Event class: published, work, book, history, english, works, first, der, wrote, translation
Events with high posterior probability
Alfred Wegener | Nevertheless he was able in 1915 to complete the first version of his major work, Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane (`` The Origin of Continents and Oceans''). |
Lorenz Kellner | Kellner's'' Kurze Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichts'' (1877) is a book of practical suggestions for teachers ; his'' Volksschulkunde'' was a theoretical and practical guide for Catholic teachers of both sexes, school inspectors, and seminaries. |
August Reuss | Among his written works was the highly regarded Die Krankheiten des Neugeborenen (1914), later being translated into English as'' The Diseases of the Newborn''. |
George de Roerich | In 1925, Roerich published his first book entitled' Tibetan Paintings' in which he attempted to define Tibetan art, its history, and the three existing schools of art in Tibet. |
Kurt Baschwitz | His magnum opus,'' Hexen und Hexenprozesse : Geschichte eines Masewnwahns und seiner Bekaempfung'' which discussed methods of fighting attempts at mass delusion appeared in 1963 and was printed in several languages. |
Empress Dowager Ci'an | About a year earlier, an earlier compilation by the Hanlin scholars of the imperial libraries, entitled'' A valuable mirror for excellent government'' (chih-p' ing pao-chien) became the text for a series of lectures by scholars and officials that Empress Dowager Ci'an and Empress Dowager Cixi attended for over two years, the last lecture given in November 1866. |
Percy Ernst Schramm | These objects and their history were catalogued in more detail in a book Schramm authored together with the eminent art historian Florentine Mütherich, Denkmale der deutschen Könige und Kaiser (1962) (Monuments of the German Kings and Emperors). |
Leonard Woolsey Bacon | Bacon edited Luther's Deutsche geistliche Lieder (New York, 1883), and wrote a number of historical and other books. |
Martin Bodmer | Bodmer amassed 150,000 works in eighty languages, including first editions of major works, the Papyrus 66 which is one of the oldest almost completely preserved manuscripts of John's Gospel (2nd century), the original of Grimm's Fairy Tales, the only copy of the Gutenberg Bible in Switzerland, a string quintet by Mozart, the prose version of Lessing's Nathan the Wise, Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Thomas Mann's Lotte in Weimar, original editions of Don Quixote, Faust, and valuable papyri, known as Bodmer Papyri, from ancient times, including a papyrus manuscript dating to the third century of the complete Dyskolos, an Ancient Greek comedy by Menander, which was recovered and published in 1959. |
Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari | Books : Mohammad Mojtahed Shabestari, Hermenutik, Kitab va Sunnat -LSB- Hermeneutics, the Book and Tradition -RSB-, (Tehran : Tarh-e Naw, 1996). |
Francis Nixon (bishop) | His Lectures, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical on the Catechism of the Church of England, a volume of over 600 pages, was published in London in 1843, and a second edition was called for in the following year. |
Coventry Patmore | In 1877 he published The Unknown Eros, which contains his finest poetic work, and in the following year Amelia, his own favourite among his poems, together with an interesting essay on English Metrical Law, appeared. |
Harry Bresslau | Bresslau's Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italien (Handbook of Charter and Diploma Studies for Germany and Italy), (2nd enlarged edition, Leipzig 1912) has even today not been superseded as the standard work on medieval Diplomas. |
A. H. M. Jones | Jones's best-known work, The Later Roman Empire, 284 -- 602 (1964), is considered the definitive narrative history of late Rome and early Byzantium, beginning with the reign of the Roman tetrarch Diocletian and ending with that of the Byzantine emperor Maurice. |
Friedrich Rosen | In 1890, he published a modern Persian grammar, with Nāsir al-Din Shāh, the Shah of Iran, as co-author ; parts of the diary of the latter were employed as texts. |
William Balfour Baikie | His translation of the Psalms into Hausa was published by the Bible Society in 1881. |
Georgi Plekhanov | A German Edition of the Plekhanov's book was published in Stuttgart in 1896. |
George McCall Theal | By 1875 at Lovedale he was teaching history, geography, English grammar and history of the Bible, and also being in charge of the printing department. |
