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00001 /*
00002     File: 
00004     Function:       See header file
00006     Author(s):      Andrew Willmott
00008     Copyright:      (c) 1997-2000, Andrew Willmott
00010 */
00012 #include "HRMesh.h"
00013 #include "RadMethod.h"
00014 #include "Samples.h"
00015 #include "gcl/Draw.h"
00017 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00018 #include "gcl/Forms.h"
00019 #include "gcl/ScenePane.h"
00020 #endif
00022 #define MAX_ELT_SAMPLES 32
00025 // --- HRMeshElem methods -----------------------------------------------------
00027 HRMeshElem::HRMeshElem() : HRElem(), HierElem()
00028 {
00029     flags.Set(hrPatch);
00030 }
00032 Void HRMeshElem::Reset()
00033 {
00034     HRElem::Reset();
00035     HierElem::FreeChildren();
00036     flags.UnSet(hrIntNode);
00037 }
00039 Void HRMeshElem::ApplyToChildren(Void (HRElem::*method)(Void *), Void *ref)
00040 {
00041     if (!IsLeaf())
00042         for (Int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
00043             (((HRMeshElem*)child[i])->*method)(ref);
00044 }
00046 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00048 Void HRMeshElem::Print(ostream &s)
00049 {
00050     HRLinkIter i;
00052     PrintID(s);
00053     s << " = ";
00054     HierElem::PrintSelf(s);
00055     s << ' ';
00056     for (i.Begin(links); !i.AtEnd(); i.Inc())
00057         s << i.Data();
00059     s << endl;
00060 }
00062 Void HRMeshElem::CreatePatches(PatchList &patches)
00063 {
00064     patches.Append(this);
00065 }
00068 // --- kernel sampling --------------------------------------------------------
00071 Void HRMeshElem::MakeChildLinks(HRElem *other, HRLink *link, 
00072                                 Int which, Int levels)
00073 {
00074     Int i;
00076     if (IsLeaf())
00077     {
00078         if (!HasChildren())
00079             Subdivide();
00080         flags.Set(hrIntNode);
00081         Push();
00082     }
00084     if (which == kSubTo)
00085         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
00086             Child(i)->RefineLink(
00087                 link->CreateSubLink(other, Child(i)),
00088                 levels);        
00089     else if (which == kSubFrom)
00090         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
00091             other->RefineLink(
00092                 link->CreateSubLink(Child(i), other),
00093                 levels);
00094     else if (which == kSubBoth)
00095         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
00096             other->MakeChildLinks(Child(i), link, kSubFrom, levels);
00097     else
00098         _Error("split type not implemented");
00099 }
00101 Void HRMeshElem::SampleKernel(
00102             const GCLMat        &fromU,     // source patch samples         
00103             HRMeshElem          *to,        // dest. patch
00104             const GCLMat        &toU,       // destination samples
00105             GCLMat              &samples,   // results of sampling the kernel.
00106             GCLReal             *visPtr     // if visPtr is set, accumulate
00107                                             // visibility into it
00108         )
00109 //  x, y E [0, 1], origin at patch's lower left corner (vertex 1).
00110 {
00111     GCLReal result, vf = 1.0 / (fromU.Rows() * toU.Rows()), xs, ys;
00112     Vector  temp, delta;
00113     Point   srcPt[MAX_ELT_SAMPLES], srcPtE, srcPtV;
00114     Vector  dstPt[MAX_ELT_SAMPLES], dstPtE, dstPtV;
00115     Vector  dx2 = to->Vertex(2) - to->Vertex(1);    
00116     Vector  dy2 = to->Vertex(0) - to->Vertex(1);
00117     Vector  dx1 =     Vertex(2) -     Vertex(1);    
00118     Vector  dy1 =     Vertex(0) -     Vertex(1);    
00119     Int     i, j;
00121 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00122     if ((gRadControl->showRays && visPtr) || gRadControl->showLinks)
00123     {
00124         RM_DISPLAY_START;
00125         gRadControl->radObject->display->Begin(renLines);
00126     }
00127 #endif
00129     samples.SetSize(toU.Rows(), fromU.Rows());
00131     // calculate sample positions on source patch (that's us).
