Event class: party, president, republican, convention, governor, presidential, state, nomination, election, delegate
Events with high posterior probability
Mordecai Ham | In 1928, though many in his congregation were Democrat, Ham supported Republican Herbert Hoover for the American presidency :'' If you vote for Al Smith, you're voting against Christ, and you will all be damned''. |
Robert Deniston Hume | In 1896 Hume, switching to the Republican Party, used his newspaper, the Wedderburn Gazette, to support Republican William McKinley for the U. S. presidency. |
William M. Malone | Malone's rise to power as the Democratic counterpoint to Finn is still undocumented, but by 1940, he had consolidated his hold on the San Francisco Democratic Party organization, in partnership with labor leader John F. Shelley (later Congressman and Mayor of San Francisco), and was recognized by the Democratic National Committee in New Deal Washington as arbiter of the'' Federal Brigade'', those California Democratic stalwarts appointed to political patronage positions in a vast number of federal agencies. |
Walter J. Kohler, Jr. | In 1948, Kohler was a delegate to the national convention and made it clear that he was a moderate Republican in the mold of the GOP's presidential candidate Thomas Dewey. |
L. Mendel Rivers | Rivers attended the 1952 Democratic National Convention and believed that Adlai Stevenson would reverse the policies of Truman by returning to traditional Democratic principles. |
Adlai Stevenson II | In Robin Gerber's novel Eleanor vs. Ike, Stevenson suffers a fatal heart attack as he approaches the podium to accept the Democratic nomination in 1952. |
Balie Peyton | He was a presidential elector on the Constitutional Union ticket of John Bell and Edward Everett in 1860. |
Joseph B. Foraker | Although he expressed bitterness upon leaving office, wishing he had never left the farm in Highland County, he soon resumed his involvement in politics, speaking for the unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor, Harding, in 1910. |
William Howard Taft | Roosevelt declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination in February 1912 ; Taft soon decided that he would focus on canvassing for delegates and not attempt at the outset to take on the more able campaigner one on one. |
John Sherman | Silver had been hardly mentioned in the 1888 campaign, and Harrison's exact position on the issue was initially unclear, but his appointment of a silverite Treasury Secretary, William Windom, encouraged the free silver supporters. |
John A. Bridgland | He took great interest in Indiana politics starting as a Whig and by 1860 becoming an active supporter of the Republican party and its Presidential candidate, Abraham Lincoln. |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | A shift to the left within the Administration was shown by the naming of Henry A. Wallace as Vice President in place of the conservative Texan John Nance Garner, who had become a bitter enemy of Roosevelt after 1937. |
Trenor W. Park | In 1868 he was a Vermont delegate to the Republican National Convention that nominated Ulysses S. Grant for President and Schuyler Colfax for Vice President. |
Theodore Roosevelt | In the 1912 election Roosevelt tried and failed to block Taft's renomination. |
Percival Proctor Baxter | In 1928, when Brewster made his own run for the U. S. Senate, Baxter publicly denounced him as a member of the Klan, helping to ensure the victory of incumbent U. S. Senator Frederick Hale. |
Morrie Ryskind | In 1940, Ryskind abandoned the Democratic Party, and he opposed President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's pursuit of a third term, writing the campaign song for that year's Republican Party presidential nominee Wendell Willkie. |
William D. Connor | In the 1904 progressive-stalwart split, Connor was chosen by the'' gymnasium convention'' as one of the progressive delegates to the Republican national convention. |
William Borah | In an attempt to revitalize the progressive wing of the Republican Party, in 1936 a 71-year-old Borah ran for nomination as candidate for President of the United States, becoming the first Idahoan to do so. |
William McKinley | When his Army friend Rutherford B. Hayes was nominated for governor in 1867, McKinley made speeches on his behalf in Stark County, his first foray into politics. |
Andrew Johnson | Johnson hoped that he would be a compromise candidate for the 1860 presidential nomination as the Democratic Party tore itself apart over the slavery question. |
Carter Glass | At the 1920 Democratic National Convention Glass was nominated for President as a favorite son candidate from Virginia. |
Samuel Freeman Miller | Active in Hawkeye politics, he supported Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election. |
Ted Kennedy | at Robert's funeral, which included the oft-quoted : At the chaotic 1968 Democratic National Convention in August, Mayor of Chicago Richard J. Daley and some other party factions feared that Hubert Humphrey could not unite the party, and so encouraged Ted Kennedy to make himself available for a draft. |
Culbert Olson | During the 1896 Presidential Election, Olson openly campaigned for Democratic candidate William Jennings Bryan. |
