Event class: wrote, book, death, years, time, said, made, work, john, history
Events with high posterior probability
Warren G. Harding | However, Harding's biographer John W. Dean in 2004 believed that Harding was underrated. |
Stan Reid | In 1902, Mr. Collick, a military chaplain, reported that when he had gone up to the wounded Reid (Collick had been riding in company with Dr. Francis Reid) and told him that he would call an ambulance, pointing to the two wounded men by his side, Reid had responded'' Do n't mind me ; see to these fellows''. |
Augustine Henry | In 1935, J. W. Besant was to write :' The wealth of beautiful trees and flowering shrubs which adorn gardens in all temperate parts of the world today is due in a great measure to the pioneer work of the late Professor Henry'. |
August Derleth | Derleth, while not a professional historian, was, according to former Wisconsin state historian William F. Thompson,''... a very competent regional historian who based his historical writing upon research in the primary documents and who regularly sought the help of professionals...'' In the foreword to the 1985 reissue of the work by The University of Wisconsin Press, Thompson concluded :'' No other writer, of whatever background or training, knew and understood his particular' corner of the earth' better than August Derleth.'' |
George Halse | On 23 December 1895 George J. Drummond wrote to all his colleagues that they had lost' a loyal, amiable and invaluable colleague' and that he might have lived longer had he not driven himself so hard, but that' the path of duty to a man of his active mind and temperament was probably preferable to a well earned life of ease and retirement.' |
Thich Quang Duc | Quang Duc's last words before his self-immolation were documented in a letter he had left : Huế's -LSB- -LSB- Thien Mu Pagoda -RSB- -RSB- thumb | Quang Duc's car, Dec. 2011 | alt A higher resolution image of the car, on display at the temple, 15 December 2011 The spectators were mostly stunned into silence, but some wailed and several began praying. |
Dumas Malone | Annette Gordon-Reed, in her 1996 analysis of the historiography of the controversy, noted that Malone had accepted testimony by Jefferson descendants, who said two Carr nephews were the father (s) of Hemings' children, but dismissed accounts by former slaves, including Sally's son Madison Hemings, although these were better supported by available facts. |
Billy Wright (footballer born 1924) | In 2009, English football agent Bryan Yeubrey began a public campaign to obtain a posthumous knighthood for Wright : www. |
Richard Henry Pratt | His role at the Carlisle School is addressed in the 2008 documentary, Our Spirits Do n't Speak English. |
James Westfall Thompson | Kirby Page writes in'' Jesus or Christianity'' (1929) :'' The Roman Church in the Middle Ages,'' says Professor J. W. Thompson,'' was a governor, a landed proprietor, a rent collector, an imposer of taxes, a material producer, an employer of labor on an enormous scale, a merchantman, a tradesman, a banker and mortgage-broker, a custodian of morals, a maker of sumptuary laws, a schoolmaster, a compeller of conscience -- all in one. |
Chester A. Arthur | By 1975, however, Thomas C. Reeves would write that Arthur's'' appointments, if unspectacular, were unusually sound ; the corruption and scandal that dominated business and politics of the period did not tarnish his administration.'' |
Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt | In August 1913, the Governor -- General of Nigeria, Sir Frederick Lugard wrote to Harcourt, then Secretary of State for the Colonies,'' in the absence of any convenient local name, I would respectfully ask your permission to call this Port Harcourt'', to which the Secretary of State replied,'' It gives me pleasure to accede to your suggestion that my name should be associated with the new Port.'' |
Alger Hiss | In May 2009, at a conference hosted by the Wilson Center, Mark Kramer, director of Cold War Studies at Harvard University at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, stated that he did not'' trust a word -LSB- Kobyakov -RSB- says,'' At the same conference, historian Ronald Radosh reported that while researching the papers of Marshal Voroshilov's in Moscow, he and Mary Habeck had encountered two GRU (Soviet military intelligence) files referring to Alger Hiss as'' our agent''. |
Ramsay MacDonald | It was not until 1977 that he received a supportive biography, when former Labour MP David Marquand, later a Professor of Politics, wrote Ramsay MacDonald with the stated intention of giving MacDonald his due for his work in founding and building the Labour Party, and in trying to preserve peace in the years between the two world wars. |
William Ewart Gladstone | In 1916 Lord Kilbracken wrote :'' I have often been asked during the present war (1916) what I thought Mr. Gladstone's attitude would have been if he had been alive at this day. |