00132     srcPtE = Normal(); 
00133     srcPtE *= kRaySurfEps;
00134     for (j = 0; j < fromU.Rows(); j++)
00135     {
00136         srcPt[j] = Vertex(1);
00137         srcPt[j] += fromU[j][0] * dx1;
00138         srcPt[j] += fromU[j][1] * dy1;
00139     }
00141     // ditto for destination
00142     dstPtE = to->Normal(); 
00143     dstPtE *= kRaySurfEps;
00144     for (i = 0; i < toU.Rows(); i++)
00145     {
00146         dstPt[i] = to->Vertex(1);
00147         dstPt[i] += toU[i][0] * dx2;
00148         dstPt[i] += toU[i][1] * dy2;
00149     }
00151     for (i = 0; i < toU.Rows(); i++)
00152     {
00153         for (j = 0; j < fromU.Rows(); j++)
00154         {
00155 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00156             if (gRadControl->showLinks)
00157                 gRadControl->radObject->display->C(cYellow).P(dstPt[i]).P(srcPt[j]);
00158 #endif
00160             delta = dstPt[i];
00161             delta -= srcPt[j];
00162             temp = safe_norm(delta);
00163             result = dot(Normal(), temp);
00165             if (result <= 0.0)
00166                 result = 0.0;
00167             else 
00168             {
00169                 result *= -dot(to->Normal(), temp);
00170                 if (result <= 0.0)
00171                     result = 0.0;
00172                 else
00173                 {
00174                     result *= area / (sqrlen(delta) * vl_pi);
00176                     if (visPtr)
00177                     {
00178                         Bool hit;
00180                         // Sample visibility too...
00181                         srcPtV = srcPt[j] + srcPtE;
00182                         dstPtV = dstPt[i] + dstPtE;
00183                         hit = gRadControl->radObject->IntersectsWithRay(
00184                                 srcPtV, dstPtV);
00185                         if (!hit)
00186                             *visPtr += vf;
00187                         else
00188                             result = 0.0;
00190 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00191                         if (gRadControl->showRays)
00192                         {
00193                             if (hit)
00194                                 gRadControl->radObject->display->C(cRed);
00195                             else
00196                                 gRadControl->radObject->display->C(cGreen);
00197                             gRadControl->radObject->display->P(srcPtV).P(dstPtV);
00198                         }
00199 #endif
00201                     }
00202                 }
00203             }
00204             samples[i][j] = result;
00205         }
00206     }
00208 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00209     if ((gRadControl->showRays && visPtr) || gRadControl->showLinks)
00210     {
00211         gRadControl->radObject->display->End();
00212         RM_DISPLAY_END;
00213         RM_OUT1("Visibility: " << *visPtr);
00214         if (RM_PAUSE) 
00215             ;
00216     }   
00217 #endif
00218 }
00221 Void HRMeshElem::EstSubFormFactor(
00222                             Int             nFrom,
00223                             HRMeshElem      *to,
00224                             const GCLMat    &toU,
00225                             GCLMat          &samples, 
00226                             GCLReal         *visPtr
00227                         )
00228 //  x, y E [0, 1], origin at patch's bottom left corner (vertex 1).
00229 // XXX this is way too big and way too crufty. split up.
