Event class: university, teaching, professor, college, taught, faculty, school, department, joined

18001820184018601880190019201940196019802000Distribution of this event class over time. Normalize to adjust counts by total yearly volume.01020304050607080Count/Ratio

Events with high posterior probability

Faye-Ellen SilvermanShe joined Mannes College The New School for Music's Extension Division faculty in 1995, where she teaches music history electives as well as ear training and dictation.
Frances YeendYeend retired from the stage in 1966 when she joined the faculty of West Virginia University as Professor of Voice/Artist in Residence.
Gerome KamrowskiIn 1948 he moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan to teach at the University of Michigan School of Art.
Jody Lynn NyeShe has been an instructor of the Fantasy Writing Workshop at Columbia College Chicago (2007) and teaches the annual Science Fiction Writing Workshop at DragonCon.
Geoffrey Miller (psychologist)He has worked at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, since 2001, where he is now Associate Professor.
Charles F. Hockett Hockett began his teaching career in 1946 as an assistant professor of linguistics in the Division of Modern Languages at Cornell University where he was responsible for directing the Chinese language program.
Daniel FerroWhen Ferro returned to the United States in 1956, he took up an appointment as Associate Professor in the voice department at Butler University in Indiana.
Roxanne Dunbar-OrtizIn 1974, she accepted a position as Assistant Professor in the newly established Native American Studies program at California State University at Hayward, near San Francisco, and helped develop the Department of Ethnic Studies, as well as Women's Studies.
Gene Davis (painter)Davis began teaching in 1966 at the Corcoran School of Art, where he became a permanent member of the faculty.
James FrancoFranco is a PhD student in English at Yale University It was announced on March 2011 that Franco teaches a fall semester course on modifying poetry into short films to ten to twelve third-year graduate film students at NYU.
Jeff Smith (Missouri politician)Smith has taught as an Adjunct and/or Visiting Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Missouri -- St. Louis, and Dartmouth College and won the 2002 Washington University Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence.
Tom MescheryAfter receiving his teaching credentials at University of Nevada, Reno, Meschery taught high school English in Reno, Nevada, until his retirement in 2005.
Thomas J. Pluckhahn Pluckhahn served as the Visiting Assistant Professor of the Department of Anthropology until 2004, when he became the Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Oklahoma.
Edward HirschIn 1985, he joined the faculty at the University of Houston, where he spent 17 years as a professor in the Creative Writing Program and Department of English.
Shirley VerrettIn 1996 Verrett joined the faculty of the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance as a Professor of Voice and the James Earl Jones University Professor of Music.
Hugh Cook (Canadian novelist)In 1982, he joined the English faculty at Redeemer College, now Redeemer University College, in Ancaster, Ontario, teaching Canadian, American literature, and creative writing.
Stanley HauerwasFollowing his graduation from Yale University, Hauerwas taught first at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, before joining the faculty at the University of Notre Dame in 1970.
Rupert DeeseAfter graduation he began teaching ceramics at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut, California and remained on the faculty until 1971.
Santiago Rodriguez (pianist)In 1980, he joined the University of Maryland, College Park as Artist-in-Residence and Professor of Piano.
Richard LertIn 1947 he co-founded the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, California, serving on the faculty there for many years.
Timothy AppDuring his thirty-two years of teaching, he has taught at Pomona College in California, the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and since 1990 at MICA.
Ernest BlochHe taught summer courses at the University of California, Berkeley until 1952.
Raymond CarverAfter the publication of'' Neighbors'' in the June 1971 issue of Esquire at the instigation of Lish (now ensconced as the magazine's fiction editor), Carver (by now a resident of Sunnyvale, California) began to teach as a visiting artist at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Peter AbbsIn 2002, having been made first Professor of Arts Education and then Professor of Creative Writing, Abbs took up a new role within the Humanities department at Sussex, where he directed a D. Phil programme in creative writing.
Phyllis YesShe served as Chair of the Art Department and Dean of Arts & Humanities at Lewis & Clark College and became a professor emerita of art, painting, and drawing in 1998.
Oliver Edwin Baker Baker left Washington D. C. for the University of Maryland, College Park in 1942, accepting an invitation to establish a Department of Geography there.
John N. DeckAfter serving as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Boston College and a brief stint working for the Canadian Pacific Railway, in 1957 he became Professor of Philosophy at Assumption College, (later known as the University of Windsor), where he taught graduate and undergraduate courses in metaphysics and the history of philosophy until his death.
Charles UmlaufIn 1941 Umlauf accepted a position at the University of Texas school of art in Austin, Texas and taught there for 40 years.
William Wallace CovingtonCovington joined the faculty at Northern Arizona University in 1975, and began researching the ponderosa pine forests in the area.
Fred WaringThe first Fred Waring Music Workshop in the western United States was held in June 1968 as part of the University of Nevada's Summer Session curriculum in Reno, Nevada.
Stith ThompsonIn 1921, he was appointed associate professor at the English Department of the Indiana University (Bloomington), which also had the responsibility of overseeing its composition program.