Frederick Nolting | Nolting was a firm supporter of South Vietnam ese President Ngô Đình Diệm to the point where, by 1963, President Kennedy felt he had become too identified with Diệm's regime to be effective, and was replaced by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.. |
Charles R. Brayton | He served as a delegate to the 1900 Republican National Convention, which nominated incumbent President William McKinley. |
Abraham Lincoln | Stanton was one of many conservative Democrats (he supported Breckenridge in the 1860 election) who became anti-slavery Republicans under Lincoln's leadership. |
Harry N. Routzohn | In 1944, Routzohn backed efforts to put a labor leader on the Republican ticket for Vice President to'' win labor back to the party.'' |
William McKinley | Elected governor of New York on a reform platform in 1898, Roosevelt had his eye on the presidency. |
Mark Willis (politician) | In August of 2013, Willis, until then a member of the Republican National Committee, was one of thirteen Maine Republicans to resign en masse from the Republican Party, saying,'''' We can no longer associate ourselves with a political party that goes out of its way to continually restrict our freedoms and liberties as well as reaching deeper and deeper into our wallets.'' |
John F. Hartranft | At the Republican National Convention in June 1876, he was a contender for the presidential nomination that eventually went to Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio, who had served with Hartranft during the Civil War in the same army corps. |
Henry H. Van Dyck | In 1856, he joined the Republican Party, and was a presidential elector, voting for John C. Frémont and William L. Dayton. |
Robert C. Wickliffe | In 1892, he reeentered electoral politics when he was nominated for Lieutenant Governor by the Louisiana Lottery faction of the Democratic Party. |
Norman Thomas | At the 1932 Milwaukee Convention, Thomas and his radical pacifist allies in the party joined forces with constructive socialists from Wisconsin and a faction of young Marxist intellectuals called the'' Militants'' in backing a challenger to National Chairman Morris Hillquit. |
James G. Blaine | Blaine was not a delegate to the Republican convention in 1860, but attended anyway as an enthusiastic supporter of Abraham Lincoln. |
Edward M. Shepard | Shepard was a delegate to the National Convention of the'' Gold Democrats'' in Indianapolis which nominated the Palmer / Buckner ticket for the United States presidential election, 1896. |
James D. Walker | He served as a Democratic elector for the 1876 election, after white Democrats had regained control of the state legislature following the Reconstruction era. |
Frank Knox | In 1912 as founding editor of New Hampshire's Manchester Leader, forerunner to the New Hampshire Union Leader, he supported Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive ticket. |
Mason Spencer | In 1940, Spencer was an at-large delegate to the Democratic National Convention which nominated the Franklin Roosevelt to a third term, with Henry A. Wallace for vice president. |
David L. Lawrence | Consequently, at the 1932 Democratic Convention, Lawrence deserted Al Smith's presidential campaign and delivered the Pennsylvania delegation to Franklin D. Roosevelt solely because of his fear of the religious issue. |
Benjamin Fitzpatrick | In 1860, Fitzpatrick was nominated for vice president of the United States by the wing of the Democratic Party that had nominated Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois for President, but refused the nomination, and ultimately Herschel V. Johnson of Georgia was nominated in his stead. |
Justin Raimondo | In 1983, after a schism in the Libertarian Party, Raimondo left and attempted to organize a libertarian faction in the Republican Party known as the Libertarian Republican Organizing Committee. |
Woodbridge Nathan Ferris | In 1916, he was again a delegate to Democratic National Convention which nominated President Woodrow Wilson for re-election. |
Joshua B. Huckeby | In the 1860 presidential election, Huckeby's southern birth and conservatism allied him with the Constititional Union party, and he was placed upon the Bell and Everett ticket as elector for the First District of Indiana, to which Perry County then belonged. |
Homer Davenport | In 1904, Davenport was hired away from Hearst by the New York Evening Mail, a Republican paper, and there drew a favorable cartoon of President Theodore Roosevelt that boosted Roosevelt's election campaign that year. |
Joseph B. Foraker | Four years later, he supported the Republican candidate, former Illinois representative Abraham Lincoln, in the 1860 presidential race, marching in processions of the Wide Awakes and other pro-Lincoln groups, and attending as many rallies as he could. |
Ambrose Burnside | On May 1, 1863, Ohio Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham, a prominent opponent of the war, held a large public rally in Mount Vernon, Ohio in which he denounced President Lincoln as a'' tyrant'' who sought to abolish the Constitution and set up a dictatorship. |
William Jennings Bryan | At the 1896 Democratic National Convention, Bryan lambasted Eastern moneyed classes for supporting the gold standard at the expense of the average worker. |
Benjamin Butler (politician) | In the 1860 Democratic National Convention at Charleston, South Carolina, Butler initially supported John C. Breckenridge, but then shifted his support to Jefferson Davis, believing that only a moderate Southerner could keep the Democratic party from dividing. |
