Event class: j., r., a., m., s., d., c., l., g., e.
Events with high posterior probability
Thomas Llewelyn Webb | Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2007). |
Chris Hackett (artist) | In 2005, Hackett appeared in the documentary B. I. K. E. |
Robert T. Hill | (Also in Science NS 12 (313), p. 991) # Hill, R. T. 1900. |
Tania Singer | • Singer, T., Verhaeghen, P., Ghisletta, P., Lindenberger, U., & Baltes, P. B. (2003). |
James R. Dixon | (Dixon, 2000) Sierra de Tamaulipas Coralsnake, Micrurus tamaulipensis. |
D. Shelton A. Gunaratne | Gunaratne, S. A. (1975). |
Ras Kass | South Africa n dates of the Ras Kass A. D. I. D. A. S. album tour, 2011. |
Henry D'Esterre Taylor | Taylor was an I. F. L. delegate to the 1893 Corowa conference of the A. N. |
Derek George Smyth | Smyth, D. G. and Utsumi, S. (1967) Structure at the `` hinge'' region of rabbit immunoglobulin-G. |
Emmanuil B. Chekaliuk | - 268 p. (in Russian) Chekaliuk E. B., 1965. |
Ann Brown | Brown, A. L., & Campione, J. C. (1996). |
Rachel Dratch | She also has joined fellow SNL cast members on A. S. S. S. S. C. A. T. : Improv, which aired September 7, 2005, on the Bravo channel. |
Derek George Smyth | Smyth, D. G. and Tuppy, H. (1968) Acylation reactions with cyclic imides. |
Salvador Moncada | html Palmer, R. M. J., Ashton, D. S. and Moncada, S. (1988). |
Oliver Lanard Fassig | # Fassig, O. L. 1895. |
Oliver Lanard Fassig | # Fassig, O. L. 1905. |
Wolf Dittus | Dittus, W. P. J. 1998. |
James J. Jenkins | Schuell, H., & Jenkins, J. J. (1959). |
Gregory Possehl | Possehl, Gregory L., 2002. |
Siavash Haroun Mahdavi | Haroun Mahdavi, S. and Bentley, P. J. (2003) An Evolutionary Approach to Damage Recovery of Robot Motion with Muscles. |
Raymond St. Leger | 1002097 Wang, S. O’Brien, T., Pava-Ripoll, M and St. Leger, R. J. 2011 Local adaptation of an introduced transgenic insect fungal pathogen due to new beneficial mutations. |
Matt Kaeberlein | McVey, M., Kaeberlein, M., Tissenbaum, H. A., and Guarente, L. (2001). |
Oliver Lanard Fassig | # Fassig, O. L. 1902. |
Frank L. Bodine | Bodine's was one of 10 architectural firms listed in Orlando in 1926, the others including : Fred E. Field, David Hyer, Murry S. King, George E. Krug, Howard M. Reynolds, Frederick H. Trimble, Ryan and Roberts (Ida Annah Ryan and Isabel Roberts) and Percy P. Turner. |
H. P. Gandhi | # Gandhi, H. P. 1955. |
Chan Eng Heng | pdf # # Chan, E. H. 1985. |
Eshel Ben-Jacob | Ben-Jacob, E., Goldenfeld, N., Langer, J. S., Schon, G., Physica D (1984) #'' Pattern Propagation in Nonlinear Dissipative Systems''. |
Stephy Tang | In 2007, she performed at the S. U. C. C. E. S. S. Charity Gala at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada with many other artists. |
Leona E. Tyler | Tyler, L. E., Sundberg, N. D., Rohila, P. K., & Greene, M. M. (1968). |
Thomas Llewelyn Webb | Webb, T. L., & Sheeran, P. (2005). |
Nigel Boulton | His team won the G. C. A. C. Championship in 2007. |
Donald Lees Reid | # Reid, Donald L. (2004). |
James R. Dixon | Dixon, J. R. 1983. |
Hugh D. Riordan | #Gonzalez, M. J., Miranda-Massari, J. R., Mora, E. M., Guzman, A., Riordan, N. H., Riordan, H. D., Casciari, J. J., Jackson, J. A., Roman-Franco, A. :'' Orthomolecular Oncology Review : Ascorbic Acid and Cancer 25 Years Later'', Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2005, 4 (1) : 32-44. |
Vernon Ingram | In 1956, Ingram, John A. Hunt, and Antony O. W. Stretton determined that the change in the hemoglobin molecule in sickle cell disease and trait was the substitution of the glutamic acid in position 6 of the β-chain of the normal protein by valine. |
