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00001 /*
00002     File:
00004     Function:   Clips homogeneous coordinates to the unit cube
00005                 between [0 0 0] and [1 1 1].
00007     Author:     Andrew Willmott
00009     Notes:      
00010 */
00012 #include "gcl/Clipper.h"
00013 #include "cl/String.h"
00015 #define DBG_COUT if (0) cerr
00041 Clipper::Clipper()
00042 {
00043     lastOutcode = 0;
00044     lastP = vl_0;
00045 }
00047 Void Clipper::ClipPoint(const HPoint &p, Bool draw)
00048 {
00049     Int         outcode;
00050     BdryCoords  bc;
00052     // calc BC for [-1, 1] x [-1, 1] x [0, 1]
00053                                 // bc is -ve if:
00054     bc[0] = p[3] + p[0];        // x < -1
00055     bc[1] = p[3] - p[0];        // x > 1
00056     bc[2] = p[3] + p[1];        // y < -1
00057     bc[3] = p[3] - p[1];        // y > 1
00058     bc[4] = p[2];               // z < 0
00059     bc[5] = p[3] - p[2];        // z > 1
00061     // should replace this with non-branching code where possible
00062     outcode = 0;
00063     if (bc[0] < 0) outcode |= 0x01;
00064     if (bc[1] < 0) outcode |= 0x02;
00065     if (bc[2] < 0) outcode |= 0x04;
00066     if (bc[3] < 0) outcode |= 0x08;
00067     if (bc[4] < 0) outcode |= 0x10;
00068     if (bc[5] < 0) outcode |= 0x20;
00070     DBG_COUT << String().Printf("outcode = %02x", outcode) << endl;
00072     // do the clipping
00074     if (!draw)
00075     {
00076         // move if we're inside the clip volume
00077         if (outcode == 0)
00078             ViewPoint(p, draw);
00079     }
00080     else
00081     {
00082         if ((outcode & lastOutcode) == 0)
00083             // we have at least one endpoint inside all planes
00084             if ((outcode | lastOutcode) == 0)
00085                 // both are inside: trivial accept
00086                 ViewPoint(p, draw);
00087             else
00088             {
00089                 Int         i, clip = outcode | lastOutcode, mask = 1;
00090                 GCLReal     alpha, alpha0 = 0.0, alpha1 = 1.0;
00092                 DBG_COUT << String().Printf("clipping: clip = %02x", clip) << endl;
00094                 // must clip line segment to the volume.
00096                 // step through each plane              
00097                 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++, mask <<= 1)
00098                 {
00099                     if (mask & clip)
00100                     // we straddled this boundary
00101                     {
00102                         // find the alpha of the intersection with this plane
00103                         alpha = lastBC[i] / (lastBC[i] - bc[i]);
00104                         if (lastOutcode & mask)
00105                             // heading in: clip alpha0
00106                             alpha0 = Max(alpha0, alpha);
00107                         else
00108                             // heading out: clip alpha1
00109                             alpha1 = Min(alpha1, alpha);
00110                     }
00111                 }
00113                 DBG_COUT << "alpha0 = " << alpha0 << " alpha1 = " << alpha1 << endl;                
00115                 if (lastOutcode)
00116                     // heading in, so move to entry point
00117                     ViewPoint(lastP + alpha0 * (p - lastP), false);
00118                 if (outcode)
00119                     // heading out, so draw to exit point
00120                     ViewPoint(lastP + alpha1 * (p - lastP), true);
00121                 else
00122                     // terminate inside clipping volume, so just draw!
00123                     ViewPoint(p, true);
00124             }
00125     }
00127     lastOutcode = outcode;
00128     lastBC[0] = bc[0];
00129     lastBC[1] = bc[1];
00130     lastBC[2] = bc[2];
00131     lastBC[3] = bc[3];
00132     lastBC[4] = bc[4];
00133     lastBC[5] = bc[5];
00134     lastP = p;
00135 }

Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:16:57 2000 for Graphics Class Library by doxygen 1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000