Event class: court, case, appeal, charges, trial, judge, justice, supreme court, government, criminal
Events with high posterior probability
Ron Bakir | Corby sacked her main defence lawyer, Lily Lubis, and case coordinator Vasu in July 2005, after Australian lawyer Trowell informed the media that the defence team asked him to request A$ 500,000 from the Australian government, money meant to bribe the judges of the appeal court. |
Yona Metzger | Metzger was questioned twice and denied any wrongdoing, but suspended himself from the Rabbinical High Court in June 2005 while waiting to see if the Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz would decide to indict him. |
Ze'ev Jabotinsky | His appeals to the British government failed to reverse the decision, but in 1920 he was awarded an MBE for his service. |
Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry | Decisions have already been taken in some : Just prior to the holding of the October 2002 General Elections a five member bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan, that Chaudhry was a member of, dismissed a petition which challenged the promulgation of the Legal Framework Order (LFO) 2002 by President Musharraf. |
Charles Taylor (Liberian politician) | On 16 June 2006, the United Nations Security Council agreed unanimously to allow Taylor to be sent to The Hague for trial ; on 20 June 2006, Taylor was extradited and flown to Rotterdam Airport in the Netherlands. |
Thomas Lubanga Dyilo | On 10 February 2006, a Pre-Trial Chamber of the ICC found that there were reasonable grounds to believe that Lubanga bore individual criminal responsibility for the war crime of'' conscripting and enlisting children under the age of fifteen years and using them to participate actively in hostilities'', and issued a sealed warrant for his arrest. |
R?da Johnson | The case was dropped due to lack of evidence at his return to court on 7 April 2011, with Johnson later talking of his innocence and relief that his name had been cleared. |
Akhmed Zakayev | In 2003, the British court rejected the extradition request due to lack of evidence and declared the accusations to be politically motivated, also saying that there was substantial risk of Zakayev being torture d if he was returned to Moscow. |
Lewis Libby | After the June 5 sentencing, Walton said he was inclined to jail Libby after the defense laid out its proposed appeal, but the judge told attorneys he was open to changing his mind'' ; however, on June 14, 2007, Walton ordered Libby to report to prison while his attorneys appealed the conviction. |
Muhammad Salih | On December 14, 2001, the Prague Municipal Court ruled it will not extradite Salih to Uzbekistan, as the Uzbek authorities failed to prove that Salih would be given a fair hearing. |
Silvino Barsana Agudo | Early on December 8, 1941, Attorney Agudo was in the municipality of Santa Cruz, Laguna for a court hearing regarding a boundary dispute. |
Binyam Mohamed | On 28 July 2008, his lawyers filed a petition in a UK court to compel the Foreign Office to turn over the evidence of Binyam Mohamed's abuse. |
Michael Mori | Mori was appointed by the United States Department of Defense to represent David Hicks in November 2003. |
Harry Roberts (criminal) | On 29 June 2007, he was given leave to seek a High Court judicial review over his failed parole bid, with the judge saying his case'' was of great public interest.'' |
Turki Mash Awi Zayid Al Asiri | A Summary of Evidence memo was prepared for Turki Mash Awi Zayid Al Asiri's first annual Administrative Review Board, on 9 September 2005. |
Florence Hartmann | On 27 August 2008, Hartmann was indicted by the Tribunal for disclosing, in a book and article, confidential information pertaining to two decisions of the Tribunal approving black-outs and exclusions from critical historical war documents provided by Belgrade for the trial of the former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and showing Serbia's involvement in the Srebrenica massacrein the Srebrenica massacre. |
Serge Vohor | While out of the country, Vohor was charged with contempt for comments he had made in parliament about Chief Justice Vincent Lunabek, but in September 2004 the Supreme Court threw out the charges on the grounds that Vohor had not been given the proper chance to defend himself in court, and that, furthermore, his comments were protected by parliamentary privilege. |
David Hicks | Hicks was charged by a US military commission on 26 August 2004. |
Jean-Pierre Bemba | On 2 December 2009 the ICC ruled that Bemba was a flight risk and must remain in custody until his trial. |
Henry Kosgey | On 23 January 2012 the International Criminal Court pre-trial chamber II declined to confirm all of the charges levelled against Kosgey, citing insufficient prosecution evidence to sustain a full trial. |