Ignaz Semmelweis | The monograph to which Semmelweis refers was a work by Heinrich Silberschmidt,'' Historisch-kritische Darstellung der Pathologie des Kindbettfiebers von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die unserige'', published 1859 in Erlangen, which mentions Semmelweis only incidentally and without dealing at all with the transfer of toxic materials by the hands of physicians and midwives. |
L?opold Victor Delisle | Delisle proved that the bulk of the manuscripts of French origin which Lord Ashburnham had bought in France, particularly those bought from the book-seller Jean-Baptiste Barrois, had been purloined by Count Libri, inspector-general of libraries under King Louis-Philippe, and he procured the repurchase of the manuscripts for the library, afterwards preparing a catalogue of them entitled Catalogue des manuscrits des fonds Libri et Barrois (1888), the preface of which gives the history of the whole transaction. |
Alexander Russell Webb | This work consists of Webb's travel journals and lectures in Asia (mainly India during the Fall of 1892) and includes an extensive biographical introduction and supplemental appendices. |
Karel Werner | During his spell in the Philosophical Faculty of the Masaryk University he was directed to produce broad surveys of the main religious traditions of Asia and these were published as two books by the University for students and later in revised form for the public by a commercial publishing house which, besides, commissioned him to write a book on Jainism to be published towards the end of 2013. |
John Pentland Mahaffy | Among Mahaffy's most notable works are His translation of Kuno Fischer's Commentary on Kant (1866) and his own exhaustive analysis, with elucidations, of Kant's critical philosophy are also highly regarded. |
R?diger von der Goltz | # Goltz, Rüdiger von der : Meine Sendung im Finland und im Baltikum, Leipzig 1920. |
Nasir Kabara | 8 His major theological work is without doubt his Tafsır, while his Hausa translation of the Qur √ n was in press in Libya in 1989. |
James D. Strauss | Strauss, James D., `` Songs for a New-Born King,'' Christian Standard (December 16, 1961). |
Franz Ehrle | In the beginning of 1890 he began the publication of a Historia Bibliothecae Romanorum Pontificum, a comprehensive history of the Avignon and Rome's Papal libraries. |
John Eadie | His last work was the History of the English Bible (2 vols, 1876). |
Doron Mendels | The Land of Israel as a Political Concept in Hasmonean Literature This work was Mendels' first published book, issued in 1987 in Germany by Mohr-Siebeck, Tuebingen, Germany. |
Lazarus Geiger | Geiger began publishing the principal results of his studies in the more popularly written'' Der Ursprung der Sprache'' (Stuttgart, 1869, 2d ed. |
Martin Ostwald | A selection of Ostwald's more important papers was published under the title Language and History in Ancient Greek Culture (Philadelphia 2009). |
Philip Schaff | His inaugural address on The Principle of Protestantism, delivered in German at Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1844, and published in German with an English version by John Williamson Nevin was a pioneer work in English in the field of symbolics (that is, the authoritative ecclesiastical formulations of religious doctrines in creeds or confessions). |
Bahman Nirumand | He published, among others : In addition, he has translated literature from Persian into German, among others : Since 2001, he is the composer of the monthly `` Iran Reports'' of the Heinrich Böll foundation. |
Mochio Umeda | When he published his 7th book,'' シリコンバレーから将棋を観る 羽生善治 と現代' Yoshiharu Habu and Modern Shogi''', Umeda announced in his blog that he would allow anyone to translate it into any language without permission from him or the publisher (20 April 2009). |
Hans Conon von der Gabelentz | He provided essays about Mongolian and then published (together with Julius Loebe) a new critical edition of Ulfilas' Gothic translation of the Bible, together with grammar, a Greek-Gothic dictionary and a Latin translation (Leipzig 1843, two volumes). |
Saburo Ienaga | Ienaga reapplied for authorization without any corrections, and the draft somehow passed authorization and was published as a textbook for the school year of 1953, under the same title,'' New Japanese History''. |
Daniel Chwolson | Three years later Chwolson published Ueber die Ueberreste der Altbabylonischen Literatur in Arabischen Uebersetzungen (St. Petersburg, 1859 ; also in Russian in The Russian Messenger under the title Novootkrytie Pamyatniki). |
Alexander Taylor Innes | He contributed to articles on a religious theme to various journals, and his interest in the legal aspects of church creeds and traditions led to the publication of his pioneering work, The Law of Creeds in Scotland, in 1867. |
