Key Action
Up Arrow Rotate
Down Arrow Drop Piece
or Enter
Left Arrow Move Piece Left
Right Arrow Move Piece Right
Space Change pieces
A, B, C, D, E, F, G Select particular piece
H, J, K, L Select particular orientation
0, 1, ..., 8 Select particular horizontal position

The box at the bottom serves two purposes. First of all, it records all the moves you make. Second of all, it can be used to enter a set of moves and play them. For example, try pasting in the moves AH3 BJ0 BJ4 AH0 EL6 and then hitting the “replay moves:” button. An alternate solution is AH3 BJ0 BJ4 AH7 AH5 AH3 AH1 EJ6 EK0 AH4 AH2 AH0 GK7 DJ6 BJ3 AH0 AH3 AH5 AH7 FK1 FJ0 CJ2 CJ4 CJ6 BH8 AH0 BJ3 GJ1 GH0 CJ1 AH0 AH4 CJ2 AH6 CH7 BJ4 AH5 AH7 AH0 BJ2 AH0 AH7 EL4 DJ2 AH5 EK2 AH7 AH5 EL2 AH0 GJ2 AH7 AH0 AH7 AH2 FJ4 AH5 AH0 EL2.

This can be used to test solutions. However, the official solution tester can be found on the gory details page. Please let Adam Kalai know about any bugs or discrepencies between the two programs.

I apologize for the poor interface for this applet. A much better interface would have the 19 pieces/rotations available for dragging and dropping.

contest home page gory details Sumbitting, etc. Questions and answers

Puzzles are in /afs/cs/usr/akalai/www/tetris/puzzles and are at puzzles