Event class: university, studied, studies, study, berlin, law, received, doctorate, graduated
Events with high posterior probability
Ferdinand Rudio | Next, Rudio returned to ETH Zurich, earning his habilitation in 1881 and becoming at that time a privatdozent. |
Moshe Katsav | Katsav attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem beginning in 1968, and while studying he taught history and mathematics in a high school. |
Friedrich Schur | He attended high school in Krotoschin and in 1875 studied at University of Wroclaw astronomy and mathematics under Heinrich Schröter and Jacob Rosanes. |
Kazimierz Kuratowski | In 1913, he enrolled in an engineering course at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, in part because he did not wish to study in Russian ; instruction in Polish was prohibited. |
Julius Friedrich Cohnheim | He studied at the universities of Würzburg, Marburg, Greifswald, and Berlin, receiving his doctor's degree at the University of Berlin in 1861. |
Siegfried Knemeyer | Knemeyer enrolled at the University of Göttingen in 1927 and studied physics. |
Max Eitingon | He studied at private school and at universities in Halle, Heidelberg, and Marburg -- studying philosophy under the neo-Kantian Hermann Cohen -- before studying medicine at the University of Leipzig in 1902. |
Peng Huanwu | In 1938, Peng was enrolled in foreign study program and went to study at University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and worked with prominent physicist Max Born. |
Hans Volker Klapdor-Kleingrothaus | He received his habilitation in Hamburg in 1971 and in Heidelberg two years later. |
Wil Roebroeks | He then studied prehistory at Leiden University, graduating in 1982. |
Monika Griefahn | After finishing school in 1973 she went to the universities of Göttingen and Hamburg to study mathematics and social sciences. |
Jose Maria Panganiban | Wanting to become a medical practitioner, he took up medical courses at the University of Santo Tomas and at the same time taking vocational courses in agriculture at Letran so that in 1885, he received the title of Agricultural Expert. |
Hans Clevers | Hans Clevers began studying biology at the University of Utrecht in 1975, then began studying medicine as well. |
Wilhelm Olivier Leube | He studied medicine in Tübingen, Zurich, Berlin and Munich, and from 1868 worked as an assistant at the medical clinic in Erlangen. |
Helen Adolf | Adolf attended the University of Vienna and graduated in 1923 with her PhD in literature. |
Senior Sachs | At length he went to Berlin (1844), where he entered the university, attending particularly the lectures of Schelling and Althaus. |
Elias Canetti | He gained a degree in chemistry from the University of Vienna in 1929, but never worked as a chemist. |
Paul Scherrer | In 1912, Scherrer spent one semester at Königsberg University, then undertook further studies at the University of Göttingen, graduating from there with a doctorate on the Faraday Effect in the hydrogen molecule. |
August Becker | Afterward Becker studied chemistry and physics at the University of Giessen, where in 1933 he achieved the PhD degree in chemistry. |
Ludwig Mauthner | He studied medicine at the University of Vienna, where he received his doctorate in 1861. |
Norbert Lossau | Lossau studied the Finnish language and Scandinavian studies at the Universities of Bonn and Göttingen, where he graduated in 1988 with a Master's degree. |
Ferdinand Georg Frobenius | In 1867, after graduating, he went to the University of Göttingen where he began his university studies but he only studied there for one semester before returning to Berlin, where he attended lectures by Kronecker, Kummer and Karl Weierstrass. |
Karl Eugen Neumann | By 1887 Neumann was back in Berlin, studying Indology, Religion and Philosophy at the university there. |
Genc Pollo | After graduating in Historical Studies from the University of Tirana in 1986 he worked as researcher at the Academy of Sciences of Albania for two years and then followed postgraduate studies at the University of Vienna thanks to a scholarship awarded by the Austrian government. |
Olexander Smakula | After finishing his studies at the Ternopil gymnasium he applied to the Georg-August University of Göttingen from which he graduated in 1927. |
