The Plaid programming language

Plaid is a new general-purpose object-oriented language currently being designed. It is a response to some of the large-scale changes in computing we see today. First, the rise of ultra-large scale systems puts a premium on building more reliable and secure web systems out of distributed and outsourced components. Second, the emerging generation of multicore chips means that performance-critical applications must effectively leverage concurrency. Third, today's applications are built upon ever more powerful libraries and frameworks, creating major challenges in ensuring those components are used correctly together. We have written a paper for Onward! 2009:

Some components of Plaid may include:

We are currently looking for new Ph.D. students to work on the Plaid project. Please apply to the CMU Ph.D. program in Software Engineering (my primary affiliation) or Computer Science (I also advise CS students).

Research projects are also available for CMU undergraduate and masters students. Contact Jonathan Aldrich if you are interested.