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CMU 05837/05437 Fall 2009: Ubiquitous Computing
Description In this course, we will look at current research topics in ubiquitous computing by reading and discussing the recent literature drawn primarily from conferences such as Ubicomp, Pervasive, CHI, and UIST, as well as from magazines and journals such as IEEE Pervasive and Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Students will be exposed to ubicomp applications, tools for building ubicomp systems, sensing systems, and issues with evaluating and using ubicomp systems. As this course is housed in the HCI Institute, there will be a particular emphasis on human-computer interaction issues. However, it will also cover topics in distributed systems, software engineering, and hardware design. There are no prerequistes for this class, and students from all backgrounds are invited to participate. Example topics to be covered include:
Finally, a research-oriented group project and an oral presentation are also required. |