Binyam Mohamed | On 10 February 2010 three Court of Appeal judges ordered the British government to reveal evidence of MI5 and MI6 complicity in the torture of Binyam Mohamed, overruling the Foreign Secretary, David Miliband. |
Jayant Patel | On 22 November 2006, a magistrate issued a warrant for Patel's arrest and extradition to Australia. |
P. V. Narasimha Rao | However only after Rao's term as PM had expired in 1996, was he formally charged by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for the crime. |
Fabian Ver | The Agrava Commission, an independent fact-finding body put up by Ferdinand Marcos found evidence to verify that the military and Ver were involved, but he was subsequently acquitted in 1985 by Marcos. |
Cesare Battisti (born 1954) | On June 30, 2004, the Paris Court of Appeal gave a favorable opinion for his extradition. |
Joseph Estrada | On October 22, 2007, Acting Justice Secretary Agnes Devanadera stated that Joseph Estrada is seeking a `` full, free, and unconditional pardon'' from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. |
Aamer Anwar | He was ultimately vindicated following the successful appeal of Mohammed Atif Siddique in February 2010, which led to his release and the quashing of his conviction under Section 58 - Collection of information of the Terrorism Act, which was described as a miscarriage of justice by the appeal court. |
David Hicks | In July 2005 a US appeals court accepted the prosecution claim that because'' the President of the United States issued a memorandum in which he determined that none of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions apply to our conflict with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan or elsewhere throughout the world because, among other reasons, al Qaeda is not a high contracting party to Geneva,'' that Hicks, among others, could be tried by a military tribunal. |
Roman Latkovi? | Lawyers Committee for Human Rights represented Roman Latkovic in his fight for political asylum in the United States and has published his case in its'' Critique : review of the U. S. Department of State's country reports on human rights practices for 1995''. |
Julian Assange | In June 2012, following final dismissal by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom of his appeal against enforcement of the European Arrest Warrant, Assange has failed to surrender to his bail, and has been treated by the UK authorities as having absconded. |
?scar El?as Biscet | In 2003, in response to a petition concerning Biscet and other Cuban prisoners of conscience, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention determined that Biscet is being held in violation of Articles 9, 10, 19, 20, and 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and called for his immediate release. |
Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano | In January 2010, the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), a commission in charge of recommending governmental change backed by the UN and the Guatemalan government, announced the results of its own investigation, concluding that Rosenberg had arranged his own death. |
Jovito Salonga | In October 1980, following the bombing of the Philippine International Convention Center, Marcos again ordered Salonga's arrest ; this time he was detained at Fort Bonifacio without any formal charges and investigation. |
Ante Gotovina | The Trial of Gotovina et al was expected to begin in May 2007 but was postponed indefinitely due to conflicts between lawyers on the defence bench. |
Gregorian Bivolaru | In 2005, the Supreme Court of Sweden agreed to grant political refugee status to Bivolaru in response to his claims of persecution by Romania n authorities. |
Craig S. Morford | The internal investigation, a 60-page memorandum, The Morford Report submitted by Craig Morford on August 31, 2004, found that the prosecution withheld from the defense numerous e-mails, photographs, witness statements and other items, and that the errors and misconduct in the case were so widespread that there was `` no reasonable prospect of winning'' on appeal. |
Toby Low, 1st Baron Aldington | For seven years after Aldington won his initial judgement, Tolstoy appealed to 15 courts in Britain and Europe, before finally winning a judgement in the European Court of Human Rights in 1995 that the size of the award (# 1. |
John Semer Farnsworth | In January 1938, he appealed the judge's decision in his petition for the writ of habeas corpus by arguing that the court erred in ruling that a petitioner could not be released'' from unlawful imprisonment'' by habeas corpus proceedings ; further, that the court did not have jurisdiction in the first place and had no power to pronounce an indeterminate sentence. |