Winthrop Mackworth Praed | The pieces he wrote on this occasion were collected in a volume printed at Penzance in 1833 and entitled Trash, dedicated without respect to James Halse, M. P., his successful opponent. |
Edward Horsman | His views and assertions were criticised in'' Mr. Horsman's Statement respecting the Horfield Manor Lease'', by J. H. Monk, bishop of Gloucester, 1852 ; in'' Mr. Horsman's Motion in the House of Commons -LSB- on the institution of Bennett to vicarage of Frome -RSB-, tested by Extracts from' Letters to my Children''', by the Rev. W. J. E. Bennett, 1852 (HANSARD, 20 April 1852, pp. 895 -- 916) ; and in'' An Usurious Rate of Discount limits and prevents the Working Classes from obtaining Employment. |
Vivekananda | In September 2010, India's Finance Ministry highlighted the relevance of Vivekananda's teachings and values to the modern economic environment. |
E. Merton Coulter | Foner also noted that as late as 1968, Coulter,'' The last wholly antagonistic scholar of the era, described Georgia's most prominent Reconstruction black officials as swindlers and' scamps', and suggested that whatever positive qualities they possessed were inherited from white ancestors.'' |
Horace Dimick | Civil booster J. N. Taylor describes H. E. Dimick and Company's wide selection in his 1858 Sketch book of St. Louis :'' The position held by this house is second to none in the world, and has been achieved by the exertions of Mr. Horace E. Dimick, whose name is familiar wherever the rifles is used. |
Jasmine Guy | In 2009, Guy performed in The People Speak, a documentary that used dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries, and speeches of everyday Americans, based on historian Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. |
Milton J. Durham | In 1896, Durham disputed an article that appeared in the Lexington Leader newspaper claiming that he and other sound money backers had advised Treasury Secretary John G. Carlisle not to visit Kentucky at that time. |
William Ewart Gladstone | In his first major speech after he had lost his seat in the 1918 general election, Asquith said :'' That is the purpose and the spirit of Liberalism, as I learned it as a student in my young days, as I was taught it both by the precept and the example of the great Liberal statesman Mr Gladstone... that remains the same today. |
Oliver O. Howard | Carpenter (1963) holds that Howard alone had wisely selected Cemetery Hill, that the order to withdraw was probably a sound one, and that the conflict between Howard and Hancock might have been avoided had Meade himself gotten onto the field. |
Benjamin Grierson | Historian John D. Winters in The Civil War in Louisiana (1963) reports that Grierson's raid'' struck fear in the hearts of the citizens and somewhat demoralized the Confederate forces who failed to stop the move.'' |
Jane Addams | According to Christie and Gauvreau (2001), while the Christian settlement houses sought to Christianize, Jane Addams, `` had come to epitomize the force of secular humanism.'' |
Helena Blavatsky | Mattias Gardell in'' Gods of the blood : the pagan revival and white separatism'' (2003) has documented how the Aryan race ideas of Blavatsky and other Theosophists have influenced esoteric racialist groups such as Ariosophy and scientific racism. |
Modjeska Monteith Simkins | Hundreds of people attended a memorial service following her death on April 5, 1992, and Judge Matthew J. Perry stated : :'' she probably will be remembered as a woman who challenged everyone. |
Charles Sumner | Charles Sumner House, Boston Anne-Marie Taylor's biography of Sumner up to 1851 provided a much more sympathetic assessment of a young man, widely respected, conscientious, cultured, courageous, and driven into political prominence by his own sense of duty. |
Eston Hemings | In a 1902 article of the Scioto Gazette, a correspondent wrote that while Hemings lived in Ohio in the 1840s, it was widely said that he and his brother Madison were the sons of Thomas Jefferson. |
Thomas Stoltz Harvey | In 2005, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Einstein's death, the 92-year-old Harvey was able to give interviews regarding the remarkable history of the brain from his home in New Jersey. |
Mary Seacole | She has been better remembered in the Caribbean, where she was posthumously awarded the Jamaican Order of Merit in 1991. |
Lafcadio Hearn | In Ian Fleming's 1964 novel You Only Live Twice, James Bond retorts to his nemesis Blofeld's comment of'' Have you ever heard the Japanese expression kirisute gomen ?'' |
Rab Butler | Colville recorded in his diary on 10 May 1940, when Churchill was replacing Chamberlain as Prime Minister : Rab said he thought that the good clean tradition of English politics, that of Pitt as opposed to Fox, had been sold to the greatest adventurer of modern political history. |
