Project Deliverables

Describe your project idea in 1-2 pages. Include in your discussion:

  • the names, email addresses, and backgrounds (technical, design, behavioral, and relevant skills) of the group members,
  • the style of project you are doing: design, implementation, evaluation, or a combination of a subset or all 3,
  • the needs that you are proposing to meet: why do this project?,
  • the problems that you would like to solve,
  • the kinds of users and/or tasks and/or situations for which your idea is intended, and
  • what is novel or valuable about your idea: what will be the contribution of this work?.

Background/Related Work
Conduct a survey of the projects related to your idea. In 3-4 pages, describe each of those projects. Highlight the contributions of each project. Additionally, discuss the interesting points that should be taken away from each project. Put these other projects in context with your project, describing how each one relates to your project, and discuss if your idea has changed as a result of this survey and how.

Design & Rationale
In this part of the project you only need to generate mock-ups, scenarios, storyboards, and sketches of your interface designs. That is, you do not need to build a working/final prototype yet. However, your design sketches should highlight important aspects of your eventual design. Along with your design mock-ups, you should provide a brief narrative walk-through of how the system will work (from an end-user's perspective). You should also include your justifications for why design decisions were made, and what you consider to be the relative strengths and weaknesses of your different designs. Include in this a plan for implementing the prototype, and/or completing the project.

Prototype Demonstration
In this part of the project, you will implement a detailed prototype of your interface. This prototype will be provided as three specific representations. The first will be one that emphasizes the physical form factor of all artifacts to be used in your system. The second representation is a storyboard(s) that provides a fairly complete view of the variety of tasks to be supported by your overall system (from an end-user's perspective). The final representation will be a functional prototype that demonstrates some specific vertical slice of functionality for your system. You can use any prototyping tools that you would like to assist this process (e.g., VB, Hypercard, Director, clay, paper, plastic), but ideally the tools made available to work with the Android and Sensor Andrew systems.

NOTE: No write-up is due for this milestone. However, you will need to include a description of what you built and how you built it in the final project report. Instead, you must schedule a 20 miinute slot to demo the project to the instructor.

You will discuss your project to the class likely during final exam time. The entire presentation for a given project will take 15 minutes, including time for discussion. The purpose of the final presentation is to have each team present their ideas, the prototype they built, why they built it, and the contributions made. This presentation plan may change depending on the size of the class.`

Final Report
The project will culminate in a 10 page long manuscript following conference style guidelines (Word template). It should include:

  • Introduction & Motivation. Describe the problem your project aims to address and why this a worthwhile problem.
  • Background & Related Work. Provide a synthesized discussion of existing projects related to your work. Distinguish how your work differs from previous explorations.
  • System Description. Describe your application. Explain how users will interact with the system. Discuss the key design features and summarize the important implementation details.
  • Envisioned evaluation plan. Discuss how you evaluated or would evalute this application. Include:
    • How many participants and what type??
    • How long is the study?
    • What were the participants be asked to do in the study?
    • What data was gathered and how
    • How did you analyze the gathered information and what did it show?
  • Conclusions & Future Directions. Critically discuss your project. Point out limitations in your work and talk about lessons that you have learned. Discuss opportunities for future work.