Gustav Cohn | The first volume of the greatest work which he has yet produced, his'' System der Nationalökonomie,'' was published in 1885, the very next year after his arrival. |
James D. Strauss | Strauss, James D., `` The World Tomorrow,'' Christian Standard (November 14, 1971). |
David Philipson | He was also a member of the translation committee for the Jewish Publication Society's 1917 Bible translation into English. |
Victor Paul Wierwille | Lamsa and Wierwille together produced the first American Aramaic grammar in 1960 for the study of Biblical manuscripts with the classical Estrangelo letters. |
Bruno Bauer | His own contention, embodying a theory of Christian Gottlob Wilke (Der Urevangelist, 1838), was that the original narrative was the Gospel of Mark. |
Alfred Tarski | His high school and undergraduate teaching on logic and axiomatics culminated in a classic short text, published first in Polish, then in German translation, and finally in a 1941 English translation as Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences. |
William McIntyre (minister) | His major literary work was an Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, published in Edinburgh in 1854. |
Hermann Wilhelm Ebel | He made many learned contributions to Kuhn's Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung, and to August Schleicher's Beitrage zur vergleichenden Sprachforschung ; and a selection of these contributions was translated into English by Sullivan, and published under the title of Celtic Studies (1863). |
Kamal Mehdi Abdullayev | He is the author of many books on Linguistics, such as, `` On Syntax of Simple Sentence in the Azerbaijani Language'' (Baku, Elm, 1983), and many more... please compare the list of literature. |
Adolf von Harnack | In 1893 he published a history of early Christian literature down to Eusebius of Caesarea, Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur bis Eusebius (part 2 of vol. |
Peter Sloterdijk | Sloterdijk's sketch of a philosophical history of globalization can be found in Im Weltinnenraum des Kapitals (2005), subtitled'' Die letzte Kugel'' ('' The final sphere''). |
Zecharias Frankel | His second great work was his Historical-Critical Studies on the Septuagint as Addition to the Targumim Contributions : Preliminary Studies for the Septuagint (Leipzig, 1841). |
Thomas Clifford Allbutt | Allbutt's article had revised the version in the 10th edition (1902) contributed by Joseph Frank Payne, and Allbutt's was in turn revised and updated in two parts for the 14th edition of Encyclopædia Britannica (volume 15), one part Medicine, General, by Rolleston, the other part Medicine, History of, by Charles Singer, Lecturer in the History of Medicine, University of London. |
Geoffrey Cheshire | Geoffrey Cheshire's obituary in The Times described him as'' the first academic lawyer to tackle the great reforms in the law of property associated with the name of Lord Birkenhead'', and his first book, Modern Law of Real Property, published initially in 1925, became the standard text on the subject. |
Egon Brunswik | Brunswik's work in Vienna had culminated in the publication of Wahrnehmung und Gegenstandswelt in 1934. |
Zeng Guofan | His papers addressed to the throne and his literary disquisitions are held in high esteem by the scholars of China, who treasure as the edition of his collected works in 156 books, which was edited by Li Hongzhang in 1876, as a memorial of a great and un-corrupt statesman. |
Thor Heyerdahl | On Heyerdahl's visit to Baku in 1999, he lectured at the Academy of Sciences about the history of ancient Nordic Kings. |
Solomon Schechter | His greatest academic fame came from his excavation in 1896 of the papers of the Cairo Geniza, an extraordinary collection of over 100,000 pages of rare Hebrew religious manuscripts and medieval Jewish texts that were preserved at an Egypt ian synagogue. |
Bruno Bauer | Consistent with his Hegelian Rationalism, Bauer continued in 1840 with, Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte des Johannes (Critique of the Evangelical History of John). |
Rudolf Eitelberger | After the failure of the revolution, in 1850, Eitelberger delivered a series of lectures on art history, the first of which was entitled'' Die Bildungsanstalten für Künstler und ihre historische Entwicklung'' ('' Institutions for the education of artists and their historical development''). |
Dorsey Armstrong | Her translated edition of Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur : A Modern English Translation, was published by Parlor Press in 2009. |