David Hicks | On 13 December 2005 Lord Justice Lawrence Collins of the High Court ruled that then - Home Secretary Charles Clarke had'' no power in law'' to deprive Mr Hicks of British citizenship'' and so he must be registered''. |
Jos? Padilla (prisoner) | On January 3, 2006, the U. S. Supreme Court granted a Bush administration request to transfer Padilla from military to civilian custody. |
Dudley Ward (judge) | He had been involved in the parliamentary Ward-Chapman enquiry of 1874 -- 75 after he laid certain charges of gross partiality against Justice Chapman of the Supreme Court. |
Sajjan Kumar | On August 27, 2013, the Delhi High Court accepted an appeal filed by the CBI against Kumar's previous acquaittal by a lower court. |
Harikumar Pallathadka | His RTI applications on pending cases and under trail prisoners revealed that a more than 30 million cases are pending before various courts in India (as of 2006) and about a quarter million under-trials are languishing in the jails across India (as of 2006). |
Asif Ali Zardari | In January 2010, the Supreme Court ordered Pakistan's government to reopen Zardari's corruption charges in Switzerland. |
Chen Guangcheng | As a result of Chen's trial, British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett selected his case for the cover of the British government's 2006 human rights report, stating concern over the handling of Chen's case and calling for the Chinese government'' to prove its commitment to building rule of law.'' |
Lulzim Basha | In 2007, the Chief Prosecutor of Albania Theodhori Sollaku asked the parliament to lift Basha's immunity from prosecution so he could begin an investigation into possible political corruption and abuse of power charges. |
John Phillips (judge) | In 2003, Phillips was a member of the appeal court which imposed what is believed to be the highest sentence imposed in Victoria for incest. |
Carlos the Jackal | In 1996, a majority of the European Commission of Human Rights rejected his application related to the process of his capture. |
Shabir Shah | After his detention grounds were quashed by the High Court, the government again slapped PSA against him on December 8, 2008, which was later revoked by the Court. |
Joseph H. H. Weiler | After several postponements requested by Weiler, the case was heard by the Tribunal de Grand Instance de Paris on January 20, 2011, with the verdict handed down in Paris on March 3, 2011, dismissing the lawsuit. |
Ghassan al-Sharbi | Serious war crimes charges were dropped against him in October 2008, as it had been found they were based on evidence gained through torture of Abu Zubaydah. |
Richard Mdluli | The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) provisionally withdrew murder charges against Mdluli on 10 April 2012, in order to complete an inquest of the case. |
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani | On September 8, 2010, Ramin Mehmanparast, a spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry, confirmed that the government had suspended the stoning sentence pending a review of her husband's murder case. |
Gina Rinehart | A subsequent application by Rinehart for a non-publication order on the grounds of fear of personal and family safety was dismissed by the NSW Supreme Court on 2 February 2012. |
Silvana Arbia | International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) On 24 October 1999, Arbia was appointed Senior Trial Attorney, and later Acting Chief of Prosecutions in the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, then Chief of prosecutions. |
Leonardo Henrichsen | Chilean Criminal court Judge Rommy Rutherford ruled that the case had expired its statute of limitations, though after reviewing the case, Chilean Appellate Court Judge Jorge Zepeda Arancibia ordered a reopening of the investigation into the deaths of Leonardo Henrichsen and three other Argentines murdered there in 1973. |
Adil Charkaoui | In April 2007, Charkaoui submitted a leave to appeal to the Supreme Court in a third challenge ; in this instance to the law permitting deportation of non-citizens when there is a risk of torture. |
Haroon Rashid Aswat | The UK Government appealed to for the case to be reconsidered by the court's Grand Chamber, but on 11 September 2013 that was rejected, making the decision became final that Aswat can not now be extradited. |
Nikolai Tolstoy | In July 1995, the European Court of Human Rights concluded unanimously that the British Government had violated Tolstoy's rights in respect of Article 10 of the Convention on Human Rights, although this referred strictly to the amount of the damages awarded against him and did not overturn the guilty verdict of his libel action. |
