse call itself is bad */
00067     ARG_BADARG =    -2, /* bad argument given */
00068     ARG_MISSING =   -3, /* argument or parameter missing */
00069     ARG_EXTRA =     -4, /* extra argument given */
00070 };
00072 #define ARG_NARGMAX 10000   /* max number of allowed args */
00074 extern int arg_debug, arg_doccol;
00075 extern int arg_warning;         /* print warnings about repeated flags? */
00077 int         arg_parse(int ac, char **av, ...);
00078 int         arg_parse_argv(int ac, char **av, ArgForm *form);
00079 int         arg_parse_stream(FILE *fp, ArgForm *form);
00080 ArgForm     *arg_to_form(int fish, ...);
00081             /* due to limitations of stdarg.h, you must pass in the
00082              * number of fish you own as the first argument to
00083              * arg_to_form */
00084 void        arg_form_print(ArgForm *form);
00085 void        arg_form_append(ArgForm *form, ArgForm *additionalForm);
00087 #endif

Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:16:31 2000 for Class Library by doxygen 1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000