STACS 2002
Articles available online at:
A Space Lower Bound for Routing in Trees
Pierre Fraigniaud and Cyril Gavoille
Labeling Schemes for Dynamic Tree Networks
Amos Korman, David Peleg, and Yoav Rodeh
Tight Bounds for the Performance of Longest-in-System on DAGs
Micah Adler and Adi Rosén
Approximate Strong Separation with Application in Fractional Graph Coloring and Preemptive Scheduling
Klaus Jansen
Balanced Coloring: Equally Easy for All Numbers of Colors?
Benjamin Doerr
The Complexity of Graph Isomorphism for Colored Graphs with Color Classes of Size 2 and 3
Johannes Köbler and Jacobo Torán
On the Complexity of Generating Maximal Frequent and Minimal Infrequent Sets
E. Boros, V. Gurvich, L. Khachiyan, and K. Makino
On Dualization in Products of Forests
Khaled M. Elbassioni
An Asymptotic $\mathcal{O}(\ln\rho/\ln\ln\rho)$-Approximation Algorithm for the Scheduling Problem with Duplication on Large Communication Delay Graphs
R. Lepere and C. Rapine
Scheduling at Twilight the Easy Way
Hannah Bast
Complexity of Multi-dimensional Loop Alignment
Alain Darte and Guillaume Huard
A Probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm Further Improved
Thomas Hofmeister, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler, and Osamu Watanabe
The Secret of Selective Game Tree Search, When Using Random-Error Evaluations
U. Lorenz and B. Monien
Randomized Acceleration of Fundamental Matrix Computations
Victor Y. Pan
Approximations for ATSP with Parametrized Triangle Inequality
L. Sunil Chandran and L. Shankar Ram
A New Diagram from Disks in the Plane
Joachim Giesen and Matthias John
Computing the Maximum Detour and Spanning Ratio of Planar Paths, Trees, and Cycles
Stefan Langerman, Pat Morin, and Michael Soss
Current Challenges
On the Parameterized Intractability of CLOSEST SUBSTRINGsize and Related Problems
Michael R. Fellows, Jens Gramm, and Rolf Niedermeier
On the Complexity of Protein Similarity Search under mRNA Structure Constraints
Rolf Backofen, N.S. Narayanaswamy, and Firas Swidan
Pure Dominance Constraints
Manuel Bodirsky and Martin Kutz
Improved Quantum Communication Complexity Bounds for Disjointness and Equality
Peter Hřyer and Ronald de Wolf
On Quantum Computation with Some Restricted Amplitudes
Harumichi Nishimura
A Quantum Goldreich-Levin Theorem with Cryptographic Applications
Mark Adcock and Richard Cleve
On Quantum and Approximate Privacy
Hartmut Klauck
On Quantum Versions of the Yao Principle
Mart de Graaf and Ronald de Wolf
Computational and Structural Complexity
Describing Parameterized Complexity Classes
Jörg Flum and Martin Grohe
On the Computational Power of Boolean Decision Lists
Matthias Krause
How Many Missing Answers Can Be Tolerated by Query Learners?
Hans Ulrich Simon
Games with a Uniqueness Property
Shin Aida, Marcel Crasmaru, Kenneth Regan, and Osamu Watanabe
Bi-Immunity Separates Strong NP-Completeness Notions
A. Pavan and Alan L. Selman
Complexity of Semi-algebraic Proofs
Dima Grigoriev, Edward A. Hirsch, and Dmitrii V. Pasechnik
A Lower Bound Technique for Restricted Branching Programs and Applications
Philipp Woelfel
The Complexity of Constraints on Intervals and Lengths
Andrei Krokhin, Peter Jeavons, and Peter Jonsson
Automata and Formal Languages
Nesting Until and Since in Linear Temporal Logic
Denis Thérien and Thomas Wilke
Comparing Verboseness for Finite Automata and Turing Machines
Till Tantau
On the Average Parallelism in Trace Monoids
Daniel Krob, Jean Mairesse, and Ioannis Michos
A Further Step towards a Theory of Regular MSC Languages
Dietrich Kuske
Existential and Positive Theories of Equations in Graph Products
Volker Diekert and Markus Lohrey
The Membership Problem for Regular Expressions with Intersection Is Complete in LOGCFL
Holger Petersen
Recognizable Sets of Message Sequence Charts
Rémi Morin
Strong Bisimilarity and Regularity of Basic Parallel Processes Is PSPACE-Hard
Ji$\hbox{\v{r}}$í Srba
On the Enumerative Sequences of Regular Languages on k Symbols
Marie-Pierre Béal and Dominique Perrin
Logic in Computer Science
Ground Tree Rewriting Graphs of Bounded Tree Width
Christof Löding
Timed Control Synthesis for External Specifications
Deepak D'Souza and P. Madhusudan
Axiomatizing GSOS with Termination
J.C.M. Baeten and E.P. de Vink
Axiomatising Tree-Interpretable Structures
Achim Blumensath
EXPSPACE-Complete Variant of Guarded Fragment with Transitivity
Emanuel Kieronski
A Parametric Analysis of the State Explosion Problem in Model Checking
S. Demri, F. Laroussinie, and P. Schnoebelen
Generalized Model-Checking over Locally Tree-Decomposable Classes
Markus Frick
Learnability and Definability in Trees and Similar Structures
Martin Grohe and Gyorgy Turán