00230 {
00231     GCLReal rad4, npt, res2;
00232     GCLReal result, vf = 1.0 / (sqr(nFrom) * toU.Rows()), xs, ys;
00233     Vector  temp, dxy;
00234     Point   srcPt[MAX_ELT_SAMPLES], srcPtV, *srcPtP;
00235     Vector  dstPt[MAX_ELT_SAMPLES], dstPtV;
00236     Vector  dx2 = to->Vertex(2) - to->Vertex(1);    
00237     Vector  dy2 = to->Vertex(0) - to->Vertex(1);    
00238     Vector  dx1 =     Vertex(2) -     Vertex(1);    
00239     Vector  dy1 =     Vertex(0) -     Vertex(1);    
00240     GCLReal rn = nFrom;
00241     Int     i1, j1, i2, j;
00243 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00244     if (gRadControl->showRays && visPtr)
00245         RM_DISPLAY_START;
00246 #endif
00248     samples.SetSize(toU.Rows(), sqr(nFrom));
00250     // generate sample points at centers of panes in source
00251     srcPtP = srcPt;
00252     for (i1 = 0; i1 < nFrom; i1++)
00253         for (j1 = 0; j1 < nFrom; j1++)
00254         {
00255             if (IsQuad())
00256             {
00257                 xs = (j1 + 0.5) / rn;
00258                 ys = (i1 + 0.5) / rn;
00259             }
00260             else if (i1 + j1 >= nFrom)
00261             {
00262                 xs = 1 - (i1 + 1.0/3.0) / rn;
00263                 ys = 1 - (j1 + 1.0/3.0) / rn;
00264             }
00265             else
00266             {
00267                 xs = (j1 + 1.0/3.0) / rn;
00268                 ys = (i1 + 1.0/3.0) / rn;
00269             }
00270             *srcPtP++ = (Vertex(1) + xs * dx1 + ys * dy1);
00271         }
00273     // these will come in handy if we have to explicitly find 
00274     // the pane's corners
00275     dx1 /= rn;
00276     dy1 /= rn;
00277     dxy = -(dx1 + dy1); // vector to get from centre of pane to upper-left
00278     if (IsQuad())
00279         dxy /= 2.0;
00280     else
00281         dxy /= 3.0;
00283     // find destination sample points
00284     for (i2 = 0; i2 < toU.Rows(); i2++)
00285     {
00286         dstPt[i2] = to->Vertex(1);
00287         dstPt[i2] += toU[i2][0] * dx2;
00288         dstPt[i2] += toU[i2][1] * dy2;
00289     }
00291     for (i2 = 0; i2 < toU.Rows(); i2++)
00292     {
00293         for (srcPtP = srcPt, j = 0, i1 = 0; i1 < nFrom; i1++)
00294             for (j1 = 0; j1 < nFrom; j1++, srcPtP++, j++)
00295             {
00296                 temp = *srcPtP;
00297                 temp -= dstPt[i2];
00299 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00300                 if (gRadControl->showLinks)
00301                     gRadControl->radObject->display->P(dstPt[i2]).P(*srcPtP);
00302 #endif
00304                 result = dot(to->Normal(), temp);
00306                 if (result <= 0)
00307                     result = 0.0;
00308                 else 
00309                 {
00310                     npt = -dot(Normal(), temp);
00312                     if (npt <= 0)
00313                         result = 0.0;
00314                     else
00315                     {
00316                         GCLReal sArea = area / sqr(rn);
00318                         rad4 = sqr(sqrlen(temp));
00319                         result *= sArea / vl_pi;
00320                         res2 = result * Max(npt, 0.25 * sqrt(sArea));
00322                         if (gRadControl->quadLevel > 0 &&
00323                             rad4 * gRadControl->dFError < res2)
00324                         {
00325                             Vector v0, v1, v2, v3;
00327                             // result is blowing up!
00328                             // let's bail to the area-to-point formula
00330                             // work out exact vertices of the source pane
00331                             v1 = temp; // this is vector to its centre
00332                             if (IsQuad())
00333                             {
00334                                 v1 += dxy;
00335                                 v0 = v1 + dy1;
00336                                 v2 = v1 + dx1;
00337                                 v3 = v2 + dy1;
00338                             }
00339                             else if (i1 + j1 >= nFrom)
00340                             {
00341                                 v1 -= dxy;
00342                                 v0 = v1 - dy1;
00343                                 v2 = v1 - dx1;
00344                             }
00345                             else
00346                             {
00347                                 v1 += dxy;
00348                                 v0 = v1 + dy1;
00349                                 v2 = v1 + dx1;
00350                             }               
00352                             // find analytic A->dA factor
00353                             result = EdgeArea(v0, v1, to->Normal());
00354                             result += EdgeArea(v1, v2, to->Normal());
00355                             if (IsQuad())
00356                             {
00357                                 result += EdgeArea(v2, v3, to->Normal());
00358                                 result += EdgeArea(v3, v0, to->Normal());
00359 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00360                                 if (gRadControl->showLinks)
00361                                     gRadControl->radObject->display->
00362                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v0).P(dstPt[i2] + v1).
00363                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v1).P(dstPt[i2] + v2).
00364                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v2).P(dstPt[i2] + v3).