William Dennes Mahan | In 1884 Mahan published the first version of the Archko Volume, entitled The Archaeological Writings of the Sanhedrin and Talmuds of the Jews, Taken from the Ancient Parchments and Scrolls at Constantinople and the Vatican at Rome, Being the Record Made by the Enemies of Jesus of Nazareth in His Day : The Most Interesting History Ever Read by Man. |
Bruno Bauer | In 1841 Bauer continued his Rationalist theme with, Kritik der evangelischen Geschichte der Synoptiker (Critique of the Evangelical History of the Synoptics). |
Vladimir Minorsky | In 1911, jointly the Four-Power (British, Russian, Turkish, and Persian) Commission, he carried out a mission in North-Western Persia to delimit the Turko-Persian border, and also published a monograph on the Ahl-i Ḥaqq religion for which he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Ethnography Section of the Imperial Society of Natural Sciences in Moscow. |
Thomas Mann | Kilchberg, Zurich Thomas Mann's works were first translated into English by H. T. Lowe-Porter beginning in 1924. |
Eduard Hercigonja | His Srednjovjekovna književnost (' Medieval liteature') in'' Liber's `` edition Povijest hrvatske književnosti (' The history of Croatian literature' ; Volume II, Zagreb 1975), based on extensive textological, linguistic and historical research of Glagolitic heritage, has managed to paint a different picture of medieval Croatian texts as what used to be called a' precursor of literature' (A. Cronia). |
Sadykh bey Aghabekov | In 1932, he published textbook about elementary grammar of Arabic language, which had been written on the base of second edition'' New arabian language grammar'' by Ogust Perye. |
William Kelly (Bible scholar) | Besides aiding Dr. Samuel Prideaux Tregelles in his investigations as a Biblical textual critic, Kelly himself published, in 1860, a critical edition of the Book of Revelation, which Professor Heinrich Ewald of Göttingen, declared was the best piece of English work of the kind that he had seen. |
Werner Rothmaler | From work done in his time in Gatersleben and Halle, in 1950 Rothmaler published his Allgemeine Taxonomie und Chorologie der Pflanzen (General taxonomy and chorology of plants), and the first edition of his Exkursionsflora (Excursion flora). |
Dave Armstrong (Catholic apologist) | In 2002, The Catholic Answer Bible (later revised with a co-author as the New Catholic Answer Bible) was the first of Armstrong's books to be published by Our Sunday Visitor. |
Serge Stauffer | In 1981, he published an essay on'' Art as Research'' in the book Genie gibt ′ s -- Die siebziger Jahre an der F&F Schule für experimentelle Gestaltung. |
Moritz Lazarus | In an article entitled'' Ueber den Begriff und die Möglichkeit einer Völkerpsychologie als Wissenschaft'' (in Prutz's'' Deutsches Museum,'' 1851) he laid the foundation for the study of this science. |
Owen Browne Carter | He published some works on local subjects such as Picturesque Memorials of Winchester (1830), and contributed articles to John Weale's Quarterly Papers on Architecture on the stained-glass windows of Winchester Cathedral, on Beaulieu Abbey, and on the churches of Penton Mewsey, Headbourne Worthy, and Bishopstone. |
Hans Driesch | He travelled widely on field and study trips and lecture-tours, visiting Plymouth, India, Zurich and Leipzig where, in 1894, he published his Analytische Theorie der organischen Entwicklung or Analytic Theory of Organic Development. |
Jerome Rothenberg | Numerous translated editions of his writings have appeared in French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese, and other languages, and a complete French edition of Technicians of the Sacred appeared in 2008. |
Frederick Greenwood | In 1853 he contributed a sketch of Napoleon III to a volume called The Napoleon Dynasty (2nd ed. |
Anton Dohrn | In 1875 Dohrn published Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere und das Princip des Functionswechsels : Genealogische Skizzen which proposed the'' turn over'' theory of the origin of vertebrates. |
Charles Wordsworth | In 1839 he brought out his Greek Grammar, which had a great success. |
Heinrich Joseph Wetzer | He composed anonymously the little work'' Die Universitat Freiburg nach ihrem Ursprunge...'' (Freiburg, 1844). |
Emil Bretschneider | In 1875 he published the article'' Notes on Chinese medieval travellers to the West'' in Shanghai. |
John Stuart Blackie | A journey to Greece in 1853 prompted his essay On the Living Language of the Greeks, a favorite theme of his, especially in his later years ; he adopted for himself a modern Greek pronunciation, and before his death he endowed a travelling scholarship to enable students to learn Greek at Athens. |