Michael Brown (fraudster) | In August 2008 Southwark Crown Court Judge Wadsworth decided that the trial could proceed in the defendant's absence and as private funding had run out to his legal team, Brown would be eligible for legal aid. |
Wu Shu-chen | Taiwanese judges, on September 19, 2008, denied prosecutors' plea to arrest Wu Shu-chen after she failed to appear in court for the 17th time citing ill health. |
Steve Kubby | In 2001, exercising his right to appeal the conviction for peyote possession, Kubby obtained the court's permission to move to Canada with his wife and two children. |
Adel Noori | On March 3, 2006, in response to a court order from Jed Rakoff the Department of Defense published a single page Summarized transcript from his Combatant Status Review Tribunal. |
Lori Berenson | Peru's Justice Minister Victor Garcia Toma on May 3, 2010, stated that'' I do n't think Lori Berenson can create harm for society, but she has created anger among citizens,'' and recommended that the remaining five years of her sentence be commuted and that she be expelled from Peru to the U. S., indicating that his recommendation was based on a legal and political analysis of the circumstances. |
Theodor Meron | Theodor Meron (born 28 April 1930) is the President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chambers of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the ICTY. |
James Hanratty | The case for Hanratty's innocence was pursued by his family as well as by some of the opponents of capital punishment in the United Kingdom, who maintained that Hanratty was innocent and sought to draw attention to evidence that would cast doubt on the validity of his conviction. |
Maya Evans | The judges described their ruling, on 25 June 2010, as a'' partial victory'' for Evans, concluding that there was'' a real risk that detainees transferred to NDS Kabul will be subjected to torture or serious mistreatment'' and transfers would'' therefore be in breach of the Secretary of State's policy and unlawful'', but transfers to other NDS facilities (Kandahar and Lashkar Gah) could continue provided specified conditions were met, such as the right of British monitors to get access to the detainees regularly. |
David Hicks | On 9 March 2007, his lawyer said that David Hicks was expected to bring a case seeking to force the Australian Federal Government to ask the US government to free him. |
Nora Wall | The judges noted that in her further statement of 2 April 2001, Phelan in part stated : In the trial, held at the Central Criminal Court in Dublin, I gave evidence on oath in the complaint against Nora Wall and Paul McCabe. |
Bukola Saraki | The Police were later condemned by the Federal Court in Abuja following a request to the courts by Senator Saraki's legal team to determine'' whether it is not a violation of the plaintiff's right under section 34 (a) and section 35 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) for the Defendant to invite the plaintiff to appear before the police without any allegations and or accusations specifically made against him. |
Thomas B. Griffith | 2009) : Dissenting from the panel's holding that a court can not issue a writ of habeas corpus to prevent the transfer of a Guantanamo detainee to a country where the detainee claims he will be torture d or further detained, Griffith argued that the Suspension Clause entitles Guantanamo detainees to notice and an opportunity to challenge the lawfulness of proposed transfers. |
Nigel Wingrove | In 1996, Wingrove challenged the British Board of Film Classification, which has refused to grant a distribution certificate for his short film'' Visions of Ecstasy'' on the grounds that it was blasphemous, at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. |
Juan Sebasti?n Ver?n | In July 2002, he was called to appear before Italy's state prosecutor to answer allegations he illegally acquired an Italian passport. |
Lotfi Raissi | His application for permission to enforce the order of the Court of Appeal, and contempt of court proceedings against the Home Office, resulted in an announcement on 23 April 2010 by the Secretary of State for Justice Jack Straw that Raissi is eligible for up to # 2m compensation. |
Ashok Jadeja | On June 10, 2009, a local court in Gujarat granted the criminal investigation department permission to conduct a narco test on Jadeja. |
Ren? Joaquino | His conviction on these charges was reversed by Bolivia's Supreme Tribunal of Justice on December 12, 2012, but he continued to face two additional criminal investigations. |
Paul Blackburn (UK) | This appeal was heard in the Royal Court of Justice, London and Blackburn's conviction was ruled to be unsafe and was therefore overturned on 24 May 2005, about 27 years after he was initially convicted. |