Mary Treat | One such reference states that : ` Mrs Treat of New Jersey has been more successful than any other observer, and has often witnessed in the case of Utricularia clandestina the whole process' (Darwin, 1875, page 408). |
Margaret Mick | During the 1st Session, 38th Parliament, on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 the Honourable Lorna Milne spoke of Margaret Mick's life and death and had this to say about the woman : Margaret Ann Mick was an uncommon woman who showed uncommon bravery, both personally and professionally. |
Ettie Annie Rout | In 1992, Jane Tolerton wrote her biography, and more recently, she has been more critically perceived as a'' White Australasia'' apologist in Phillippa Levine's account of contagious disease legislation within the late nineteenth century British Empire. |
Noel F. Parrish | Parrish also commented :'' It is a discouraging fact that officers of the Army Air Force, whose scientific achievements are unsurpassed, and whose scientific skill is unquestioned in mechanical matters and in many personnel matters, should generally approach the problem of races and minorities with the most unscientific dogmatic and arbitrary attitudes... Whether we like or dislike Negroes... they are citizens of the United States having the same rights and privileges of other citizens...'' In August 1947 he entered the Air War College at Maxwell Field and graduated the following June. |
John Tenniel | Early tributes as to what Tenniel in his role as a national observer meant to the British nation around the time of his death came in as high praise ; in 1914 New York Tribune journalist George W. Smalley referred to John Tenniel as `` one of the greatest intellectual forces of his time, (who) understood social laws and political energies.'' |
Gamal Abdel Nasser | Historian Steven A. Cook wrote in July 2013,'' Nasser's heyday still represents, for many, the last time that Egypt felt united under leaders whose espoused principles met the needs of ordinary Egyptians.'' |
William Ewart Gladstone | On 8 January 1896, in conversation with L. A. Tollemache, Gladstone explained that :'' I am not so much afraid of Democracy or of Science as of the love of money. |
Emanuel Leutze | In a 1992 opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia described the portrait of Taney, made two years after Taney's infamous decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford, as showing Taney'' in black, sitting in a shadowed red armchair, left hand resting upon a pad of paper in his lap, right hand hanging limply, almost lifelessly, beside the inner arm of the chair. |
W. G. Grace | As John Arlott recorded,'' it was no uncommon sight to see outside a cricket ground'' : CRICKET MATCHAdmission 6dIf W. G. Grace playsAdmission 1 / -- Grace and his brother Fred faced financial difficulty after their father died in December 1871 as they were still living with their mother who had been left just enough to retain the family home. |
Roger Q. Mills | His old colleague and co-worker in tariff reform, former Congressman William L. Wilson of West Virginia wrote in his diary in 1896,'' Poor Mills, how he seems to have gone to pieces since the time when he was leading the tariff reform forces in the House, and a welcome and strong speaker on that great issue all over the country. |
William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp | In his 1977 book, Homosexuals in History, historian A. L. Rowse suggests that Beauchamp's failed appointment as Governor of New South Wales was the inspiration for Hilaire Belloc's satirical children's poem, Lord Lundy which has as its final line a command from his aged grandfather'' Go out and govern New South Wales !'' |
T. E. Lawrence | In 1936 Prof. Lawrence split the remaining assets of the estate, giving Clouds Hill and many copies of less substantial or historical letters to the nation via the National Trust, and then set up two trusts to control interests in T. E. Lawrence's residual copyrights. |
Jacob Riis | Economist Thomas Sowell (2001) argues that immigrants during Riis's time were typically willing to live in cramped, unpleasant circumstances as a deliberate short-term strategy that allowed them to save more than half their earnings to help family members come to America, with every intention of relocating to more comfortable lodgings eventually. |
George Pell | World leaders When John Howard departed the office of Prime Minister of Australia following the 2007 Australian federal election, Pell wrote that, along with Bob Hawke, Howard had been the outstanding figure of Australian life since Robert Menzies and that he had brought 11 years of prosperity and'' changed Australian life for the better''. |
