Contents |
Introduction |
This document is a little unfinished. Kick me.
Objects |
object "name" ... end
Create an object. An object consists of an ordered list of attributes and primitives, followed by the "end" keyword. Attributes defineobjectfile "filename" [options]
properties, and primitives define things to be drawn using those properties. An object is itself a primitive, and thus often includes other objects, creating an object hierarchy.All attribute settings within an object definition affect the following attributes or primitives in that object.
Include a scene file from elsewhere. The file can be in any of the supported formats -- it is quite possible to include a wavefront "obj" file in an sl scene, for instance.Possible options:
-unit rescale model so it fits in a 2x2 cube lying on the x-y plane.
-zup the model is defined with the z axis being up: rotate accordingly
Attributes |
colour [r g b]
Set current colour (reflectance).emittance [r g b]
Set current emittance.camera [options]
Define a camera. Possible options:points [[x0 y0 z0] [x1 y1 z1] ...]-zup
Define the current points arrayindexes [i0 i1 i2 ...]
Define the current indexes array: a list of indexes into the points array
scale [sx sy sz]
Create the matrix that scales about the origin by sx along the x axis, sy along the y axis, sz along the z axis, and concatenate onto the matrix stack.scalef s
Do the same for a uniform scaling by s.rotate [x y z] theta
Do the same for the matrix that rotates around the axis [x y z] by theta. theta is in degrees.shift [tx ty tz]
Do the same for the matrix that translates by the vector [tx ty tz]avar name avar_type [min_value default_value max_value] [av_x av_y av_z]
This defines an avar, which is a transform that can be adjusted externally. The avar_type can be colour, emittance, shift, rotate, or scale. e.g.,avar light_shift shift [0 1 10] [1 0 0]
Primitives |
Draw the polygon defined by the current indices or points.tetrahedron
Draw the (unit-sized) object in question. The cone and the tetrahedron have their bases resting on the x-z plane. All the other objects are centred on the origin.
Definitions |
define "name" ... end
Define a primitive with the given name. This primitive can then be referenced in later object definitions by name, the same
as the built-in primitives listed above.
Notes |
All attribute definitions set that attribute for the rest of the current
object. They can be overridden by later definitions, e.g.,
colour [1 0 0]
colour [0 0 1]
would draw a green polygon. The exception to this is transformations,
which accumulate. E.g.,
rotate [1 0 0] 30
scale [2 2 2]
will scale the polygon by a factor of 2, and then rotate it around
the x axis by thirty degrees before displaying. The best trick for getting
the hang of how tranformations apply to a particular primitive is to read
backwards in the file, as transformations occur in the reverse order to
which they are applied.
Examples |
object "my_scene"
object "light"
emittance [1 0 0]
# radiosity of light is red
colour [1 0 0]
# reflectance of light is 0, i.e. black
points [[-1 1 -1] [1
1 -1] [1 1 1] [-1 1 1]]
# define an array of points
# draw the polygon defined by all those points
object "floor"
colour [0.5 0.5 0.5]
# floor is grey
points [[-1 -1 -1] [-1
-1 1] [1 -1 1] [1 -1 -1]]
# define an array of points
indexes [0 1 2]
# draw a triangle corresponding to points 0, 1 and 2
indexes [2 3 0]
# draw a triangle corresponding to points 2, 3 and 0
The definition of the two triangles forming the floor could be replaced with:
indexes [0 1 2 2 3 0]
faces [0 3 6]
# draw the two polygons defined by indices 0..2 and 3..5
or even
indexes [0 1 2 2 3 0]
# draw triangles defined by 3i..3i + 2 for all possible i.