Prelimimary Program

January 17, 2004
Venice, Italy
Following POPL
The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has given
rise to much work on the theory of programming languages during the
past 15 years, leading to a better understanding of the key concepts of
object-oriented languages and to important developments in type theory,
semantics, and program verification. The FOOL workshops
together researchers to share new ideas and results in these
areas. FOOL 11, will be held in Venice, Italy, on Saturday, January 17,
2004, the day after POPL '04.
9:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk
Martin Odersky: Title
to be announced
Alan Schmitt:
XML Processing in Object Oriented Languages
10:30 - 12:30 Session I
Kathleen Fisher and John Reppy:
A typed
calculus of traits
Tetsuo Kamina and Tetsuo Tamai:
A Core Calculus for Mixin-Types
Lorenzo Bettini, Viviana Bono, Silvia Likavec:
Calculus of Mixin-Based Incomplete Objects
Thomas VanDrunen and Jens Palsberg:
Visitor-Oriented Programming
14:00 - 15:00 Invited Talk
Alan Schmitt: Native
XML Processing in Object Oriented Languages
15:30 - 17:00 Session II
Alex Potanin, James Noble, Dave Clarke, Robert
Generic Confinement
Paritosh Shroff and Scott Smith:
Inference for First_Class Messages with Match-Functions
Barry Jay:
Methods for
Pattern Matching Functions
Call for papers for paper is here, but the submission is closed.
Registration: jointly with POPL'04: at
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