Gershom Scholem | He returned to Germany in 1919, where he received a degree in semitic languages at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. |
Vasile Voiculescu | Upon graduating high school in 1902, he read Philosophy for a year at the University of Bucharest before starting his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine. |
Karl Astel | Astel studied medicine in Würzburg and earned his PhD around 1930. |
Erich Fromm | During the summer semester of 1919, Fromm studied at the University of Heidelberg, where he began studying sociology under Alfred Weber (brother of the better known sociologist Max Weber), the psychiatrist-philosopher Karl Jaspers, and Heinrich Rickert. |
Charles Chewings | Chewings went to Europe in 1888, studied geology at University College, London and University of Heidelberg, obtaining the degree of Ph. D. |
Fridolin Friedmann | He attended the universities of Munich, Heidelberg, Cologne and Erlangen, receiving his doctorate in philosophy in 1925 with a dissertation on Moses Mendelssohn. |
Hugo M?nsterberg | He entered the University of Leipzig in 1883 where he heard a lecture by Wilhelm Wundt and became interested in psychology. |
Uta Zapf | After the completion of her Abitur in 1961, Zapf studied Germanistics, English studies, and literature at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. |
Daniel De Leon | In Germany he studied at the Gymnasium in Hildesheim and in 1870 began attending the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. |
Ludwig Knorr | In 1878 Knorr received his Abitur and started to study chemistry at the University of Munich. |
Heinz Reinefarth | After finishing the gymnasium in 1922, he joined the law faculty of the university of Jena. |
Errico Malatesta | Malatesta was introduced to Mazzinian Republicanism while studying medicine at the University of Naples ; however, he was expelled from the university in 1871 for joining a demonstration. |
Georg von Neumayer | Born in Kirchheimbolanden, Palatinate, Neumayer finished his education in geophysics and hydrography in Munich, Bavaria in 1849 ; and becoming much interested in polar exploration, continued his studies in terrestrial magnetism, oceanography, navigation, and nautical astronomy. |
August Fetscherin | Fetscherin visited the Gymnasium in Bern, studied medicine in Bern and Zurich and passed the medicinal degree in Bern in 1871. |
Friedrich Heinrich St?ckhardt | He studied at Georg Hermann Nicolai in Dresden, where he worked till 1869. |
Ernst Stuhlinger | At age 23, he earned his doctorate in physics at the University of Tübingen in 1936, working with Otto Haxel, Hans Bethe and his advisor Hans Geiger. |
Charles-Adolphe Wurtz | When he left the Protestant gymnasium at Strasbourg in 1834, his father allowed him to study medicine as next best to theology. |
Kurt Aland | He started studying theology in 1933 at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin (he also studied philology, archaeology, and history). |
Bert Sakmann | After completing his medical exams at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, he became a medical assistant in 1968 at Munich University, while also working as a scientific assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Assistant) at Munich's Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie, in the Neurophysiology Department under Otto Detlev Creutzfeldt. |
Fritz Klein (sex researcher) | He studied medicine at University of Bern in Switzerland for six years, receiving his MD in 1961. |
Ruth Arion | In 1931, she began to study art and medicine at the University of Breslau. |
Katharina Nocun | After completing the Abitur in Wesel in 2006, she studied Politics and Business at the University of Münster, subsequently studying Politics, Economics and Philosophy at the University of Hamburg. |
Walther Herwig | Herwig studied jurisprudence at the University of Göttingen from 1856, where he became a member of the Corps Hannovera. |
Alfred Lammer | He attended universities in Munich and Innsbruck, and in 1933 joined the anti-Nazi Heimatschutz and Schutzcorps. |
Alexander Schmorell | After his military service, the artistically gifted Alexander Schmorell began studies in medicine in 1939 in Hamburg. |