Helen Gahagan Douglas | William Malone, the Democratic state chairman in California, had advised Douglas to wait until 1952 to run for the Senate, rather than split the party in a fight with Downey. |
Mark Hanna | Charles Dick recalled being asked to take the Republican state chairmanship : President Harrison had proven unpopular even in his own party, and with the start of 1892, McKinley was talked about as a potential candidate. |
Kinsley S. Bingham | He campaigned actively for the election of U. S. President Abraham Lincoln in 1860. |
Frank Carlson | In 1952, he campaigned to get fellow Kansan Dwight D. Eisenhower into the White House, and then brokered a deal through Ohio Senator Robert Taft, known as'' Mr. Republican'', and became majority leader. |
Thomas W. Ferry | He presided over the high court of impeachment of U. S. Secretary of War William Belknap and over the sixteen joint meetings of the Electoral Commission during the Hayes - Tilden U. S. presidential electoral contest in 1877. |
Abraham Lincoln | After a series of highly publicized debates in 1858 during which he opposed the expansion of slavery, Lincoln lost the U. S. Senate race in Illinois to his archrival, Stephen A. Douglas. |
Mason Spencer | He also endorsed the reelection to a second term in 1936 of U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt though the national campaign had not yet begun at that time. |
John C. Breckinridge | Mathew Brady As a delegate to the 1856 Democratic National Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, Breckinridge supported Pierce's re-nomination for president. |
Sam H. Jones | In 1964, Jones endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Senator Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona, who won Louisiana's ten electoral votes. |
William Monroe Trotter | thumb | right | Political cartoon about the 1912 presidential election, depicting Theodore Roosevelt (cowboy hat), -LSB- -LSB- Woodrow Wilson (cap), and William Howard Taft (top hat) -RSB- -RSB- NERL, which biographer Fox describes as Trotter's'' personal fief'', was unable to attract high-profile membership as the NAACP did. |
De Lancey Nicoll | In 1896 Nicoll was among the Democrats who repudiated William Jennings Bryan and campaigned for Republican William McKinley. |
Clement Vallandigham | During the 1860 presidential campaign he supported Stephen A. Douglas, but disagreed with him over his position on'' squatter sovereignty'', which was used by detractors to describe popular sovereignty. |
Alben W. Barkley | In July 1934, the Democratic National Committee chose Barkley to respond to Republican National Committee chairman Henry P. Fletcher's radio attacks on the New Deal. |
Aaron Goodrich | Goodrich was a Minnesota delegate to the 1860 Republican National Convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln, but cast his vote for William H. Seward. |
Walter M. Pierce | He attempted to gain support from progressive Republicans on issues of prison reform, reforestation, and hydroelectric development, but divided the state Democratic Party by endorsing Robert M. La Follette for President in 1924. |
Patrick Killen | On June 10, 2004, he told the Weekly Alibi, an alternative weekly in Albuquerque, New Mexico : On June 12, 2004, conservative Republican state convention delegates in New Mexico elected Killen as an alternate delegate to the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City, New York. |
William L. Spicer | He suggested that he could support a'' Republicans for Faubus'' organization against Rockefeller's gubernatorial bid in 1964, but he remained committed to Republican presidential nominee Barry M. Goldwater of Arizona, whom Rockefeller supported once Goldwater was nominated. |
Richard S. Arnold | In 1968, Arnold was a delegate to the tumultuous Democratic National Convention, which met in Chicago to assemble the Humphrey - Muskie ticket, the first Democratic team to lose the electoral votes of Arkansas since Reconstruction, having been defeated by George Wallace's then American Independent Party. |
Francis Preston Blair, Jr. | Immediately after South Carolina's secession in December 1860, Blair, believing that the southern leaders were planning to carry neutral Missouri into the movement, began active efforts to prevent it. |
Thomas Z. Morrow | After the war, he remained active with the Republican Party, and was its nominee for governor in 1883, losing to J. Proctor Knott. |
John Moran Bailey | In 1968, Republicans nominated Richard Nixon again to be their Presidential nominee, quickly rallying around him while the Democrats were more divided, particularly over the contentious issue of the war in Vietnam. |
Lyndon B. Johnson | According to Robert Caro,'' On November 8, 1960, Lyndon Johnson won election for both the vice presidency of the United States, on the Kennedy-Johnson ticket, and for a third term as Senator (he had Texas law changed to allow him to run for both offices). |
John Hanks | It was Hanks who accompanied Richard J. Oglesby to the old Lincoln farm and bring back the split fence rails for Lincoln's famous'' rail splitter'' campaign at the Republican Party convention at Decatur, Illinois, in 1860. |
