# A Suffix lexicon for Quechua # This file was created by Ari Font-Llitjos # And modified by Christian # Parse the data file containing the suffixes of Quechua. # The file must be in the following format: # Each row represents a single suffix # There are 4 semi-colon (';') delimited fields in each row # The first column is the suffix graph, i.e. the character # string that is the surface realization of the suffix. The # suffix graph may have an optional id # attached by means of # a period. For example, if 's' is the surface form of a suffix: # "s.1" or "s.234" # The second column is the part of speech category of the suffix # The third column is a comma (',') separated list of suffix graphs. # Each suffix graph listed in the third colum is banned from # occuring at any position in a word following the occurence # of the suffix that heads this row. An optional id # may further # specify which of any homophonous suffixes is the one that may # not follow the suffix that heads this row. # The fourth column contains the f-structure associated with this # suffix that will eventually need to be returned to the # transfer engine. # The 2nd and 3rd columns are optional. In other words there need # to be semi-colon separated 2nd and 3rd columns but there can # just be whitespace for those columns. # Any suffix that is NOT further identified with an id tag is equal to # EVERY suffix with the same graph/surface form--even if that other # suffix IS further identified with an id tag. (i.e. 's.23' equals 's'). kuna; N; ; ( ( lex kuna ) ( pos NSuff ) ( number pl ) ) sha; V; q; ( ( lex sha ) ( pos VSuff ) ( mood ger ) ) ra; V; sha; ( ( lex ra ) ( pos VSuff ) ( tense past ) ) ni; V; n.3, ; ( ( lex ni ) ( pos VSuff ) ( person 1 ) ( number sg ) ( tense pres ) ) nki; V; n.3, ; ( ( lex nki ) ( pos VSuff ) ( person 2 ) ( number sg ) ( tense pres ) ( mood ind ) ) nki; V; n.3, ; ( ( lex nki ) ( pos VSuff ) ( person 2 ) ( number sg ) ( tense fut ) ( mood ind ) ) n.1; N; ; ( ( lex n ) ( pos NSuff ) ( type poss ) ) n.2; N; ; ( ( lex n ) ( pos NSuff ) ( type rel ) ) n.3; V; ; ( ( lex n ) ( pos VSuff ) ( person 3 ) ( number sg ) ( mood ind ) ) n.4; ; ; ( ( lex n ) ( pos Suff ) ) ################################################################ ## automatically generated from translation lexicon (SuffLexicon2.trf) yku; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex yku) (pos VSuff) (person 1)(number pl)(type incl)(mood ind)(inflected +)) nchis; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nchis) (pos VSuff) (person 1)(number pl)(type excl)(mood ind)(inflected +)) nchis; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nchis) (pos VSuff) (person 2)(number pl)(mood ind)(tense (*NOT*fut))(inflected +)) nkichis; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nkichis) (pos VSuff) (person 2)(number pl)(mood ind)(inflected +)) nku; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nku) (pos VSuff) (person 3)(number pl)(mood ind)(tense pres )(inflected +)) nku; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nku) (pos VSuff) (person 3)(number pl)(mood ind)(inflected +)) ku; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex ku) (pos VSuff) (person 3)(number pl)(mood ind)(inflected +)) saq; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex saq) (pos VSuff) (person 1)(number sg)(mood ind)(tense fut)(inflected +)) nki; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nki) (pos VSuff) (person 2)(number sg)(mood ind)(tense fut)(inflected +)) nqa; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nqa) (pos VSuff) (person 3)(number sg)(mood ind)(tense fut )(inflected +)) saqku; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex saqku) (pos VSuff) (person 1)(number pl)(type excl)(mood ind)(tense fut )(inflected +)) sun; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex sun) (pos VSuff) (person 1)(number pl)(type incl)(mood ind)(tense fut)(inflected +)) sunchis; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex sunchis) (pos VSuff) (person 1)(number pl)(type incl)(mood ind)(tense fut)(inflected +)) nqaku; VSuff; n.3 ; ((lex nqaku) (pos VSuff) (person 3)(number pl)(mood ind)(tense fut )(inflected +)) ############## end of automatically generated entries################# manta; N; ; ( ( lex manta ) ( pos NSuff ) ) lla; ; ; ( ( lex lla ) ( pos Suff ) ) lla; ; ; ( ( lex lla ) ( pos Suff ) ) pa.1; V; ; ( ( lex pa ) ( pos VSuff ) ( repetition + ) ) pa.2; N; ; ( ( lex pa ) ( pos NSuff ) ( type poss ) ) pa.2; Pron; ; ( ( lex pa ) ( pos PronSuff ) ( type poss ) ) spa; V; ; ( ( lex spa ) ( pos VSuff ) ( mood ger ) ) ru; V; ; ( ( lex ru ) ( pos VSuff ) ) s; ; ; ( ( lex s ) ( pos Suff ) ) si; ; ; ( ( lex si ) ( pos Suff ) ) pi; N; ; ( ( lex pi ) ( pos NSuff ) ( type loc ) ) pis; ; ; ( ( lex pis ) ( pos Suff ) ) mi; ; ; ( ( lex mi ) ( pos Suff ) ) q.1; V; ; ( ( lex q ) ( pos VSuff ) ( tense past ) ) q.2; V; ; ( ( lex q ) ( pos VSuff ) ( type agentive ) ) q.3; N; ; ( ( lex q ) ( pos NSuff ) ( type poss ) ) sqa; V; ; ( ( lex sqa ) ( pos VSuff ) ( tense imperf ) ) rqa; V; ; ( ( lex rqa ) ( pos VSuff ) ( tense past ) ) ki; V; ; ( ( lex ki ) ( pos VSuff ) ) qa; ; ; ( ( lex qa ) ( pos Suff ) ) qa; V; ; ( ( lex qa ) ( pos VSuff ) ) ta; N; ; ( ( lex ta ) ( pos NSuff ) ( case acc ) ) ta; V; ; ( ( lex ta ) ( pos VSuff ) ) taq; ; ; ( ( lex taq ) ( pos Suff ) ) chu.1; ; ; ( ( lex chu ) ( pos Suff ) ( type interr ) ) chu.2; ; ; ( ( lex chu ) ( pos Suff ) ( type neg ) ) y.1; N; ; ( ( lex y ) ( pos NSuff ) ) y.2; V; ; ( ( lex y ) ( pos VSuff ) ( mood imper ) ) y.3; V; ; ( ( lex y ) ( pos VSuff ) ( mood inf ) ) ņa; ; ; ( ( lex ņa ) ( pos Suff ) ) man; N; ta ; ( ( lex man ) ( pos NSuff ) ) man; V; ta ; ( ( lex man ) ( pos VSuff ) ( mood cond ) )