Franz Baermann Steiner | He enrolled at the German University of Prague in late 1928 for coursework on Semitic languages, with a minor in ethnology, while pursuing as an external student courses in Siberia n ethnology and Turkish studies at the Czech language Charles University of Prague. |
Samuel Siegfried Karl von Basch | In 1857 he studied chemistry at the laboratory of Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke in Vienna, and five years later began the practice of medicine. |
Klaus Mehnert | Mehnert attended the University of Tübingen, the University of Munich, the University of California, Berkeley, and finally Berlin University, where he received his PhD under Professor Otto Hoetzsch in 1928. |
Adalbert Stifter | Stifter was educated at the Benedictine Gymnasium at Kremsmünster, and went to the University of Vienna in 1826 to study law. |
Hellmut Wilhelm | Wilhelm initially worked towards a career in law, passing the Staatsexamen ('' State Examination'') in law in 1928. |
Friedrich Nietzsche | His end-of-semester exams in March 1864 showed a 1 in Religion and German ; a 2a in Greek and Latin ; a 2b in French, History, and Physics ; and a'' lackluster'' 3 in Hebrew and Mathematics. |
Burkhard Rost | After studying physics at the University of Giessen and physics, history, philosophy, and psychology at the University of Heidelberg, Rost received his doctorate at the University Heidelberg for his work at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in 1994. |
Charles Cameron (physician) | In 1854 he went to Germany where he graduated in philosophy and medicine. |
Richard Seeber | In 1980, Seeber started to study laws at the University of Innsbruck. |
Antonio Gramsci | University of Turin : the Rectorate In 1911, Gramsci won a scholarship to study at the University of Turin, sitting the exam at the same time as future cohort Palmiro Togliatti. |
Gladys Dick | She graduated in 1907 with her M. D. then trained for a year at the University of Berlin. |
Mammad agha Shahtakhtinski | In 1869 he graduated from the University of Leipzig with a degree in philosophy, history and law. |
Udny Yule | After a year in Bonn doing research in experimental physics under Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, Yule returned to University College in 1893 to work as a demonstrator for Karl Pearson, one of his former teachers. |
Auguste Piccard | Showing an intense interest in science as a child, he attended the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, and became a professor of physics in Brussels at the Free University of Brussels in 1922, the same year his son Jacques Piccard was born. |
Hans Ehrenberg | After his graduation exam at the Wilhelm Gymnasium in Hamburg in 1902, he studied economics, law and political studies (Rechtswissenschaften und Staatswissenschaften) in Göttingen, Berlin, Heidelberg and Munich. |
Robert Templeton | In 1821 he left Ireland for Edinburgh, Scotland to study medicine and following graduation practised in the University hospital. |
Onisifor Ghibu | He also studied in Strasbourg and received his doctorate in Philosophy and Pedagogy from the University of Jena in 1909. |
Bruno Kreisky | In 1929, he began studying law at the University of Vienna at the advice of Otto Bauer, who urged him to study law rather than medicine, as he had originally planned. |
Heinrich Streintz | In Graz he attained a doctorate in 1872, and then he studied for some time under Gustav Robert Kirchhoff and Leo Königsberger in Heidelberg. |
Constantin C. Arion | Constantin C. followed in his father's footsteps, graduating in Law from the University of Paris (Doctorate in 1876) and in Political Science from Sciences Po. |
Ortwin Runde | After receiving his high-school diploma in 1964, Runde studied Economics and Sociology at the universities of Münster and Hamburg. |
Dirk Willem van Krevelen | In 1933 he was enrolled at Leiden University and studied chemistry under Anton Eduard van Arkel. |
Karl O. Christe | In 1957 Christe began his chemistry studies at the University of Stuttgart. |
Lise Meitner | Inspired by her teacher, physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, Meitner studied physics and became the second woman to obtain a doctoral degree in physics at the University of Vienna in 1905 ('' Wärmeleitung im inhomogenen Körper''). |
Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark | In 1989, the Crown Prince began to study for an academic degree, when he began a course in Political Science at University of Aarhus. |
Remus Opreanu | After studying for a year at the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Law, he continued in 1865 at the University of Paris, obtaining an undergraduate degree in Law the following years. |
C. H. Dodd | After graduating in 1906 he spent a year in Berlin, where he was influenced by Adolf Harnack. |
Georg Bredig | In 1886 he began studying natural sciences at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. |
Volker Zotz | From 1978 he studied Buddhism under Ernst Steinkellner and philosophy under Kurt Rudolf Fischer at the University of Vienna. |
Wilhelm Emmanuel Freiherr von Ketteler | He studied theology at Göttingen, Berlin, Heidelberg and Munich, and was ordained priest in 1844. |
Ernst Mally | In 1898 he enrolled to the University of Graz, where he studied philosophy under the supervision of Alexius Meinong, as well as physics and mathematics, specializing in formal logic. |
Robert Ritter | Continuing his studies in child psychology, Ritter received his doctorate in medicine at University of Heidelberg in 1930. |
Friedrich Daniel Bassermann | Starting in 1829, at the University of Heidelberg he attended lectures in physics, chemistry and botany, followed by a practical apothecary's training in Nuremberg. |
Erich Vagts | In 1919 he began his studies of law and political science at the University of Tübingen and the University of Kiel. |
Hans Victor von Unruh | He visited school in Königsberg and studied at Karl Friedrich Schinkel's Bauakademie Berlin, where he passed his exam in 1834. |
Hugo von Seeliger | He was born in Austrian Silesia, completed high school in Teschen in 1867, and studied at the Universities of Heidelberg and Leipzig. |
Steff Gruber | Both during and after his time at the Juventus Gymnasium -LSB- higher secondary school -RSB- in Zurich, from 1972 on Gruber attended film lectures and courses given by Dr Martin Schlappner, Viktor Sidler, Georg Radanowicz and Sebastian C. Schröder at the University of Zurich, ETH Zürich -LSB- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich -RSB- and F+F, Schule für Gestaltung (Zürich) -LSB- F+F Zurich College of Design -RSB-. |
Hans-J?rgen Papier | Three years after graduating from law school in 1967 with the first law state examination, Papier completed his Ph. D. studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. |
Wilhelm Lenz | In 1906, Lenz graduated from the Klinger-Oberralschule, a non-classical secondary school in Frankfurt-am-Main, and went to study mathematics and physics at the University of Göttingen. |
Rudolf Lange | Lange finished high school in Staßfurt in 1928 and studied law in the University of Jena. |
Rangsit Prayurasakdi | At first the Martineum gymnasium in Halberstadt where he graduated with Abitur in 1905 and later Heidelberg-University in Heidelberg. |
Tankred Dorst | In 1950 he was going to study German literature, art history and theatre in Bamberg and Munich. |
Otto Ohlendorf | Ohlendorf studied economics and law at the University of Leipzig and the University of Göttingen, and by 1930 was already giving lectures at several economic institutions. |
Josef Breuer | He passed his medical exams in 1867 and went to work as assistant to the internist Johann Oppolzer at the university. |
George Pardee | In 1885, Pardee traveled abroad to receive his medical degree at the University of Leipzig in the German Empire. |
Hildegard Ochse | After she finished her Higher School Certificate 1955 in Bad Salzuflen, she studied Roman language and art history at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. |
Henryk Jordan | Jordan began his university studies in Vienna, and from 1863 continued them at Kraków's Jagiellonian University. |
Konrad Raiser | Raiser began studying theology in Tübingen in 1957, moving on to the theological school in Bethel, and later to the universities of Heidelberg and Zürich. |
Maximilian II of Bavaria | After studying at Göttingen and Berlin and travelling in Germany, Italy and Greece, he was introduced by his father into the council of state (1836). |
Lousewies van der Laan | After graduating in 1984, Van der Laan moved to the Netherlands to study law at the University of Leiden. |