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HaarElem Member List
This is the complete list of members for HaarElem, including all inherited members.
- Add()
- AddChanIrradiance(const Colour &E, Int chan)
- AddIrradiance(const Colour &E, const Vector &m)
- ApplyToChildren(Void (HRElem::*method)(Void*), Void *ref = 0)
- ApproxPatchFactor(const Point &p, const Vector &np)
- area
- B
- B_Coeffs()
[inline, virtual]
- CalcLeafRadiosity()
- CalcMidCode(RadElem *mid)
- CalcStats(Void *statsIn)
- centre
- Centre()
- CentreVis(const Point &p, const Vector &n)
- child
- Child(Int i)
- ClearB()
- ClearR()
- clrIdx
- CollectLeaves(PatchList &leaves)
- colour
- ColourVertices(Int weights[])
- Compare(RadElem *to, GCLReal edgeLen, CompareStats &stats)
- ConnectNeighbours()
- CorrectLeaves()
- CreateElements(PatchList &elements, IndexList &eltParents, Int parent)
- CreatePatches(PatchList &patches)
- DebugInfo()
- DistributeColours()
- DistributeColoursBest(ShadeInfo &shadeInfo)
- Draw(Renderer &r)
- DrawContributors(Renderer &r)
- DrawContributorsRec(Void *r)
- DrawElem(Renderer &r)
- DrawHighlight(Renderer &r)
- DrawLeaf(Renderer &r)
- DrawLeafElem(Renderer &r)
- DrawMatrix(Renderer &r, Int baseNum)
- DrawMatrixRec(Void *dmi)
- DrawNodeElem(Renderer &r)
- DrawQuad(Renderer &r, RenderStyle start, Int code, RadElem *mid)
- DrawSampledLeaf(Renderer &r, Int n)
- DrawTri(Renderer &r, RenderStyle start, Int code, RadElem *mid)
- DumpHierarchy(Void *v = 0)
- EdgeArea(const Vector &p, const Vector &q, const Vector &n)
- EltArea()
[inline, virtual]
- EltBA()
[inline, virtual]
- EltCalcTransport(HRElem *from, Matd &coeffs)
- EltCentre()
[inline, virtual]
- EltE()
[inline, virtual]
- EltGetSamples(Int numSamples, Point pts[])
- EltMaxProjArea(const Vector &v)
[inline, virtual]
- EltProjArea(const Vector &v)
[inline, virtual]
- EltRho()
[inline, virtual]
- EltSampleTransport(Int numSamples, Point p[], Vector n[], Matd &coeffs)
- EltSetVisPoints(HRElem *to, Point p[])
- EltUpdateBounds(Point &min, Point &max)
- EltVis(HRElem *toElt)
- EltVisToPoint(Point &p)
- Emittance()
- Error()
- EstFormFactor(RadElem *to)
- EstPatchFactor(const Point &p, const Vector &n)
- EstSubFormFactor( Int nFrom, HRMeshElem *to, const GCLMat &toU, GCLMat &samples, GCLReal *visPtr )
- FindContainer(Coord &coord)
- FindCoord(Point &p)
- flags
- FreeChildren()
- Gather()
- GatherAll(Void *v = 0)
- GetPower(const Vector &m)
- gID
- HasChildren()
- HasNormals()
- HierElem()
- HRCorrectLeaves()
- HRElem()
- HRMeshElem()
- id
- index
- InitRad()
[inline, virtual]
- IsCluster()
- IsFaceClus()
- IsLeaf()
[inline, virtual]
- IsPatch()
- IsQuad()
- IsTextured()
- IsTri()
- lastB
- level
- links
- MakeChildLinks(HRElem *other, HRLink *link, Int which, Int levels)
- MemoryUse()
- Name()
[inline, virtual]
- nbEdge
- nbFace
- NbFace(Int i)
- NbRadElem()
- New()
[inline, virtual]
- normal
- Normal(Int i)
- Normal()
- normIdx
- NumCoeffs()
[inline, virtual]
- OrientInfo(RadElem *to)
- out
- parent
- Parse(istream &s)
- ParseSelf(istream &s)
- PatchFactor(const Point &p, const Vector &n)
- PotentiallyVis(RadElem *to)
- PotentiallyVisAndTouching(RadElem *to, Bool &touching)
- Print(ostream &s)
- PrintID(ostream &s)
- PrintRec(ostream &s)
- PrintSelf(ostream &s)
- ProjQuad(Renderer &r, RenderStyle start, Int code, RadElem *mid)
- ProjTri(Renderer &r, RenderStyle start, Int code, RadElem *mid)
- props
- Pull()
- Push()
- PushPull(Void *v = 0)
- R
- R_Coeffs()
[inline, virtual]
- RadElem()
- RadError()
- RadVis16x1(const Point &p, const Vector &n)
- RadVis4x4(RadElem *to)
- RaiseVertex(Renderer &r, Int i)
- Reanimate(RadElem *parent)
- Refine()
- RefineFurther(Void*)
- RefineLink(HRLink *link, Int levels)
- Reflectance()
- Reset()
- Sample(Coord c)
[inline, virtual]
- SampledFormFactor(Int n, RadElem *to, GCLReal &error)
- SampleKernel( const GCLMat &fromU, HRMeshElem *to, const GCLMat &toU, GCLMat &samples, GCLReal *visPtr )
- SampleLeaf(Coord c)
- SendPoints(Renderer &r)
- SetAllIndexes( RadElem *s0, Int i0, RadElem *s1, Int i1, RadElem *s2, Int i2, RadElem *s3, Int i3 )
- SetColour(const Colour &c)
- SetHighlight(Int h)
- SetIndexes( Int dstIdx, RadElem *src, Int srcIdx )
- SetParent(HierElem &parent)
- SetProps(RadProps *props)
- SetVisPoints(Point p[])
- sGridChildMem
- sGridMem
- Sides()
- SplitElement(Int &numElems, HierElemPtr subElems[5])
- Subdivide()
- SubToSubFormFactor( Int nFrom, HRMeshElem *to, Int nTo, GCLMat &samples, GCLReal *visPtr )
- TexCoord(Int i)
- texIdx
- treeCode
- Vertex(Int i)
- Visibility(RadElem *to)
- Visibility16(const Point &p, const Vector &n)
- Visibility44(RadElem *to)
- VtxClr(Int i)
- ~HierElem()
- ~HRElem()
- ~RadElem()
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:26:56 2000 for Radiator by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000