Michael Stern (educator) | In November 1995, Nelson Mandela presented Stern with a Founder's Medal, saying in his speech that Stern's time at Waterford'' demonstrated in the worst days of apartheid, that even those who were free to enjoy the privileges of the system could ally themselves with the oppressed in the interest of non-racialism in Southern Africa.'' |
Annie Oakley | Hearst, however, tried to avoid paying the anticipated court judgments of $ 20,000 ($ 300,000, adjusted for inflation in 2008 dollars) by sending an investigator to Darke County with the intent of collecting reputation-smearing gossip from Oakley's past. |
Charles H. Grasty | jpg | A photo of Charles H. Grasty posing </gallery> Grasty died January 19, 1924, and while many things were said about him at the time of his death, and after, the Sun's editorial after his death stated : `` Probably no citizen of Baltimore ever performed greater public services. |
William Harvey Carney | The Sgt. Carney Salute -- folding of a flag on a staff in a manner to allow immediate unfurling -- was developed by California Scoutmaster J. S. Fox at the 1997 Boy Scout National Scout Jamboree after studying the creases and folds of Civil War Regimental Flags. |
Victoria Earle Matthews | Kramer (2006) quoted her as saying, `` you can not do anything with these people unless you talk plainly to them and are practical.'' |
David Sutherland Hibbard | On March 10, 1994, the College Assurance Plan (CAP) recognized Hibbard's contributions to education with a statue in front of its building'' to inspire the people of today as he did the people of his generation ` to pursue excellence in the best of their intellectual, moral, and spiritual values'''. |
Mahatma Gandhi | U. S. President Barack Obama in a 2010 address to the Parliament of India said that : I am mindful that I might not be standing before you today, as President of the United States, had it not been for Gandhi and the message he shared with America and the world. |
William Ewart Gladstone | Lloyd George said of Gladstone in 1915 :'' What a man he was ! |
Flinders Petrie | Petrie claimed that his'' Dynastic Race'', in which he never ceased to believe, was a'' fine'' Caucasian race that entered Egypt from the south in late predynastic times, conquered the'' inferior'' and'' exhausted'''' mulatto'' race then inhabiting Egypt, and slowly introduced the finer Dynastic civilization as they interbred with the inferior indigenous people (Silberman, 1999). |
Charles E. Merrill | Married three times, Merrill was nicknamed'' Good Time Charlie'' by his friends and was described in 1998 by Time magazine as a'' short, self-absorbed, prideful, flamboyant fellow'' who'' made the gossip pages as regularly as the financial pages.'' |
Alpheus S. Williams | Williams did, however, communicate well with his family, and the letters he wrote throughout the war were saved and published posthumously in 1959 as the well regarded book, From the Cannon's Mouth : The Civil War Letters of General Alpheus S. Williams. |
Franklin Pierce | Many anticipated the diverse group would soon break up, but it remained unchanged during Pierce's four-year term (as of 2013, the only presidential cabinet to do so). |
Victoria Earle Matthews | (p. 208) In New York, she attended public school but had to withdraw to help support her family (Kramer, 2006). |
Spencer M. Clark | Clark is said to have developed the original'' Treasury Seal,'' a variation of which still appears on U. S. notes, according to a 1979 Washington Post article. |
Dayton Miller | William Broad and Nicholas Wade, reporters who wrote Betrayers of the Truth : Fraud in Science (1983), have stated that scientists should have reviewed Miller's research more seriously at the time, and that their refusal to do so is evidence of incompetence and unprofessional conduct. |
George Brandis | On 23 October 2006, Brandis made headlines when he wanted Good Shepherd Catholic College in Mount Isa to ban from its school library the book'' 100 Greatest Tyrants'' by British author Andrew Langley, which places Sir Robert Menzies, the longest serving Australian Prime Minister, in such company as Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein and Augusto Pinochet. |
Louis Renault (industrialist) | In 2011, his heirs again sought to restore Renault's reputation and receive compensation for what they see as the illegal confiscation of his company by the state. |
Ian Stevenson | In support of Stevenson, Almeder argued in Death and Personal Survival (1992) that Edwards had begged the question by stating in advance that the idea of consciousness existing without the brain in the interval between lives was incredible, and that Edwards's'' dogmatic materialism'' had forced him to the view that Stevenson's case studies must be examples of fraud or delusional thinking. |
Josh Brolin | In 2009, Brolin executive produced and performed in The People Speak a documentary feature film that uses dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries, and speeches of everyday Americans, based on historian Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. |