Alexander Kohut | While there he published (1881) A Szidók Története, a Biblia Befejezésctöl a Jelenkorig (introduced into many schools in Hungary as a text-book), and translated the entire Bible into Hungarian. |
Johannes Diderik van der Waals | In 1890, van der Waals published a treatise on the Theory of Binary Solutions in the Archives Néerlandaises. |
Theodor Lohmann | In 1885 Lohmann wrote the report of the General Committee of the Inner Mission entitled Die Aufgabe der Kirche und inrer inneren Mission gegenüber den wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Kämpfen der Gegenwart (The Function of the Church and its Internal Mission in relation to the Present Economic and Social Conflicts). |
Mykhaylo Maksymovych | In 1839, Maksymovych published his History of Old Russian Literature which dealt with the so-called Kievan period of Russian literature, considered by Ukrainians to be the initial stage of Ukrainian literature as well. |
Jean Carbonnier | At this time, he published his Treatise on Civil Law (Droit civil) in 1955, which has been republished several times since then. |
Gustav von Schmoller | ; Works by Schmoller His works, the majority of which deal with economic history and policy, include : After 1881, Schmoller was editor of the Jahrbuch für Gesetzebung, Verwaltung, und Volkswirthschaft im deutschen Reich. |
Edward Sugden (methodist) | Sugden also prepared Festal Songs for Sunday School Anniversaries in five series, and in 1921 edited with notes Wesley's Standard Sermon s in two volumes. |
Martin Heidegger | Being and Time (German title : Sein und Zeit), published in 1927, was Heidegger's first academic book. |
Magdi Wahba | His Dictionary of Literary Terms, published in 1974 and re-issued several times, has become an important tool for scholars of comparative literature in the Arab world. |
Mikhail Lermontov | On return from his third trip to the Caucasus, in August 1825, Lermontov begun his regular studies with the French and Greek teachers, starting to read German, French and English authors' originals text. |
Samuel David Luzzatto | Isaiah Luzzatto published (Padua, 1881), under the respective Hebrew and Italian titles'' Reshimat * Ma'amare SHeDaL'' and'' Catalogo Ragionato degli Scritti Sparsi di S. D. Luzzatto,'' an index of all the articles which Luzzatto had written in various periodicals. |
John Louis Petit | The results appeared in his ` Remarks on Church Architecture' (1841, 2 vols.) |
Georg Brandes | In 1870 he published several important volumes, The French Aesthetics of the Present Day, dealing chiefly with Hippolyte Taine, Criticisms and Portraits, and a translation of The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill, whom he had met that year during a visit to England. |
Bidia Dandaron | He also worked in academic Tibetology, contributed to the Tibetan-Russian Dictionary (1959) and made several translations from Tibetan into Russian. |
Stjepan Mitrov Ljubi?a | In 1868, he also published the first edition of Njegoš's'' Mountain Wreath'' in Serbian Latin script. |
Jorge Edwards | A large portion of his journalistic work has been collected in two books : He has also written essays and biographies : Jorge Edwards taught a course at the University of Chicago during the autumn quarter of 2008. |
Roman Brandstaetter | Roman Brandstaetter also translated works from Hebrew, including Psalter (1968), German, English (Shakespeare's works), French, Dutch and Czech. |
Zuber Usman | In 1960 he published an academic work regarding the Indonesian language and literature, entitled Kedudukan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (The Position of the Indonesian Language and Literature). |
Julius Hermann Moritz Busch | This was followed by a pamphlet Bismarck und sein Werk ; and in 1898 in London and in English, by the famous memoirs entitled Bismarck : some Secret Pages of his History (German by Grunow, under title Tagebuchblätter), in which were reprinted the whole of the earlier works, but which contains in addition a considerable amount of new material, passages from the earlier works which had been omitted because of the attacks they contained on people in high position, records of later conversations, and some important letters and documents which had been entrusted to him by Bismarck. |
Erich Heller | Heller's well-known study of Thomas Mann (The Ironic German, 1958 ; German ed. |
Safa Khulusi | Khulusi notes the observations of Walt Taylor (Arabic Words in English, 1933) that about a thousand main words of Arabic origin and many more of their derivatives, were incorporated into the English language through translations of French, Spanish and Latin re-workings of Arabic texts (mainly scientific and medical). |