Silvio Berlusconi | The Constitutional Court ruled on 20 June 2013, that the Chamber of Deputies decrete having extended Berlusconi's immunity beyond what was provided for by the constitution, was a case with conflict of powers and should be disregarded. |
Khaled Ali | In June 2011, Ali was heard by the Administrative Court regarding a lawsuit seeking to overturn Law 34/2011, passed by SCAF and the Cabinet and which criminalized certain protests and strikes. |
David Chaytor | On 23 February 2011 it was announced that following legal advice, Chaytor was seeking leave to appeal against the length of his sentence. |
Hafiz Muhammad Saeed | Hafiz Muhammad Saeed was held in house arrest under the Maintenance of Public Order law, which allows authorities to detain temporarily individuals deemed likely to create disorder, On July 6, 2009, the Pakistani government filed an appeal of the court's decision. |
Karpal Singh | However, the Court of Appeal reversed the acquittal in January 2012 and ordered Karpal to enter his defence. |
Tharcisse Renzaho | According to the prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Renzaho is alleged to have contributed to the genocide in numerous ways between 7 April and July 1994, including exercising his authority to set up roadblocks for the interception and murder of Tutsi s, dismissing councillors who objected to the genocide, personally ordering the detainment and murder of Tutsis, equipping genocidaires with Kalashnikov rifles, and ordering the murder of the journalist André Kameya. |
?scar El?as Biscet | Despite appeals from the United Nations, foreign governments, and international human rights organizations, the Cuban Regime refused to release Biscet until March 11, 2011. |
Omar al-Bashir | On 28 August 2010 in Nairobi, the authorities in Kenya chose not to arrest Al-Bashir on International Criminal Court (ICC) charges of genocide when he arrived for a ceremony for the new Kenyan constitution. |
Geoffrey D. Miller | On 14 November 2006, the German attorney Wolfgang Kaleck filed the complaint with the German Federal Attorney General (Generalbundesanwalt) against Miller for his complicity in torture and other crimes against humanity at Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. |
Aamer Anwar | In 2008 he faced allegations of contempt of court in the light of a complaint by the presiding judge in the case, Lord Carloway, because of his disparaging remarks about the jury after the trial and conviction of Mohammed Siddique in the High Court of Justiciary. |
Gordon Nuttall | On 12 July 2010, the Supreme Court ordered Nuttall to repay $ 454,000 deemed to be'' proceeds of crime'' to the state of Queensland and was also ordered him to pay the Government's legal costs of $ 42,000. |
Patriarch Pavle of Serbia | In September 1997, Pavle signed a declaration to the UN Security Council in which he demanding suspension of the proceedings against Karadžić before the Hague tribunal. |
Cesare Battisti (born 1954) | On 8 June 2011, the Brazilian Supreme Court ruled that Lula's decision regarding the non-extradition of Battisti is final. |
Leonard Peltier | Peltier's indictment and conviction have been the subject of much controversy ; Amnesty International placed his case under the'' Unfair Trials'' category of its Annual Report : USA 2010, citing concerns with the fairness of the proceedings. |
John Demjanjuk | On 28 December 2005, an immigration judge ordered Demjanjuk deported to Germany, Poland or Ukraine. |
Rafael Leonardo Callejas Romero | In 2005 he was declared innocent of all charges of corruption by Honduran courts, including the Supreme Court. |
Hasnat Khan | In July 2008, Khan and Ali filed an application for divorce in the local arbitration council of Islamabad. |
Keith Joseph | At the end of 2011, the release of confidential documents under the UK Government's 30-year rule revealed Joseph's thoughts regarding the Liverpool Riots. |
Thaksin Shinawatra | The Thailand Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions issued a second arrest warrant on 16 September 2008 against Thaksin over another of the four pending corruption cases and ordered suspension of the trial. |
Michael Crocker | The British High Commission rejected Crocker's appeal to be allowed to work in the UK in May, 2009, but did not give an official reason. |
Nasser Zarafshan | In February 2002 he was tried in a military court behind closed doors with his lawyer present ; the presiding judge was a prosecutor with the JOAF. |
Keith Henson | At the May 8, 2007 hearing, Henson was presented with an arrest warrant, and returned to jail. |
Marcus Einfeld | On 23 July 2009 the New South Wales Court of Appeal made declarations that the defendant was guilty of professional misconduct and that he was not a fit and proper person to remain on the roll of lawyers and ordered that his name be removed from the roll. |