Frederick C. Tillis Completing his PhD in 1963, Tillis then held a succession of academic positions at Wiley College, Grambling College, and Kentucky State University.
Erwin Kempton MapesAfterwards, in 1925, he was appointed as an associate professor at the State University of Iowa where he taught until his retirement.
Chuck FagerFrom there, in 1997, he moved to Bellefonte, PA, where he returned to freelance writing, and taught courses in Business Writing at Penn State University.
Raymond Thayer BirgeAfter five years as an instructor at Syracuse University, he became a member of the physics department at University of California, Berkeley where he remained until he retired, as chairman, in 1955.
Joseph BeaulieuAfter the conservatory closed in 1937, he joined the faculty of the University of Ottawa where he taught courses in piano, singing, and business.
John G. Stackhouse, Jr.His first full-time position was as an assistant professor of European history at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa (1987 -- 90), where he chaired the department in his latter two years and won the college's teaching award.
Marc Lamont HillIn the fall of 2009, Hill joined the faculty of Columbia University as Associate Professor of Education.
Barbara RosenthalSince 1990, Rosenthal has taught writing as an adjunct lecturer at the College of Staten Island of The City University of New York (CUNY/CSI).
Yehuda KahaneSince 1966, Kahane has taught at universities around the Globe, including, among others, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Texas at Austin, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the University of Florida, and the University of Toronto.
Loree RackstrawIn 1966, Rackstraw began a thirty-year career in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Northern Iowa, where she taught courses in fiction writing, literature, mythology and humanities.
Margaret GeddesIn 2011 Geddes joined the Centre for Adult Education and taught courses in Editing and Non-Fiction.
Steve Katz (writer)In 1978 he became the director of the creative writing program at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Ellis T. RasmussenHe received the Division Faculty Teaching Award from the BYU Division of Continuing Education in 1980, and was retired from teaching by the mid-1980s.
Thomas MeglioranzaIn 2009, he was appointed Visiting Artist in Voice at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Leo PodolskyPodolsky headed the piano department at Saint Marys College in Notre Dame, Indiana for 18 years, and he joined the faculty of the Sherwood Music School in Chicago in 1926.
Raj PathriaIn 1969, Pathria returned to Canada and, in addition to his other academic pursuits, continued to teach a variety of courses at the University of Waterloo and the University of Windsor.
Frank BidartHe has been teaching English at Wellesley College since 1972, and has taught at nearby Brandeis University.
Raj PathriaIn between the last two events, Pathria retired from the University of Waterloo in August 1998 and, soon thereafter, moved to the west coast of the USA and became an ` Adjunct Professor of Physics' at the University of California at San Diego -- a position he continues to hold till today.
George Baird (architect)In 1993 Baird joined the faculty of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he taught design studio and architectural theory and served as director of master's degree programs.
Ray GingerAfter leaving Brandeis in 1966, Ginger taught briefly at Stanford University and moved on to tenured positions at Wayne State University in Detroit and the University of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada.
Stan GetzIn the mid-1980s Getz worked regularly in the San Francisco Bay area and taught at Stanford University as an artist-in-residence at the Stanford Jazz Workshop until 1988.
Lee K. AbbottIn addition to lecturing on the art of fiction writing, Abbott has taught at several colleges, starting as an assistant professor of English at Case Western Reserve University in 1977.
Mary Bernard AguirreIn 1885, she returned to education, as director of the Spanish language and English history departments at the University of Arizona.
Maxine GreeneIn 1965, she joined the faculty at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Debbie NathanNathan taught English as a second language at Brooklyn College, then moved to Chicago in 1980, where she began her journalism career at the Chicago Reader.
Cole SwensenShe taught at the Iowa Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa until 2012 when she joined the faculty of Brown University's Literary Arts Program.
George F. Dales In 1972, Dales joined the faculty of the University of California, Berkeley as a member of the Department of Near Eastern Studies.
Jonathan Taplin In January 2004, Taplin joined the faculty of the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication as an adjunct professor.
James LentiniIn 2007, Lentini accepted the appointment of Dean of the School of Creative Arts at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, overseeing the Departments of Music, Art, Theatre, and Architecture/Interior Design, in addition to the Performing Arts Series and the University Museum.
Douglas YeoIn 2012 he retired from the BSO and accepted a position as professor of trombone at the Arizona State University School of Music.
Herbert H. RowenHe taught there until 1953, when the University of Iowa appointed him assistant professor.
Anosh IraniIn September 2012, Irani taught a Creative Writing course at Simon Fraser University.
Jeffrey BubBefore taking up his position as professor at the University of Maryland in 1986, he worked at the University of Minnesota, Yale University, Tel Aviv University, and the University of Western Ontario.
David BelbinAfter university, he taught English and Media Studies in Nottingham before becoming a full-time writer in 1994.
Mindru KatzHe joined the faculty of the Rubin Academy of Music in Tel Aviv, and became a professor of piano in 1972.