D. Shelton A. Gunaratne | Gunaratne, S. A. (1990). |
Ronald Werner-Wilson | # Werner-Wilson, R. J., Wahler, J., & Kreutzer, J. (1998). |
Benjamin Karney | McNulty, J. K., O’Mara, E. M., & Karney, B. R. (2008). |
Michael Hutchins | -LSB- 1ab -RSB-, -LSB- 2ab -RSB-, -LSB- 3ab -RSB-, -LSB- 4ab -RSB-, -LSB- 5ab -RSB-, -LSB- 6ab -RSB-, -LSB- 7ab -RSB-, -LSB- 8ab -RSB-, -LSB- 9ab -RSB-, -LSB- 10ab -RSB- 1ab) Ciofi, C., Hutchins, M. and Smith, B. 2000. |
James R. Dixon | Dixon, J. R. 1985. |
Matt Kaeberlein | Kaeberlein, M., Kapahi, P. (2009). |
Eric Ghysels | Ghysels, E. and A. Hall, (1990), Are Consumption-Based Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Models Structural ? |
Eshel Ben-Jacob | 6 (8) : e1000909 (2010) # Innate Synchronous Oscillations in Freely-Organized Small Neuronal Circuits, Shein Andelson, M., Ben-Jacob, E. Hanein, Y. PLoS ONE Vol 5 (12) e14443 - (9 pages) (2010) #'' Reduced synchronization persistence in neural networks derived from Atm-deficient mice'', Levine-Small, N., Yekutieli, Z., Aljadeff, J., Boccaletti, S., Ben-Jacob, E., Frontiers in Neuroscience Vol. |
Robert T. Hill | # Hill, R. T. 1889. |
Stephen Zunes | Books Zunes, S. & Mundy, J. (2010). |
John Brookfield (geneticist) | Carr, M., Soloway, J. R., Robinson, T. E., and Brookfield, J. F. Y. (2001) An investigation of the cause of low variability on the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. |
Matt Kaeberlein | M., Piper, M. D., Hoddinott, M., Sutphin, G. L., Leko, V., McElwee, J. J., Vazquez-Manrique, R. P., Orfila, A. M., Ackerman, D., Au, C., Vinti, G., Riesen, M., Howard, K., Neri, C., Bedalov, A., Kaeberlein, M., Soti, C., Partridge, L., Gems, D. (2011). |
Tania Singer | • Singer, T., & Steinbeis, N. (2009). |
Helen Erickson | Clayton, D., Erickson, H., & Rogers, S. (2006). |
Ronald Werner-Wilson | # Werner-Wilson, R. J., Zimmerman, T. S., & Price, S. J. (1999). |
Vasile Godja | He obtained his coaching license at A. N. E. F. S. Bucharest in 1988. |
Robert T. Hill | # Hill, R. T. 1889. |
Michael F. Land | Current Biology 16 : R167-168 Land M. F. (2005). |
Gordon Wallace (professor) | # Razal, J. M., Gilmore, K., Wallace, G. G. `` Carbon Nanotube Biofiber Formation in a Polymer-Free Coagulation Bath'', Advanced Functional Materials 2008, 18, 61-66. |
Joseph Woelfel | ISBN 0-12-761240-8 Woelfel, J., & Haller, A. (1971). |
Rita Gunther McGrath | McGrath, R. G., Keil, T., & Tukiainen, T. 2006. |
Roger W. Mills | Mills, Roger W., 1997. |
Samuel L. Jackson | He reprised his role as Nick Fury in a cameo appearance on Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. in 2013. |
Larry Johannessen | aspx Smagorinsky, P., Johannessen, L. R., Kahn, E. A., & McCann, T. M. (2010). |
Paul Keddy | Great Lakes wetlands Keddy, P. A. and Reznicek, A. A. (1986). |
Raymond D. Fowler | Fowler, R. D., Jr., & Marlow, G. H. (1968). |
Roger W. Mills | Mills, Roger W. with Print, Carole, F. and Rowbotham, Sean A., 1999. |
Noel Fitzpatrick | Fitzpatrick N, Nikolaou C, Farrell M, Perry K, Girling S, Smith T, Yeadon R (2011) The double arch modified type 1b external skeletal fixator : technique description and functional outcome for surgical management of canine antebrachial growth deformities. |
Renee Hobbs | Hobbs, R. (1994). |
Michael F. Land | Land M. F. (1998) The visual control of steering. |
