John McCain

This speech titled 2008.01.15.remarks_following_the_michigan_primary originally had 1025 tokens. You can view the original text here.

well __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ for a minut there in new hampshir i thought thi campaign might be get easier __PUNCT__

but you know what __PUNCT__ we gotten pretti_good at do thing the hard wai too __PUNCT__

and i think we shown them __PUNCT__ we don't mind a fight __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ the peopl of michigan have spoken __PUNCT__

i respect their decis __PUNCT__ and i commend them for shoulder their respons as citizen of the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__

i am veri thank for the courtesi and consider you gave our campaign __PUNCT__ for brave the cold and snow to listen to me and to give me the opportun to listen to you __PUNCT__ and especi so to those of you who bestow upon me the great privileg of your vote __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ i am deepli grate to our michigan team and to the mani dedic volunt who gave so gener of their time and labor and kept us competit even in some pretti challeng moment __PUNCT__

i will not forget you __PUNCT__ and i will not let you down __PUNCT__

i want to thank my wife __PUNCT__ cindi and our children for their hard_work and for their faith in me __PUNCT__

and all of you here tonight __PUNCT__ who ar readi for the challeng ahead __PUNCT__

god_bless you all as you have bless me __PUNCT__

i congratul governor romnei on hi victori tonight __PUNCT__

he and hi campaign work_hard and effect to make sure michigan voter welcom their nativ son with their support __PUNCT__

you have won the round and earn your celebr tonight __PUNCT__

i salut you __PUNCT__ and offer you my genuin good wish for the night __PUNCT__

we fell a littl short tonight __PUNCT__

but we have no caus to be discourag or to second guess what we might have done differ __PUNCT__

we did what we alwai try to do __PUNCT__ we went to michigan and told peopl the truth __PUNCT__

i am as commit now as i have ever been to make sure that no state __PUNCT__ whether it michigan or south_carolina or anywher in thi bless countri __PUNCT__ is left behind in the global_economi __PUNCT__

but that global economi is here to stai and it is __PUNCT__ by it natur __PUNCT__ constantli chang __PUNCT__

to compet more successfulli in it we must better prepar american_worker and student to seiz it opportun __PUNCT__

that is how we will build a stronger and more prosper america __PUNCT__

that is what i told the peopl of michigan __PUNCT__

and i don't believ i could have honestli told them anyth els __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ it is south_carolina turn to decid __PUNCT__

i have long admir the deep patriot of the peopl of thi state __PUNCT__

so mani of your son and daughter risk their live todai to keep the rest of us safe __PUNCT__ as so mani south carolinian have done in past war __PUNCT__

i am humbl by their exampl __PUNCT__ but proud to claim __PUNCT__ that their caus is my caus __PUNCT__

i have no intent of give on inch of ground __PUNCT__ tire of on moment of the fight __PUNCT__ or let the polit of the dai stop me from do what must be done to keep the countri we love safe __PUNCT__ prosper and proud __PUNCT__

in thi great struggl against radic_islam islam_extrem __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ we will never surrend __PUNCT__

thei will __PUNCT__

i run for presid to defeat an enemi for whom no attack is too cruel __PUNCT__ and who will not stop attack us until thei ar defeat __PUNCT__

the challeng will requir experienc and proven leadership __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ i can honestli sai __PUNCT__ i have prepar my entir life for thi moment __PUNCT__

in uniform and in offic __PUNCT__ in war and peac __PUNCT__ i have learn how to lead a nation at war __PUNCT__

i know how to keep us safe __PUNCT__

i have been involv in everi major nation_secur challeng of our time __PUNCT__

i have met and taken the measur of the world_leader __PUNCT__ those who ar our friend and those who ar not __PUNCT__

i understand the capabl __PUNCT__ the need and the sacrific of the men and women of the unit_state arm_forc better than ani other candid in thi race __PUNCT__

and i intend to be a command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief who will provid them leadership that is as strong __PUNCT__ principl and tireless as their servic to our countri __PUNCT__

thei have earn a thousand_time over our gratitud __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ most importantli __PUNCT__ our unwav dedic to make certain that thei do not sacrific in vain __PUNCT__

i will not let them down __PUNCT__ so help me god __PUNCT__

i am so proud __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ to be an american __PUNCT__ and never more so than when our countri confront a great_challeng __PUNCT__

for i have learn through long experi __PUNCT__ that while we ar stronger than our enemi in men and materi __PUNCT__ we ar stronger still in ideal __PUNCT__

i have pledg my life to those ideal __PUNCT__ and i run for presid to defend them still __PUNCT__

our caus is america __PUNCT__

her great is our hope __PUNCT__ her strength our protect __PUNCT__ her good the hope of mankind __PUNCT__

it is the caus i have serv my entir adult_life __PUNCT__ and with your help i will keep serv her a littl while longer __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ we congratul anoth candid campaign __PUNCT__

but tomorrow we get up and fight __PUNCT__

it is your turn south_carolina __PUNCT__

we ar go to fight for your vote and we go to win thi primari and the nomin of our parti __PUNCT__ and we go to be proud of the wai we do it __PUNCT__

so stand up __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ stand up __PUNCT__ stai strong __PUNCT__ get busi __PUNCT__ keep fight and let go win thi thing __PUNCT__

thank you and good_night __PUNCT__