Raymond CarverIn 1980, the two moved to Syracuse, where Gallagher had been appointed the coordinator of the creative writing program at Syracuse University ; Carver taught as a professor in the English department.
James FrancoIn 2013, he began teaching a course in short film production at the University of Southern California and a course in screenwriting at his alma mater, University of California, Los Angeles.
Kelsie B. Harder In 1964 he accepted the position of Professor of English and Chair of the English and Drama Department at SUNY Potsdam.
Mark Pesce Pesce began his teaching career in 1996 as a VRML instructor at both the University of California at Santa Cruz and San Francisco State University, where he would later create the school's certificate program in the 3-D Arts.
John O'Neil (painter)He became a professor of painting at the University of Oklahoma in 1939 and was a contributing writer to Art Education magazine in the 1960s.
John Gill (climber)In 2000, Gill retired as professor of mathematics from the University of Southern Colorado.
Jorie GrahamGraham has held a longtime faculty position at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and has held an appointment at Harvard University since 1999.
Santha Rama RauRama Rau became an instructor in the English faculty of Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York, in 1971, also working as a freelance writer.
Roger ReynoldsReynolds wrote A Searcher's Path (1987) while serving as visiting professor at Brooklyn College of the CUNY, and Form and Method : Composing Music while serving as Randolph Rothschild Guest Composer at the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University.
Vladimir Chernov From March 2005 Chernov became Regents' Lecturer in the Division of Voice and Opera of the Music Department of the University of California, Los Angeles.
Avital RonellIn 2009, she began co-teaching courses with Slavoj Žižek who continues to hold the position of visiting professor at NYU's Department of Germanic Languages and Literature.
Robert Spitzer (priest) Spitzer began his teaching career at St. Louis University as a teaching assistant in 1978.
Frederick ConverseHe then joined the faculty of Harvard University as instructor in music, and was appointed assistant professor in 1905.
Santiago Rodriguez (pianist)He remained there until fall 2009, when he moved to Frost School of Music at the University of Miami as Chair of the Keyboard Department, Professor of Piano and Artist-in-Residence.
Marian FilarHe was appointed to the chair at the Temple University School of Music piano department in 1958.
Louis OwensHe was Professor of English and Native American Studies and Director of Creative Writing at the University of California, Davis at the time of his death in July, 2002.
Jerry ClintonAfter teaching at the University of Minnesota and directing the Tehran Center of the American Institute of Iranian Studies, he was appointed professor of Persian at Princeton University in 1974.
Jane BernsteinShe is a professor of English and Creative Writing at Carnegie Mellon University, where she has taught since 1991.
W. Hudson KenselIn 1965, he joined the Department of History at California State at Fresno, where he served as assistant professor.
Kim Soo-miSince 2003, Kim has been the chairman of the Department of Theater and Film at Soongsil University's College of Social Sciences.
Anton NelIn 2000 Nel was appointed as the Priscilla Pond Flawn Regents Professor of Piano and Chamber music at the University of Texas at Austin, where he heads the Division of Keyboard Studies.
John ThowAfter teaching at Boston University, Thow joined the University of California, Berkeley faculty in 1981, specializing in composition, orchestration, counterpoint, theory, in addition to teaching courses on American and European music of the 20th century.
Michael Collier (poet)In 1984, he was appointed full-time to the English faculty at the University of Maryland.
Clifton Williams (composer)In 1949 Williams joined the composition department at the University of Texas School of Music.
Talcott Parsons Talcott Parsons had for years corresponded with his former graduate student David M. Schneider who had taught at the University of California Berkeley before he in 1960 accepted a position as professor in Anthropology at the University of Chicago.
Masanobu ShinozukaLater, he joined the faculty of Princeton University until 1995, when Shinozuka became professor of civil engineering and Fred Champion Chair of Civil Engineering at the University of Southern California.
Fritz ScholderAfter graduating with an MFA Degree in 1964, Scholder accepted the position of instructor in Advanced Painting and Contemporary Art History at the newly formed Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Randall PackerIn 2000, he also joined the faculty of the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore, where for three years he served as the Director of the Center for Digital Media.
Franco D'Alessandro Since 2002, D'Alessandro has taught drama at public schools in New York City.
Stan RiceRice retired after 22 years as Chairman of the Creative Writing program as well as Assistant Director of the Poetry Center in 1989.
Bradford KeeneyIn 2010, Bradford Keeney and his wife, Hillary Keeney, created an online doctoral program in creative systemic studies at the University of Louisiana, Monroe.
Robert Pack (poet and critic)After retiring from Middlebury College in 1996, Pack and his wife Patty moved to Montana to be nearer to their three children, and Pack began teaching at the University of Montana Honors College.
Henry A. Gleason (botanist)He held faculty positions at the University of Illinois and the University of Michigan, before returning to the East Coast, to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York, where he remained for the rest of his career, until 1950.
Stanley Weintraub Except for visiting appointments, he remained at Penn State for all of his career, finally attaining the rank of Evan Pugh Professor of Arts and Humanities, with emeritus status on retirement in 2000.