Rui Penha | Penha, R., Rodrigues, P. M., Gouyon, F., Martins, L. G., Guedes, C. and Barbosa, A. (2008) `` Digitópia -- Platform for the Development of Digital Music Communities'', Proceedings of Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2008, Cambridge. |
Matt Kaeberlein | Kaeberlein, M., (2006). |
John Brookfield (geneticist) | Phinchongsakuldit, J., MacArthur, S., and Brookfield, J. F. Y. (2004) Evolution of developmental genes : Molecular microevolution of enhancer sequences at the Ubx locus in Drosophila and its impact on developmental phenotypes. |
Rollin D. Salisbury | # Salisbury, R. D. 1895. |
John Fitzgerald Burns | He was gazetted a C. M. G. in 1887, but declined the honour, and the appointment was cancelled. |
Robert Parkes | Parkes, R. J. (2009). |
Christopher I. Chalokwu | C I. Chalokwu, P. Seney, A. C. Wurie and M. Bersch, 1995. |
Renee Hobbs | 137/a0028181 Hobbs, R. (2011). |
Bernard John Smith | Gómez-Heras, M., Smith, B. J. and Fort, R. (2006) Surface temperature differences between minerals in crystalline rocks : implications for granular disaggregation of granites through thermal fatigue. |
Denison Miller | He was created K. C. M. G. in 1920. |
K. R. Narayanan | com K. R. Narayanan Foundation (K. R. N. F) founded in December 2005, aims at propagating the ideals and perpetuating the memory of K. R. Narayanan. |
K. Alison Clarke-Stewart | 18 Clarke-Stewart, K. A., & Hayward, C. (1996). |
Helen Erickson | Barnfather, J., Swain, M. A., Erickson, H. (1989). |
Naomi Meara | Bandt, P. L., Meara, N. M., & Schmidt, L. D. (1974). |
Hugh D. Riordan | #Jackson, J. A., Riordan, H. D., Neathery, S. S. :'' Case From The Center : Urine Indican as an Indicator of Disease'', J. of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2000, 15:1. |
David Bellini | On May 11, 2012, the S. A. C. T., which is the Italian writers Guild, appointed Bellini as the S. A. C. T. Representative in Los Angeles. |
Ronald Werner-Wilson | # Bernstein, J. B., Zimmerman, T. S., Werner-Wilson, R. J., & Vosburg, J. (2000). |
Michael Hutchins | 9h) Hutchins, M. and Bies, L. 2010. |
Jeanne Chall | Chall, J. S. & Conrad, S. S (1991). |
Robert Parkes | Parkes, R. J. (2007). |
H. P. Gandhi | # Gandhi, H. P. 1998. |
Roger W. Mills | Mills, Roger W., Kennedy, Alison, J., 1990. |
John Brookfield (geneticist) | Brookfield, J. F. Y. (2001) Genome evolution. |
Joseph J. Marbach | Raphael, K. G., Marbach, J. J., Nayak, S, Janal, M. N. (November, 2000). |
Richard Dominguez | The Professional Amigos of Comic Art Society or P. A. C. A. S. was a non-profit organization founded by comic book creators Richard Dominguez, Carlos Saldaña, Jose Martinez, and Fernando Rodriguez in 1995. |
Michael Hutchins | 3g) Hutchins, M., Smith, B, and Allard, R. 2003. |
William Wells (British politician) | He joined the S. D. P. in 1981. |
Mark van Vugt | Spisak, B., Homan, A., Grabo, A., & Van Vugt, M. (2011). |
Michael F. Land | Lim M. L. M., Land M. F., Li D. (2007). |
Wolf Dittus | Keane, B., Dittus, W. P. J. and Melnick, D. J. 1997. |
Leon Klinghoffer | 854 (S. D. N. Y. 1990) and Klinghoffer v. PLO, 937 F. 2d 44, 50 (2d Cir. |
James J. Jenkins | Jenkins, J. J. & Tuten, J. T. (1998). |
Gordon Wallace (professor) | # Wallace, G. G., Spinks, G. `` Conducting Polymers -- Bridging the Bionic Interface'', Soft Matter 2007, 3, 665-671. |
Derek George Smyth | Bradbury, A. F., Smyth, D. G., Snell, C. R., Deakin, J. F. W. and Wendlandt, S. (1977) Comparison of the analgesic properties of lipotropin C-Fragment and stabilised enkephalins in the rat. |
Oliver Lanard Fassig | # Fassig, O. L. 1889. |