Anvesh Komuravelli

I am a sixth year PhD student in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, working in Formal Methods with Prof. Edmund M. Clarke.

My current research interests are in algorithms and techniques for scaling Model Checking to complex systems. Specifically, I am interested in model checking, automatic abstraction, compositional reasoning, runtime verification and hardware acceleration methods for both non-probabilistic and probabilistic systems.

Earlier, I did some research on mixed-signal circuit verification. I also worked in Computational Geometry.

Before coming to Carnegie Mellon, I was an undergraduate in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.

first-name AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu

Professional Activities

  1. Sub-reviewed for ATVA 2011, VMCAI 2012, TACAS 2012, ISSTA 2012 and APLAS 2012, FOSSACS 2013, TACAS 2013, NFM 2013, CAV 2013, SAS 2013, TACAS 2014, CAV 2014.


  1. Teaching Assistant to Prof. Edmund M. Clarke for Bug Catching, Fall 2012.

  2. Co-taught two 8-hour sessions on Sorting and Searching for brilliant High School students at CMU, as part of the Idea Math program, Summer 2012.

  3. Teaching Assistant to Prof. Manuel Blum for Undergraduate Algorithms, Fall 2010.

CV   pdf

New: I am graduating in Spring 2015 and am on the job market. Please find my application materials here.