00365                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v3).P(dstPt[i2] + v0);
00366 #endif
00367                             }
00368                             else
00369                             {
00370                                 result += EdgeArea(v2, v0, to->Normal());
00371 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00372                                 if (gRadControl->showLinks)
00373                                     gRadControl->radObject->display->
00374                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v0).P(dstPt[i2] + v1).
00375                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v1).P(dstPt[i2] + v2).
00376                                         P(dstPt[i2] + v2).P(dstPt[i2] + v0);
00377 #endif
00378                             }
00379                             if (result < 0.0)
00380                                 result = 0.0;
00381                         }
00382                         else
00383                             result *= npt / rad4;
00385                         if (visPtr)
00386                         {
00387                             Bool hit;
00389                             dstPtV = dstPt[i2] + kRaySurfEps * to->Normal();
00390                             srcPtV = *srcPtP + kRaySurfEps * Normal();
00392                             hit = gRadControl->radObject->IntersectsWithRay(
00393                                 srcPtV, dstPtV);
00394                             if (!hit)
00395                                 *visPtr += vf;
00396                             else
00397                                 result = 0.0;
00398 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00399                             if (gRadControl->showRays)
00400                             {
00401                                 if (hit)
00402                                     gRadControl->radObject->display->
00403                                         Begin(renLines).C(cRed).P(srcPtV).P(dstPtV).End();
00404                                 else
00405                                     gRadControl->radObject->display->
00406                                         Begin(renLines).C(cGreen).P(srcPtV).P(dstPtV).End();
00407                             }
00408 #endif
00409                         }
00410                     }
00411                 }
00412                 samples[i2][j] = result;
00413             }
00414     }
00415 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00416     if (gRadControl->showRays && visPtr)
00417     {
00418         RM_DISPLAY_END;
00419         if (visPtr)
00420             RM_OUT1("Visibility: " << *visPtr);
00421         if (RM_PAUSE)
00422             ;
00423     }   
00424 #endif
00425 }
00427 Void HRMeshElem::SubToSubFormFactor(
00428                             Int         nFrom, 
00429                             HRMeshElem  *to,
00430                             Int         nTo, 
00431                             GCLMat      &samples, 
00432                             GCLReal     *visPtr
00433                         )
00434 {
00435     Coord   uv[MAX_ELT_SAMPLES], *uvP;
00436     Int     i2, j2;
00438     Assert(sqr(nTo) < MAX_ELT_SAMPLES, "increase MAX_ELT_SAMPLES");
00439     // find uv samples on the destination
00440     if (to->IsQuad())
00441         for (uvP = uv, i2 = 0; i2 < nTo; i2++)
00442             for (j2 = 0; j2 < nTo; j2++, uvP++)
00443             {
00444                 *uvP = Coord(j2 + 0.5, i2 + 0.5);
00445                 *uvP *= 1.0 / nTo;  
00446             }
00447     else
00448         for (uvP = uv, i2 = 0; i2 < nTo; i2++)
00449             for (j2 = 0; j2 < nTo; j2++, uvP++)
00450             {
00451                 if (i2 + j2 >= nTo)
00452                 {
00453                     *uvP = Coord(1.0 - i2 + 1.0/3.0, 1.0 - j2 + 1.0/3.0);
00454                     *uvP *= 1.0 / nTo;  
00455                 }
00456                 else
00457                 {
00458                     *uvP = Coord(j2 + 1.0/3.0, i2 + 1.0/3.0);
00459                     *uvP *= 1.0 / nTo;  
00460                 }
00461             }
00463     // call EstSubFormFactor with the results
00464     EstSubFormFactor(nFrom, to, GCLMat(sqr(nTo), 2, (GCLReal*) uv), samples, visPtr);
00465 }
00468 // --- Drawing ----------------------------------------------------------------
00471 Void HRMeshElem::Draw(Renderer &r)
00472 {
00473     // pass on to the HRElem Draw
00474     DrawElem(r);
00475 }
00477 Void HRMeshElem::DrawSampledLeaf(Renderer &r, Int n)
00478 {
00479     Int         i, j;
00480     Vector      dx = (Vertex(2) - Vertex(1)) / GCLReal(n);
00481     Vector      dy = (Vertex(0) - Vertex(1)) / GCLReal(n);
00482     Point       pt;
00483     GCLReal     ds = 1.0 / GCLReal(n);
00484     GCLReal     su, sv;
00485     Bool        project = gRadControl->funcView;
00487     // Render patch by drawing a mesh of (linearly interpolated)
00488     // sample points. 'n' controls the number of elements in the mesh.