Tom Crean (explorer) | A one-man play,'' Tom Crean -- Antarctic Explorer'', has been widely performed since 2001 by its author Aidan Dooley, including a special showing at the South Pole Inn, Annascaul, in October 2001. |
Charles George Gordon | In a House of Commons speech on 5 May 1948, then opposition leader Winston Churchill spoke out in favor of the statue's return to its original location :'' Is the right honorable Gentleman (the Minister of Works) aware that General Gordon was not only a military commander, who gave his life for his country, but, in addition, was considered very widely throughout this country as a model of a Christian hero, and that very many cherished ideals are associated with his name ? |
Michael P. Grace | In that same June 22, 1885 story, the New York Times concluded that'' Mr. Grace -LSB- Michael P. -RSB- gets a property which cost $ 27,600,900 -- 86 miles of railroad already equipped and in operation, 50 miles of the most expensive tunneling and grading in the world -- for nothing provided he will complete the line.'' |
Forrester Blanchard Washington | However, his leadership of the DUL was short-lived when he was drafted into the U. S. Army to fight World War I. Washington was later released from the army when Dr. George Edmond Haynes (another social welfare pioneer) obtained his release so that he could help assist Dr. Haynes with the newly created Division of Negro Economics within the U. S. Department of Labor (Barrow, 2007). |
Cecil Sharp | In his defense of Sharp, C. J. Bearman took scholars to task for their speedy and uncritical acceptance of Harker's views : To his credit, Harker has never concealed his political allegiances -- he is or was a Trotskyite adherent of the Socialist Workers' Party (Harker 1985, 256-8) -- but at the same time, it must be maintained that his is an extreme political position. |
Arcot Narrainsawmy Mudaliar | Devoted to his faith and of simple habits, sympathetic to the poor, admired and loved by all classes of people, this cultured and kindly man died on the 9th of February 1910 at the age of 83. |
Edgar F. Gordon | After the death in July 1948 of the Speaker of the House of Assembly Sir Reginald Conyers (who in his will left money for the Port Royal School in Hamilton, providing it was'' used for the education of white children''), Gordon told a public meeting that he had only attended Conyers' funeral to'' make sure he was put in the hole''. |
Arthur Desmond | Whatever the truth of his origins, the first concrete evidence of Arthur Desmond's life comes when he stood for parliament in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand in 1884. |
Fuller Pilch | As to the question of how Pilch would compare with the greatest of his successors, Wisden editor Sydney Pardon wrote in W. G. Grace's obituary in the 1916 Wisden : A story is told of a cricketer who had regarded Fuller Pilch as the final word in batting, being taken in his old age to see Mr. Grace bat for the first time. |
James Wilson (businessman) | His grave was discovered in 2007 by CP Bhatia, an assistant commissioner of Income Tax, while he was researching a book on India's tax history. |
Daniel Pratt (eccentric) | Another, from 1864, advertised `` the Hon. DANIEL PRATT, the Great American Traveler and editor of the famous Gridiron, and author of a work entitled the ` Beacon Light,' and candidate for the Presidency, on the power of Master Leading Mind and the War Equilibrium, interspersed with poetry and anecdotes, at the Apollo Rooms... Tickets admitting a gentleman and ladies, fifty cents. |
William Ewart Gladstone | Gladstone wrote to Herbert Spencer, who contributed the introduction to a collection of anti-socialist essays (A Plea for Liberty, 1891), that'' I ask to make reserves, and of one passage, which will be easily guessed, I am unable even to perceive the relevancy. |
Leung Jan | Fung Chun, one of the eldest living members of the Wing Chun Clan, as of 2007, and one of the last true 4th generation masters, states very clearly the name of Leung Jan's Pharmacy should properly be Hang Chai Tong. |
James Anthony Froude | Henry Howard Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon On his second trip to Southern Africa in 1875, Froude was an imperial emissary charged with promoting confederation, a position which conflicted at times with his habit for lecturing on his personal political opinions. |
Henry Reeve (soldier) | The offer was declined, and on September 19, 2005 Fidel Castro created the Henry Reeve International Contingent of Doctors Specialized in Disasters and Serious Epidemics in honor of him. |
Adelbert Ames | In August 2010, Sullivan's attorney brought forth a proposal to Tewksbury's board of selectmen for modifications to the Ames Hill Castle, to fall under the Massachusetts Comprehensive Permit Act : Chapter 40B, which would allow him to legally maintain the property as a multi-unit rental. |
