My Birth Story

As you already know, I was born Friday, January 7, 2005, at 8:00 AM sharp.  I was 6 pounds 5 ounces, and 19.5 inches.  But before all that, I must say that I gave my mommy and daddy an interesting ride.  I kind of wanted to keep them in suspense for awhile, so I pretended to come every night for about three weeks before I actually made my appearance.  My mommy was already dilated to about 5 cm that whole entire time and kept going to the hospital because she was getting pretty strong contractions that were only a few minutes apart.  But I held out for the long haul.  They even scheduled for me to be induced on Monday, January 10, but I had other plans.  On Jan. 6, the night before I was born, my mommy and daddy went out for dinner, and then my mommy went to her hair appointment after that.  They almost went straight to the hospital from the salon because the contractions were pretty close together (3 minutes or something), but then they decided to wait and see if anything was really going to come of it on this particular night (since it wasn't all that different from the contractions every other night).  They went back home but after a few hours decided that this was the real thing and went back to the hospital about 1 am.  Then my mommy started pushing around 5 or 6am, and I was born at 8am.  I had lots of black hair and blue eyes. 

My middle name Joy is the name of my great aunt, who was an artist.

Below are some highlights of the first couple of days before we went home from the hospital.

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Becky and Jonathan with Seal
Seal with Mom and Dad
Jonathan holding Seal
Jonathan with Seal just after they were born
Seal alert
Seal alert as Jonathan talks to happy relatives.  Seal is wearing a sweater that their great-grandma Hestdalen made for Jonathan when he was a baby.
Seal sleeping after rolling onto their side
On day 2, they rolled onto their side all by themself!
Seal holding Jonathan's finger
Holding Daddy's finger

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