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RT_Grid Member List
This is the complete list of members for RT_Grid, including all inherited members.
- addedObjs
- AddGeneric(RT_Gen *gen)
- AddObject(RT_Object *object)
- addObjs
- addPrims
- AddTriangle(RT_Tri *tri)
- areaLimit
- cellSize
- ClosestIntersection( const Point& start, const Vector& direction, RT_Prim* origPrim = 0, RayStats* stats = 0 )
- CountPolys(PrimEntry *entry)
- CreateNestedGrids()
- CullSubGrids()
- dirty
- Draw(Renderer &r, Int level)
- DumpMemoryUsage()
- FindGridStart( const Point& start, const Vector& direction, Int cell[3], Int increment[3], Int limit[3], GCLReal& tRay, Vector& tDelta, Vector& tMax )
- Free()
- GetScale()
- grid
- GridMemoryUsage()
- HierPrint(ostream& s, Int index)
- hitPrim
- hitT
- IncTime()
[inline, protected, static]
- Init()
- IntersectionExists( const Point& start, const Point& end, RT_Prim* origPrim = 0, RayStats* stats = 0 )
- IsStamped()
[inline, protected]
- level
- MasterInit()
- max
- MemoryUsage()
- min
- next
- numCells
- parent
- PrepareGrid()
- PushPrimitives()
- RayClampEntryPoint(Int index, Bool backEntry[3], Vector& fujiPoint, Int cell[3])
- RemoveObject(RT_Object *object)
- sEpsilon
- SetBounds(Point &bmin, Point &bmax)
- SetMemLimit(Int maxKbs)
- SetTag(Int tag)
[inline, static]
- SetupGrid()
- sGenMem
- sMaxCellPrims
- sMaxCellRatio
- sMaxCells
- sMaxExpand
- sMem
- sMemLimit
- sMinDensity
- sPointMem
- sPushSizeLimit
- sStamp
[protected, static]
- sTag
[protected, static]
- stamp
- Stamp()
[inline, protected]
- sTriMem
- subGrids
- totalCells
- totalPrims
- UpdateBounds(Point& cellMin, Point& cellMax)
- UpdateBounds(RT_Object *object)
- xSpan
- ySpan
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:26:58 2000 for Radiator by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000