Richard van der Riet Woolley | In a 1936 book review of P. E. Cleator's Rockets Through Space, Woolley wrote :'' The whole procedure -LSB- of shooting rockets into space -RSB-... presents difficulties of so fundamental a nature, that we are forced to dismiss the notion as essentially impracticable, in spite of the author's insistent appeal to put aside prejudice and to recollect the supposed impossibility of heavier-than-air flight before it was actually accomplished'' On appointment as Astronomer Royal, he reiterated his long-held view that'' space travel is utter bilge''. |
Franklin D. Roosevelt | Reflecting on Roosevelt's presidency,'' which brought the United States through the Great Depression and World War II to a prosperous future'', said FDR's biographer Jean Edward Smith in 2007,'' He lifted himself from a wheelchair to lift the nation from its knees.'' |
Charles Darwin | Still rewriting his Journal, he took on editing and publishing the expert reports on his collections, and with Henslow's help obtained a Treasury grant of # 1,000 to sponsor this multi-volume Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, a sum equivalent to about # in 2012. |
Kurt May | In its obituary, The Independent (June 3, 1992) wrote : `` There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who may have never heard the name of Kurt May but who are heavily in his debt. |
Patrick McGilligan | A later Attorney General John M. Kelly in the preface to The Irish Constitution (1980) noted the remarkable number of senior judges who were former students of McGilligan and suggested that given his own firm belief in the value of judicial review he deserves much of the credit for the remarkable development of Irish law in this field since the early 1960s. |
Margaret Ridley Charlton | html McIntyre Medical Sciences Building in November 2012 where it is close proximity to similar plaques to her contemporaries William Osler and Maude Abbott. |
Arthur Evans | His analysis of the site was still regarded as'' an outstanding contribution to Iron Age studies'' with'' a masterly consideration of the metalwork'' by Sir Barry Cunliffe in 2012. |
Hans Karl LaRondelle | In 1949, he came to believe the Seventh-day Adventist message by studying the book The Great Controversy by Adventist pioneer and visionary, Ellen G. White. |
Alan Durst | His obituary in'' The Times'' of 30 November 1970 was written by George Pace and reads - Those who were privileged to work with Alan Durst were able to fully appreciate his integrity and his indomitable spirit ; to enjoy with him his love of fine buildings and his pride in being senior Associate of the Royal Academy and to be enfolded in his gentle goodness and kind courtesy. |
Arthur Keith | Keith died in 1955, some four years before the 100th anniversary of Darwin's work, so that he was clearly not available to write an introduction for the centennial edition (this was actually done by William Robin Thompson). |
Michael Echanis | In contrast, Master Chief Bob Nissley and Raymond Molina, close friends of Echanis' at Fort Bragg and in Managua at the time, believe poor weather and Alegrett's lack of professional training as a pilot were the cause (Interviews with Bob Nissley and Raymond Molina, September 2013, Greg Walker). |
Ernest Rutherford | In 2009, an independent commission concluded that the very slightly elevated levels of various radiation related to Rutherford's experiments decades earlier are not the likely cause of such cancers and ruled the illnesses a coincidence. |
Mary Baker Eddy | Wendell Thomas in his scholarly work Hinduism Invades America (1930) supported the conclusion of Yogananda and suggested that Eddy may have discovered Hinduism through the teachings of the New England Transcendentalists such as Bronson Alcott who had met Eddy. |
William Ewart Gladstone | As Chancellor, Gladstone made a speech at Newcastle on 7 October 1862 in which he supported the independence of the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War, claiming that Jefferson Davis had'' made a nation''. |
Harriet Hemings | Since 1998 and the DNA study, many historians have accepted that the widower Jefferson had a long intimate relationship with Hemings, and fathered six children with her, four of whom survived to adulthood. |
Wilhelm Steinitz | Steinitz responded by inviting Mason to name a sufficiently high stake for a match, at least # 150 per player (equivalent to about # 73,000 in 2007's money), but Mason was unwilling to stake more than # 100. |
Theodore Van Kirk | On September 15, 2013 he spoke for approximately an hour and answered questions about his military service and specifically his role as the navigator on the Enola Gay at the Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Addison, TX. |