00489     // This is a generic drawing function that only requires SampleLeaf()
00490     // to be defined.
00492     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
00493         for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
00494         {
00495             // draw pane (i, j)
00496             if (project)
00497             {
00498                 r.Begin(renPoly);
00500                 if (IsQuad())
00501                 {
00502                     pt = Vertex(1) + dx * j + dy * i;
00503                     su = ds * j; sv = ds * i;
00504 // XXX
00505 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv + ds)), pt + dy);
00506 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv)), pt);
00507 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su + ds, sv)), pt + dx);
00508 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su + ds, sv + ds)), 
00509 //                          pt + dx + dy);
00510                 }
00511                 else if (j + i >= n)
00512                 {
00513                     pt = Vertex(1) + dx * (n - i) + dy * (n - j);
00514                     su = 1 - ds * i; sv = 1 - ds * j;
00515 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv - ds)), pt - dy);
00516 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv)), pt);
00517 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su - ds, sv)), pt - dx);
00518                 }
00519                 else
00520                 {
00521                     pt = Vertex(1) + dx * j + dy * i;
00522                     su = ds * j; sv = ds * i;
00523 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv + ds)), pt + dy);
00524 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv)), pt);
00525 //                  Project(r, SampleLeaf(Coord(su + ds, sv)), pt + dx);
00526                 }
00528                 r.End();
00529             }
00530             else
00531             {
00532                 r.Begin(renPoly);
00534                 if (IsQuad())
00535                 {
00536                     pt = Vertex(1) + dx * j + dy * i;
00537                     su = ds * j; sv = ds * i;
00538                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv + ds))).P(pt + dy);
00539                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv))).P(pt);
00540                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su + ds, sv))).P(pt + dx);
00541                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su + ds, sv + ds))).P(pt + dx + dy);
00542                 }
00543                 else if (j + i >= n)
00544                 {
00545                     pt = Vertex(1) + dx * (n - i) + dy * (n - j);
00546                     su = 1 - ds * i; sv = 1 - ds * j;
00547                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv - ds))).P(pt - dy);
00548                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv))).P(pt);
00549                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su - ds, sv))).P(pt - dx);
00550                 }
00551                 else
00552                 {
00553                     pt = Vertex(1) + dx * j + dy * i;
00554                     su = ds * j; sv = ds * i;
00555                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv + ds))).P(pt + dy);
00556                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su, sv))).P(pt);
00557                     r.C(SampleLeaf(Coord(su + ds, sv))).P(pt + dx);
00558                 }
00560                 r.End();
00561             }
00562         }   
00563 }
00565 Void HRMeshElem::DrawMatrixRec(Void *dmi)
00566 {
00567 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00568     HRLinkIter  i;
00569     Int         j;
00570     GCLReal     x, y, wx, wy, n, m, temp, start, wstart;
00571     DMInfo      *dmInfo = (DMInfo*) dmi;
00572     Renderer    *r = dmInfo->r;
00573     Int         baseNum = dmInfo->baseNum;
00575     // Step through links, and draw each one in the appropriate position.
00576     // to do this for a general hierarchy, we would need a complete treeCode
00577     // for all HRElems in the hierarchy...