August Belmont | As a delegate to the Democratic Convention of 1860, Belmont supported Stephen A. Douglas, who subsequently named Belmont chairman of the Democratic National Committee. |
John Sherman | Hayes had pledged himself to a one-term presidency, and the Republican nomination in 1880 attracted many candidates, including Sherman. |
Edward M. Shepard | In 1900, Shepard supported William Jennings Bryan for President. |
Richard R. Nacy | He was mentioned in Theodore White's book'' The Making of a President 1960'' as being instrumental in bringing conservative Missouri into the Kennedy camp and helping ensure Kennedy's election in 1960. |
Bill Redpath | In May 2010, he was replaced by Mark Hinkle at the 2010 Libertarian National Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. |
Alben W. Barkley | Barkley supported Franklin D. Roosevelt for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1932, but facing a re-election bid himself, he did not announce his support, fearing that his message might not resonate with Kentucky voters. |
Alonzo C. Shuford | He served as presidential elector on the Progressive ticket in 1924. |
William Randolph Hearst | Under Hearst, the Journal remained loyal to the populist wing of the Democratic Party, and was the only major publication in the East to support William Jennings Bryan and Bimetallism in 1896. |
Mary Bellamy | She never again sought elective office although she was selected as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 1920. |
Caleb Blood Smith | He was influential in securing the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for the presidency at the Chicago Republican National Convention in 1860. |
William Andrew Quarles | Interested in politics, he was a Democratic presidential elector in 1852, supporting Franklin Pierce's candidacy. |
Dave Treen | In 1960, Treen opposed the election of both Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy as president and ran as an elector for the Louisiana States' Rights Party, which supported Virginia Democratic U. S. Senator Harry F. Byrd, Sr.. |
Mills Gardner | Gardner was an original Republican, casting his first vote for John C. Fremont in 1856 and for every nominee of the Republican party for president after that until his death. |
Laurence Kotlikoff | In order to highlight his Purple Plans, Kotlikoff vied to win the nomination of the Americans Elect platform in its short-lived effort to field a third party candidate in the 2012 Presidential election. |
Eleanor Roosevelt | In 1954, Tammany Hall boss Carmine DeSapio led the effort to defeat Eleanor's son, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., in the election for New York Attorney General. |
James H. Harris (NC politician) | Harris was also a delegate to several Republican National Convention s, including in 1884, when he was a supporter of Chester A. Arthur's unsuccessful bid for renomination. |
John Flournoy Montgomery | He was a loyal and generous supporter of the Democratic Party, and after Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt claimed the White House in 1932, Montgomery was rewarded with the promise of a diplomatic job. |
C. E. "Cap" Barham | After leaving the lieutenant governorship, Barham was a delegate to the 1956 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which renominated Adlai E. Stevenson to run again against Dwight D. Eisenhower. |
Theodore Roosevelt | Republican primaries Despite his new doubts about Taft's leadership abilities, Roosevelt still was friendly towards him which Roosevelt labeled as a'' good trust''. |
Frank Hamilton Short | In 1912 he actively campaigned for the re-election of President Taft in opposition to Progressive Party candidate Theodore Roosevelt. |
William Gibbs McAdoo | A committed'' Dry'' with respect to Prohibition, McAdoo's first Presidential bid was scuttled by the New York state delegation and other Northern opponents of the banning of alcohol at the 1920 Democratic National Convention. |
Hiram Johnson | Following Theodore Roosevelt's death in January 1919, Johnson was regarded as the natural leader of the Progressive Party. |
Harry N. Routzohn | In 1928, he broke with the Ohio delegation, which announced prior to the convention its intention to support favorite son Senator Frank B. Willis of Ohio. |
John Conyers | ; Nixon and Watergate Conyers was critical of Richard Nixon during his tenure, and as a result was number 13 on President Richard Nixon's enemies list during Nixon's 1969 -- 74 presidential tenure. |
Frederick Steiwer | Twice a candidate for the Republican nomination to the U. S. Presidency, he delivered the keynote address during the 1936 Republican National Convention. |
D. H. Starbuck | In 1880, Starbuck was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, at first publicly supporting John Sherman before switching his allegiance to Grant. |
Thomas Marshall Howe | He resumed his former business pursuits, and was a delegate to the 1860 Republican National Convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln as the candidate for President. |
Frank Munsey | Munsey also authored several novels : Munsey became directly involved in presidential politics when former President Theodore Roosevelt announced his candidacy to challenge his hand-picked successor President William Taft for the landmark 1912 Republican Party nomination for the presidency. |