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HierMesh Class Reference

Detailed Description

    Directional set up for a quad element is as follows:

            |     |     |
            |  0  |  3  |
        0   |_____|_____|   2
            |     |     |
            |  1  |  2  |
            |     |     |
    Vertex numbers match with quadrant numbers. So the midpoint of side 0
    (west) will be vertex 1 of quadrant 0, or vertex 0 of quadrant 1.
    The opposite direction of a direction i is (i + 2) % 4.
    The setup for triangular quaternary subdivisions is as follows:
                 /  \
                /  0 \
           0   /______\    2
              /\      /\
             /  \  3 /  \
            /  1 \  /  2 \ 

    A subtlety here is that the centre triangle is a rotated
    version of the original. Moreover, all the neighbouring 
    triangles of any given triangle are of a different rotational
    persuasion, which leads to the surprising result that the opposite
    of any particular direction is itself. (Think about it!)
    Also, child 3's neighbours are all internal to the local subdivision.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:26:56 2000 for Radiator by doxygen 1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000