00579     // find the "square" our root patch is in
00580     wstart = 2.0 / baseNum;
00581     start = 1.0 - (2.0 * props->id) / baseNum;
00583     m = 1.0 / (1 << (2 * level));
00584     wy = wstart * m;
00585     y = start - treeCode * wy;  
00587     // Draw row of the matrix
00589     for (i.Begin(links); !i.AtEnd(); i.Inc())
00590     {
00591         HRMeshElem  *elt = (HRMeshElem*) i.Data().from;
00593         start = (2.0 * elt->props->id) / baseNum - 1.0;
00594         n = 1.0 / (1 << (2 * elt->level));
00595         wx = wstart * n;
00596         x = start + elt->treeCode * wx;
00598         if (highlight == 2 || elt->highlight == 3) 
00599         {
00600             if (highlight == 2 && elt->highlight == 3)
00601                 r->C(cPurple);
00602             else if (highlight == 2) 
00603                 r->C(cYellow);
00604             else
00605                 r->C(cGreen); 
00606             PaintRect(*r, Coord(x, y - wy), Coord(x + wx, y));
00607         }
00608         else
00609             // we are drawing form-factor, which is proportional to 'from'
00610             // area, which is prop. to 1 / (2 ^ 2 * level)
00611             i.Data().DrawLink(*r, x, y - wy, x + wx, y, baseNum * 
00612                 (1 << (2 * elt->level)));
00613     }
00615     if (!IsLeaf())
00616         ApplyToChildren(&HRElem::DrawMatrixRec, dmi);
00617 #endif
00618 }
00621 Void HRMeshElem::EltSetVisPoints(HRElem *to, Point p[]) 
00622 {
00623     SetVisPoints(p);
00624 };
00626 Void HRMeshElem::EltUpdateBounds(Point &min, Point &max)
00627 {
00628     UpdateBounds(Vertex(0), min, max);
00629     UpdateBounds(Vertex(1), min, max);
00630     UpdateBounds(Vertex(2), min, max);
00631     if (IsQuad())
00632         UpdateBounds(Vertex(3), min, max);
00633 }
00635 Void HRMeshElem::DrawNodeElem(Renderer &r)
00636 {
00637     Int i;
00639     if (flags.IsSet(hrMark))
00640     {
00641         flags.UnSet(hrMark);
00642         return;
00643     }
00645     if (HasChildren() 
00646 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00647             && !highlight
00648 #endif
00649             && (!gRadControl->choke || gRadControl->choke > level))
00650         for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
00651             ((HRMeshElem*) child[i])->DrawElem(r);
00652     else
00653         DrawLeafElem(r);
00654 }
00656 Void HRMeshElem::DrawLeafElem(Renderer &r)
00657 {
00658     DrawLeaf(r);
00659 }
00661 Void HRMeshElem::HRCorrectLeaves()
00662 {
00663     if (IsLeaf())
00664         CorrectLeaves();
00665     else
00666     {
00667         Child(0)->HRCorrectLeaves();
00668         Child(1)->HRCorrectLeaves();
00669         Child(2)->HRCorrectLeaves();
00670         Child(3)->HRCorrectLeaves();
00671     }
00672 }
00674 static GCLReal tRegSquareSamples[16][2] =
00675 {
00676     0.125, 0.125,
00677     0.375, 0.125,
00678     0.625, 0.125,
00679     0.875, 0.125,
00680     0.125, 0.375,
00681     0.375, 0.375,
00682     0.625, 0.375,
00683     0.875, 0.375,
00684     0.125, 0.625,
00685     0.375, 0.625,
00686     0.625, 0.625,
00687     0.875, 0.625,
00688     0.125, 0.875,
00689     0.375, 0.875,
00690     0.625, 0.875,
00691     0.875, 0.875,
00692 };
00694 Void HRMeshElem::EltGetSamples(Int numSamples, Point pts[])
00695 {
00696     Int         i;
00697     Vector      dx, dy;
00698     Coord       *samps;
00699     Point       orig, sampPt;
00701     dy =  Vertex(0) - Vertex(1);
00702     dx = Vertex(2) - Vertex(1);
00703     orig = Vertex(1);
00705     if (IsQuad())
00706         samps = (Coord *) tSquareSamples; 
00707     else
00708         samps = (Coord *) tTriangleSamples;
00710     for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
00711     {
00712         sampPt = orig;
00713         sampPt += samps[i][0] * dx;
00714         sampPt += samps[i][1] * dy;
00715         pts[i] = sampPt;
00716     }
00717 }
00719 Void HRMeshElem::SetHighlight(Int h)
00720 {
00721 #ifdef RAD_VIS
00722     HRElem::SetHighlight(h);
00723     RadElem::SetHighlight(h);
00724 #endif
00725 }

Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:26:52 2000 for Radiator by doxygen 1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000