normalizecase on ;minimaldebug on morphserver avenue 5782 ; Quechua segmenter, needs to be restarted every time ;morphserver cusco 5782 parsebyfs on ; Do parsing by feature structure of whole sentence latin1 genmorphserver 3130 ; might be already be running ;genmorphserver cusco 3130 loadrules /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/grammars/EC-grammar0.trf.11-14-05 loadrules /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/lexicons/StemLexicon1.trf ;loadrules /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/lexicons/lexicon5.trf loadrules /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/lexicons/SuffLexicon2.trf ;; debugging parameters findall on includesource on ; to get out.debug showtrace src ; [off|top(node)|full(parse tree)|src(+alignments)] ;grammardebug on ; to make sure it loaded all the rules (+rule weights) and lexical entries ;parsedebug on ;; to see what features get passed uncomment next two lines ;transferdebug on fsdebug on ;sortrules on ;stepdebug on ; so that the whole trace doesn't disapear from the screen ;transfile /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/corpora/test.txt ;transfile /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/corpora/DevSet-seg.txt transfile /usr0/aria/quechua2spa/corpora/FC-TestSet-seg.txt ;;some simple Quechua words to analyze morphologically ;domorph takini ;domorph takishani ;domorph noqaqa barcelonamanta kani ;domorph barcelonamanta kani ;domorph barcelonamanta kaniqa ;domorph noqaqa quit