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HProgRad Member List
This is the complete list of members for HProgRad, including all inherited members.
- AddQuadTri( Int numVertices, Int vertices[], Int changed, Decimator *state )
- AssignNormals()
- B
- baseElems
- CheckTime()
- ClosestIntersection( const Point &start, const Vector &direction, Point &hitPoint )
- ColourMeshInitial()
- colours
- ColourVertices()
- ConnectMesh()
- CreatePatches()
- CreateRTGrid(scScenePtr scene)
- CreateRTObjects(scScenePtr scene)
- Draw(Renderer &r)
- DrawMatrix(Renderer &r)
- dumpID
- DumpMemoryUse()
- DumpScene()
- DumpStats()
- elements
- eltParents
- envRad
- error
- FFRow
- FindBounds(Point &min, Point &max)
- FixMesh()
- GetElements()
- GetScene()
- grid
- Idle()
[inline, virtual]
- IntersectsWithRay(const Point &start, const Point &end)
- iterations
- lastTime
- MakeFormFactorFromVector(RadElem &fromPatch, PatchList &patches, ColourList &result)
- max
- maxPower
- maxPowerIndex
- min
- New()
[inline, static]
- NewMesh()
- NewRadMethod()
- normals
- numProps
- object
- origShoot
- Parse(istream &s)
- ParseCmd(StrConst str, istream &s)
- patches
- Pause()
[inline, virtual]
- points
- Print(ostream &s) const
- PrintCmds(ostream &s) const
- props
- qtInfo
- RadAttributes()
- RadMethod()
- Reanimate()
- RemoveDirect()
[inline, virtual]
- Render()
- ResetOptions()
- rtID
- S
- scene
- sceneName
- SetScene(scScenePtr scene)
[inline, virtual]
- SetupMesh()
- SetupProps(RadProps *props, Decimator *state)
- Stage(Int stage)
- stats
- texCoords
- timer
- TotalMemoryUse()
- totTime
- WriteMRBFile(StrConst filename)
- WriteObjFile(StrConst filename)
- WriteSLFile(StrConst filename)
- ~RadMethod()
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:26:56 2000 for Radiator by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000